

“比得兔”是欧美图画故事书的开山之作,一个世纪以来常销不衰,构建了世界童书史上的世纪经典。它被译成30多种文字,畅销1 10个国家,被誉为“儿童文学中的《圣经》”。

如今,“比得兔”系列故事历经百年而魅力不减,童话中小动物们友爱互助、勤劳勇敢的品质影响着一代又一代的孩子,使它成为照亮千万儿童心灵的不朽经典。 ehO39u9x+s8c6NKJDxoPsng7C+mPrpodqvUZicKKZhavjqDZzC+YRJMH0pn4UBhf


The Tale of Peter


Once upon a time, there were four little rabbits. Their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter. They lived in a cave under a high fir-tree with their Mummy.


One morning, Mummy Rabbit was going to buy some vegetables. She said to the little rabbits: “Now my dears, I am going outside, you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden.”


“Your dad was there caught by Mr. McGregor and was finally put in a pie by Mrs.McGregor.”


“Now run along,and remember what I have said.”

兔妈妈挎着篮子,拿着雨伞,穿过树林,来到了菜市 场。

Then Mummy Rabbit took a basket and her umbrella,and went through the wood to the market.


Flopsy, Mopsy,Cotton-tail, who were good little rabbits, went down the lane to gather blackberries.


But Peter, who was very naughty, ran straight away to Mr.McGregor's garden, and squeezed between the gap of the fences!


First Peter ate some vegetables;and then he ate some carrots.


Afterwards, he still felt hungry, and then he decided to find some lettuce to eat.


But round the end of a cucumber frame, whom should he meet but Mr. McGregor!


Mr. McGregor was on his hands and knees planting out young cabbages, but he jumped up and ran after Peter when he saw him, waving a rake and calling out, “Stop thief !”



Peter was very frightened; he rushed all over the garden,for he had forgotten the way back to the gate. He lost one of his shoes when he ran out.

And the other shoe amongst the potatoes.


After losing shoes, he ran faster, so that he thought he might have got away altogether, but the branches got caught by the buttons on his jacket.


Peter thought he must be dead! He was so sad and shed big tears. Just then, some friendly sparrows, flew to him in great excitement, and implored him to escape fast.


Mr. McGregor came up with a sieve, which he intended to pop upon the top of Peter; but Peter went out by jumping vigorously just in time, leaving his jacket behind him. He could only run out with his naked body.


Peter rushed into a tool-shed, and jumped into a watering can. But it had much water in it.


Mr. McGregor chased to the toolshed, he began to turn the flower pot over carefully,looking under each.


Mr. McGregor found Peter and ran to him. Peter jumped out from a opening window, knocking over some flower pots. Mr. McGregor was so tired to run after Peter. He went back to his work.


Peter sat down to rest; he was out of breath and trembling with fright, and soaked all over.


Peter began to wander about. He found a door,but it was locked.


A mouse was running passed the door. Peter asked:“Where is the gate of the garden, please?” But the mouse had such a large pea in her mouth that she could not answer. She only shook her head at him. Peter was so sad and he began to cry.


Peter came to a pond where Mr. McGregor filled his water-cans, a white cat was staring at some gold-fishes. Peter didn't speak with him.


Peter went back towards the tool-shed, but suddenly,quite close to him, he heard the noise of a hoe-scr-rritch, scratch, scratch, scritch.Peter scuttered underneath the bushes.


Afte rwards, he came out, and climbed upon a wheelbarrow.Peter saw Mr. McGregor was hoeing onions. His back was turned towards Peter, and beyond him was the gate!


Peter got down very quietly off the wheelbarrow; and started running as fast as he could go, along a straight walk to the garden. When Mr. McGregor caught sight of him, he already arrived by the gate, and he slipped underneath the gate, and was safe at last in the wood outside the garden.


Mr. McGregor hung up the little jacket and the shoes for a scare-crow to frighten the blackbirds.


P eter never stopp ed running till he got home under the big fir-tree.


Peter was so tired that he flopped down upon the nice soft sand on the floor to have a rest. His mother was busy cooking; she caught a glimpse of Peter and wondered why he lost his clothes again.


Peter was sick. His mother put him to bed, and made some camomile tea for him.


But Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-tail had bread and milk and blackberries for supper. ehO39u9x+s8c6NKJDxoPsng7C+mPrpodqvUZicKKZhavjqDZzC+YRJMH0pn4UBhf


The Tale of Fisher Jeremy


Once upon a time, there was a frog called Mr. Jeremy Fisher. He lived in a damp little house amongst the green plants at the edge of a pond.


Mr. Jeremy liked getting his feet wet.


Jeremy pushed the door, and looked outside. He was quite pleased when he saw the big drops of rain slashing in the pond.


“I will get some worms as baits and catch some fishes for my dinner,” said Mr. Jeremy Fisher. “If I catch more fish, I will invite my friends Newt Ike and Turtle Mand. The Mand, however, likes eating salad.”


Mr. Jeremy put on a raincoat, and a pair of shiny galoshes;he set off with his rod and basket.


Jeremy jumped to the place where his boat placed.


Jeremy took a reed pole, and pushed his boat out into open water. “I know a good place for minnows.” Mr. Jeremy said to himself. Jeremy stuck his pole into the mud and fastened the boat to it.


Then he settled himself cross-legged and prepared his fishing tools. His rod was a tough stalk of grass, his line was a fine long white horse-hair, and he tied a little wriggle worm at the end. The delicate red float was his favourite.


Not for a while, it rained. The rain trickled down Jeremy's back, and his clothes were wet. “I'm so tired, I think I should have some lunch.” He said to himself.

杰里米撑 着 船回到了草丛 中,他从篮子里拿出午餐。“我还是吃一块儿面 包,等雨停了再出去吧。”他心里想。

Jeremy punted back again amongst the water-plants, and took some lunch out of his basket. “I will have a piece of bread,and wait till the shower is over.” Mr. Jeremy Fisher thought.


Just then, a little bug drilled out of the water, swam underneath the lotus leaf and bit one of Jeremy's galoshes. Jeremy crossed his legs up to avoid the little bug.


Something moved with a rustle and a splash amongst the rushes at the side of the pond.“Maybe it's a strange mouse; I think I'd better get away from here.” said Mr. Jeremy.

杰里米把小 船 划到远处,然后 放下鱼饵。这个时候,浮标剧烈地动了一下,有鱼咬钩了。“鱼上 钩了,我想一定是条鲦鱼。”杰里米渔夫一边大叫,一边 猛地提起钓 竿。

Jeremy shoved his boat to a far place, and dropped in the bait. At that moment, the float moved acutely, a fish bite the hook. “It must be a minnow!” cried Jeremy Fisher, jerking up his rod hard.


But it's a horrible surprise! It was not a fat minnow; it was a stickleback covered with spines!


The stickleback floundered on the boat, opening his prick and blind rushing everywhere until he was out of breath, and then jumped back into the water.


A group of little fishes stretched their heads out of the water, and laughed at Mr. Jeremy Fisher.



Jeremy sat on his boat gloomily, sucking his sore fingers and staring at the water surface.

At that moment, a worse thing happened.



A huge trout came up with a splash.

He jumped up and seized Jeremy at once!


“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Jeremy was so scared and he shouted loudly.

Thanks for the trout disliked the taste of Jeremy's raincoat,and in less than half a minute it spat him out. But he swallowed Mr. Jeremy's galoshes.


Jeremy jumped out of the surface of the water, and he swam with all his might to the edge of the pond. He scrambled out on the first bank he came to.


Jeremy rushed home across the meadow with his raincoat all in tatters seized by the trout.


“I have lost my rod and basket, but it doesn't matter, I am still alive, it's the luckiest thing.” Jeremy said to himself.


Jeremy put some sticking plaster on his hands. Both of his friends came to dinner. He had no fish for them, but he had something else in his larder.


Mr. Newt Ike wore a black and gold waistcoat.


And Sir Turtle Mand brought a bag of vegetables.


Instead of delicious minnow dinner, they had a roasted grasshopper and a plate of vegetables. Jeremy and his friends all thought it was a delicious dinner! ehO39u9x+s8c6NKJDxoPsng7C+mPrpodqvUZicKKZhavjqDZzC+YRJMH0pn4UBhf
