
Chapter One
Remonstrations—Part A


Duke Zhuang showed great enthusiasm for courage and strength to the extent of neglecting righteous conduct. Tremendously strong and courageous officers stopped at nothing in their dealings in the capital;ministers of ducal blood did not offer good advice, and his intimate courtiers did not point out faults. And so Yanzi went to have an audience with the Duke.

The Duke said: “Surely there were those in ancient times who established their prominence in the world solely on the basis of courage and strength, were there not?”

Yanzi answered: “I have heard that to carry out the rites with little thought of death is called courage. Punishing the violence undeterred by the powerful is called strength. Therefore, to set up courage and strength depends upon practicing the rites and righteousness. Tang and Wu resorted to arms, and yet they were not considered rebellious; they annexed lands of others to their own territory and yet they were not considered avaricious – all because of their principles of humaneness and righteousness.When punishing the violent, they were undeterred by the powerful; when abolishing criminal behavior, they were undeterred by the mob. Such was their practice of courage and strength. Those among the ancients who were courageous and strong were those who implemented rites and righteousness.But now, superiors lack the principles of humaneness and righteousness and inferiors lack the practice of abolishing criminal behavior and punishing the violent. Regional princes attempting to establish their prominence in the world solely on the basis courage and strength do so at the cost of putting their states in peril, and the high officer do so at the cost of bringing ruin upon their families. In the time of the Xia dynasty’s decline, there lived Tui Chi and Da Xi in the time of the Yin dynasty’s decline, there lived Fei Zhong and Wu Lai. Their legs were strong enough to walk for a thousand li and their arms could tear apart rhinoceroses and tigers. They were recruited into service because of their strength, but they oppressed the world and massacred the innocent. Because Jie and Zhou rized courage and strength and neglected righteousness and moral principle, they were destroyed, and Yin and Xia declined. And now you, my Lord, show great enthusiasm for courage and strength to the extent of neglecting righteous conduct. Tremendously strong and courageous officers stop at nothing in their dealings in the capital; they establish their prominence through power and strength and act on the basis of excessive violence. Your ministers of ducal blood do not offer good advice, and your intimate courtiers do not point out faults. This behavior contradicts the virtue of the sage-kings and follows a course of action that leads to the downfall of rulers. I have never heard of anyone who survived while conducting himself in this manner.”


Duke Jing, in his cups, declared: “Today I wish to enjoy myself drinking in the company of all my high officers. Let us therefore dispense with the rites.”

Yanzi squirmed, changed expression, and said: “My Lord, what you say is mistaken. All your ministers, in fact, wish that you dispense with the rites. It would be easy enough for anyone with great strength to subdue his superior; it would be easy enough for anyone with great courage to commit regicide – but the rites prevent such occurrences. Wild beasts gain dominion by means of force; the strong assault the weak, and as a result, their leaders are replaced day after day. If you, my Lord, now dispense with the rites, then this situation will be akin to that of the wild beasts. If all your ministers gain dominion by means of force, if the strong assault the weak and the leader is replaced day after day, how would you, my Lord, keep your position as a leader? It is a general principle that humans’ superiority over wild beasts derives from people’s possession of the rites. As it says in the Odes :

A man without the rites,

Why should he not die quickly?

It is impossible to dispense with the rites.”

But the Duke steeped himself in wine and paid no heed. Shortly afterwards, when the Duke left the room, Yanzi did not rise to his feet, and when the Duke returned to the room, once again Yanzi did not rise. Then,when they raised their goblets in a toast to each other, Yanzi was the first to drink.

The Duke was furious; he changed color, pressed his hands against the table, stared fiercely at Yanzi, and said: “A while ago you, Master, taught me that it would not be right for people to dispense with the rites. Nevertheless,when I left the room and when I reentered it, you did not rise. When we raised our goblets in a toast to each other, you were the first one to drink.Are these proper rites?”

Yanzi withdrew from his mat and bowed twice with his forehead touching the ground and addressed the Duke, saying: “Do you, my Lord,think that I would presume to forget what has been said during this audience? I merely wanted to show you what it would actually be like without the rites. If you, my Lord, wish to dispense with the rites, then this is how things would be.”

The Duke said: “Well said; it is my fault. Return to your mat, Master,and I will receive your instruction.”

Three more rounds of drinking took place, and then no more drinks were served. From that day onwards, the Duke restored law and cultivated rites, thereby putting the governance of his state in order. And the people were reverential.


Duke Jing drank wine, and after a three-day hangover he recovered.

Yanzi came for an audience with him and said: “Were you suffering from a hangover?”

The Duke said: “Yes.”

Yanzi said: “In ancient times, the drinking of wine was sufficient merely to enhance blood circulation and to make people friendly — that and nothing more. Therefore, men did not allow a social gathering for entertainment purposes to hinder their duties, and women did not permit themselves to hinder their tasks. When men and women held large social gatherings for entertainment, five rounds of drinking took place, and those who exceeded this were severely punished. The ruler himself observed this rule, and therefore the governmental policies did not provoke resentment in the country at large and the entourage did not create disorder within the court. But now you drink wine all day long and sleep it off for three days. There is resentment against the governmental policies in the country at large, and your entourage creates disorder within the court. Those who should curb themselves by punishments and are incited to wrongdoing and those who should be self-motivated by rewards and praise are dissuaded from acting well. Superiors depart from virtuous conduct; people belittle rewards and punishments, and the basis for maintaining the state is lost. I wish, my Lord, that you would restrain your drinking.”


Duke Jing drank wine nonstop for seven days and seven nights.Xianzhang remonstrated with him, saying: “My Lord, you have now been drinking wine for seven days and seven nights. I implore you, my Lord,to refrain from drinking. If you do not, I request permission to commit suicide.”

Yanzi entered the room for an audience and the Duke said to him:“Zhang remonstrated with me and said that I should refrain from drinking or else he would request permission to commit suicide. If I accept his words,a minister would be exercising control; if I do not accept his words, then I will appear to relish his death.”

Yanzi said: “How lucky Zhang has been to interact with you, my Lord.Had he interacted with Jie and Zhou, he would have been long dead.”

At that, the Duke refrain from drinking.


During the time of Duke Jing there was a long, seventeen-day spell of incessant rain, through which the Duke drank wine continuously,day and night. Three times, Yanzi asked that grain be distributed to the people, but his request was denied. At that time the Duke sent Bo Ju on a nationwide tour in search of talented singers. Upon hearing this, Yanzi was displeased and thereupon distributed grain from his own household to the displaced people and abandoned the loading tools along the paths of the fields

He then walked on foot for an audience with the Duke and said: “It has been raining for seventeen days; there are dozens of ruined houses in every district and several hungry families in every village. The old and weak among the people do not have even short hemp garments to protect them against the cold, nor dregs and bran to fight their hunger. If those whose houses were destroyed seek escape, they have no place to turn, and,though they are looking all over, they find no one to address their complaint to. But you, my Lord, have not been concerned, all this time, with all these and have been occupied in drinking day and night, having issued statewide orders to provide you with music continuously. Your horses eat the grain of the public granaries; your dogs gorge upon fine meats of pastured and grain fed animals; and the concubines of the three palaces are well provided with millet and meats. Is this not excessive for dogs, horses, and concubines, and paltry for people in general? It is because of this that the districts and the villages are exhausted, and no authority exists to complain to — subjects lack the comforting presence of a superior. The people are starving and have no one to complain to — they do not enjoy the comforting presence of a ruler. Holding bamboo counting sticks, I follow the minor officials from the various public offices and learn that the people are starving,suffering hardship and destitution, but have no one to whom to complain.For allowing my superior to be beguiled by drink, leading him to lose his grip and not be concerned with the afflicted— my guilt is great.” He bowed twice with his forehead touching the ground, asked to be dismissed from office and quickly ran out from the palace.

The Duke followed him but since the streets were extremely muddy he could not catch up to him. He gave orders to the charioteer to chase after Yanzi to his house, but there, too, he did not catch up to him. The Duke saw that grain had been completely distributed among the displaced people and that the loading tools were abandoned along the paths of the fields. He then pursued Yanzi and caught up to him at the crossroads.

He stepped down from the chariot, followed Yanzi, and said: “I am guilty, you abandoned me and offer no help. But if I am not worthy to have you defer to me, then will you not be neglecting the altars of soils and grain and the people? I hope to be fortunate enough to have you saving me.Now I would like to propose that the grain and the wealth of Qi be turned over to the people. Your command alone will determine the measures and weights of distribution.” Then, in the middle of the road, he made obeisance to Yanzi, and Yanzi then returned and sent Bing on a tour of inspection amongst the displaced people, to give families that had supplies of cloth but lacked food a portion equaling a month’s share of grain; and to families that lacked both these resources, a share of food sufficient for a full year. And to displaced people who had nothing stored at all, he gave sufficient firewoo to last until the end of rains. He ordered Bo Ju to tour amongst the displaced people and distribute money to families whose roof could not provide shelter. The mission of traveling and locating displaced people who did not have money and materials was to be completed in three days. Whoever was late would be punished as if he had disregarded order. The Duke left the capital and occupied a hut on the outskirts. He ate less meat and abstained from wine. His horses did not eat the grain of the public granaries and his dogs did not eat gruel mixed with meat. The budget for attendants was reduced and gifts were held back from those who were given to drink.After three days, the scribes reported to their superiors that the work was completed: seventeen thousand impoverished households of displaced people had been found, nine-hundred and seventy thousand zhong of grain and thirteen thousand carts of firewood had been distributed. Twenty-seven hundred destroyed households had been found and three thousand pieces of gold had been expended. Afterwards, the Duke returned to court and ate a scanty meal while the string instruments of the qin and the se were not made taut and the bells and drums were not displayed. Yanzi asked the Duke to dismiss members of the entourage, as well as those who sang and danced so expertly that their presence could entice the Duke with entertainment.Three thousand attendants were dismissed from the lesser palaces. Three concubines and four officers whom the Duke favored were expelled from the palace.


When Yanzi went to the court for an audience, Du Jiong was already there waiting for his own audience, gazing into the distance.

Yanzi said: “Why does the Duke not hold court?”

Du Jiong answered: “The Duke was awake all night and therefore he cannot hold court.”

Yanzi said: “How did this come about?”

Du Jiong answered: “Liangqiu Ju has brought in the singer Yu, who altered the sound of a traditional Qi melody.”

Yanzi retired from the audience hall and ordered the Master of Sacrifices and the Invocator to implement the rules of the rites and to seize Yu.

When the Duke heard this, he was furious and said: “Why did you have Yu arrested?”

Yanzi replied: “Because the new music led you into debauchery, my Lord.”

The Duke said: “I wish to consult with you concerning affairs of the regional princes and the affairs of the various governmental offices.However, Master, I do not wish you to meddle with my taste in wine and sweet liquor and the sound of bronze and stone instruments. Why does music always have to be played in accordance with the old fashion?”

Yanzi answered: “When music perishes, the rites follow suit; when the rites perish, the government follows suit; when the government perishes,the state follows suit and declines. I am fearful that you, my Lord, have carried out a perverse policy. The debauched and vulgar character of the composition of the Northern-District Dances, commissioned by Zhou, as well as the music of You and Li, makes it clear why they all perished. How then can you, my Lord, change the music of antiquity so frivolously?”

The Duke said: “It is my misfortune to be responsible for the grand enterprise of the altars of soil and grain. I uttered my words without choosing them correctly. I request to receive your instructions.”


On the occasion of an awards banquet in the capital, Duke Jing sought to reward three men with ten thousand zhong of grain each, and five other men with a thousand zhong of grain each. The order was issued three times,but the treasurer did not comply with it. The Duke became furious and ordered the treasurer’s dismissal. The orders were repeated three times, but the Chief Judge did not comply with the order.

The Duke was displeased, and when Yanzi appeared for an audience,the Duke said to him: “I have heard that he who rules the state has the capacity to grant benefits to those he favors and to alienate those he disfavors. Now, however, I find myself unable to confer benefits upon thos I favor and alienate those I disfavor. This means that I have failed with respect to the way of the ruler.”

Yanzi responded: “I have heard that if the ruler is correct and the ministers follow suit that is called obedience. If the ruler is aberrant and the ministers follow suit, that is called defiance. But now, if you, my Lord,reward slanderous and flattering ministers and compel your offials to obey;this is what makes you fail with respect to the way of the ruler, and this is what makes ministers fail in maintaining their official responsibilities. The former kings appointed those whom they cherished, in order to encourage excellence, and they removed those whom they did not favor, as preventive measures against political violence. Formerly, when the Three Dynasties prospered, those who were beneficial to the state were cherished and those who were harmful were despised. Therefore, the kings made it clear whom they cherished and so the worthy and the good grew in number. They made it clear whom they despised, so the depraved and the deviant were exterminated. Hence, the world was well governed and the people lived in harmony with one another. But when the time came that the Three Dynasties declined, the rulers fell into frivolity and slacking and into indulgence and amusements in their private lives. Those who obeyed them were cherished,but those who disobeyed them were despised. As a result, they made clear what they cherished, and thus the depraved and the devious flourished.They made it clear what they despised, and thus the worthy and the good were exterminated. They drove the people apart and scattered them, and the altars of soils and grain were endangered and destroyed. You, my Lord, did not give thought to the prosperity of the sage-kings, on the one hand, and,on the other, you did not pay heed to the decline of the negligent rulers.I am afraid, my Lord, that in light of your practice of perverse policies,those in office do not presume to contest your policies, and therefore the altars of soil and grain will be destroyed and your ancestral shrine will be endangered.”

The Duke said: “I was unwise. I would like to follow the instructions of the Chief Judge.”


Duke Jing entrusted slanderers and sycophants. He rewarded those who were lacking in merit and punished the innocent.

Yanzi remonstrated with him, saying: “I have heard that the enlightened ruler looks up to the sages and believes in their moral instructions. I have not heard that he listens to slanderers and sycophants in meting out punishments and rewards. But now you and your entourage take pleasure in singing each other songs of praise: ‘With death at hand let us apply all our energy to amusements. There is no way for us to practice humaneness and care for the common people.’ Therefore, favored concubines in the palace relentlessly plunder the capital; beyond the palace, favored ministers vigorously plunder the border towns; and the officials who execute the laws lay their yoke on the people. The people grow miserable and sorrowful,poor and sick, while the wicked and the deviou enjoy the pinnacle of leisure. The actual state of affairs is obscured and evil is concealed. They hoodwink their superiors, so that even a perfect sage or a great worthy could not possibly stand up to these slanderers. And so, the loyal ministers are often struck by personal disaster. I have heard that in ancient times, if the ruler could ally himself with the officer, he would win him over— if not,he would lose him. If the ruler could ally himself with an officer, he would advance the officer’s career— if not, he would hold him back. I request to escape from all this.” Thereupon, he whipped his horses and departed.

The Duke ordered Han Zixiu to pursue him, saying: “I am not humane and am incapable of acting in accordance with your instructions. Thus, we have reached this extreme state of affairs. If you, my Master, withdraw from the capital and leave, I will follow right behind you.”

Thereupon, Yanzi whipped his horses and turned back. His servant said: “Why did you hastily disappear before, and why do you now just as hastily turn back?”

Yanzi answered: “This is beyond your understanding. The Duke’s words were perfect.”


Xian, the Prince of Di, who was serving Duke Jing as a minister,drove a chariot pulled by twice the usual number of horses. The Duke saw the chariot and was displeased. When the Duke’s favorite concubine,Yingzi, expressed her desire to see the chariot, he said: “As long as Yanzi lies ill in bed.” Then they took seats on a terrace inside the park and viewed the chariot from there. Yingzi was pleased and she therefore asked the Duke: “Give the Prince a generous emolument!” The Duke agreed.

When Yanzi rose from his sick bed, he went for an audience with the Duke. The Duke said: “I was very pleased with the chariot of Xian, prince of Di. Shall I ask him to display it for you?”

Yanzi said: “The business of driving a chariot does not pertain to my duties.”

The Duke said: “I considered it praiseworthy and took pleasure in it and so I would like to grant him an emolument of ten-thousand zhong of grain. Is this enough?”

Yanzi answered: “Formerly, you were pleased with the chariot of Dongye, an officer from Wei, but Yingzi was displeased. For this reaso my Lord, you said that you were displeased with it too, and therefore did not look at it any longer. Just recently you were displeased with the chariot of Xian, Prince of Di, but Yingzi was pleased with it. For this reason, you too are now pleased with it, and you have approved her request. This means that a woman is making the rules. Moreover, you do not enjoy ruling people but you enjoy ruling horses. You do not grant generous emoluments to the worthy, you grant it to a charioteer. In the days of our former ruler, Duke Huan’s domai was smaller than it is today. He instituted a system of laws and extended political order and moral cultivation, thereby becoming the overlord of all the regional princes. But now you, my Lord, have failed to cultivate a close relationship with even a single regional prince; it is a year of natural catastrophes and famine, and the roads are covered with corpses staring at each other. Yet you, my Lord, are not worried, nor do you feel shame about this, but you only seek titillation of the eye and ear. You do not promote our former ruler’s outstanding accomplishments, but rather are preoccupied only with the skill of charioteering. Hence, you have not paid attention to the people, and you have exceeded in neglecting the interests of the state. As it says in the Odes :

Driving teams of three, teams of four,

The princes are coming.

Driving a chariot of eight horses certainly violates this rule; now, is not doubling this number of horses an even greater violation of that rule?Furthermore, if you, my Lord, really consider this beautiful and enjoy it,then certainly there will be numerous others in the state who will do the same. Hunting will therefore be difficult, and it will be impossible to come from afar via the roads. Under such circumstances, the number of horses needed for your service will be multiplied several times. This is certainly the wrong way to hold the reins of power. The sage-kings prohibited indulging in excessive sensual pleasure and not addressing the affairs of the people. If you, my Lord, indeed consider the chariot beautiful and enjoy it,then certainly some among the regional princes will follow our example.My Lord, trying to benefit the regional princes while lacking substantial virtues and good government yourself, and then substituting such virtues for depraved actions is not the way to tend to people as if they were your children, nor the way to earn yourself a glowing reputation, nor the way to make people come from afar to your country, nor the way to promote close ties with the neighboring states. Moreover, the worthy and the good have been abandoned and have perished, widows and orphans have not been supported, yet on advice of your favorite concubine you give a charioteer a generous emolument; so that resentment accumulates. This is the way to make the people your enemies. As it says in the Odes :

A clever man rears a city wall;

A clever woman brings it down.

Now you, my Lord, do not apply yourself to promoting the construction of the city wall, but rather are preoccupied only with its destruction. The day of the downfall of your state is at hand. My Lord, give it your careful consideration!”

The Duke said: “Well argued.” Thereupon, he did not look at the chariot again. He dismissed Xian, Prince of Di, sending him back home,and distanced himself from his favorite concubine, Yingzi.


Duke Jing had five sons. Those who were commissioned to be their tutors had one hundred chariots each. Yanzi was one of them. The Duke summoned the tutors and said to each: “Do your best, and I will choose the son that you tutor to become my successor.”

When Yanzi’s turn came, he declined and said: “A ruler gives orders to his ministers to do their utmost, carrying the burden on their shoulders; so how could I, a minister, not presume to do my best? But now, the families that have one hundred chariot are the families of the powerful ministers of the state. If each one of them undertakes your command, my Lord, that says, ‘Do your best, and I will choose the son that you tutor to become my successor,’ this would result in discord among the heirs and partisan division, leading the way to the overthrow of the state. I do not presume to obey your order and hope that you, my Lord, will give it your careful consideration.”


A man from the state of Qunyu gave his daughter as a concubine to Duke Jing and she gave birth to a so named Tu. The Duke loved him and the ministers plotted to depose the crown prince Yang Sheng in favor of Tu.The Duke informed Yanzi about it.

Yanzi said: “It would not be proper. Taking the noble as equal to the lowly is harmful to the state. Setting aside the elder son and installing the younger as a successor is the root of disorder. Yang Sheng is the elder, and the people of the state support him. You, my Lord, should not change this.Clothes and positions have their proper ranks, and therefore the lower do not supersede the higher. There are rites pertaining to the appointment of a son as a successor; therefore, the son of a concubine should not disrupt the family line. I wish that you, my Lord, would teach Tu the rites, so as not to let him fall into perversity, guide him with righteousness and prevent him from sinking into self-interest. When the elder and the younger sons each follow his own proper way, then the wife’s son and the concubine’s son receive their proper standing. How would Yang Sheng presume not to let Tu appease his hunger with the taste of millet and meat, and delight to the sound of bell and stone, when such conduct would lead to such worries?You cannot instruct those below you by deposing the elder and appointing the younger; you cannot benefit those you love by honoring the concubine’s son and degrading the wife’s son. If no difference in rank exists between the elder and the younger, and no difference exists between the son of the formal wife and the son of the concubine, then this is the root of fostering the wicked and sowing the seeds of evil. You, my Lord, should give this your careful consideration. It is not that the enlightened rulers of antiquity did not know various pleasures; but rather, they were of the opinion that excessive pleasures result in misery. It is not that they did not know how to install their cherished ones as their successors, but rather, they thought that the loss of righteousness results in troubles. For these reasons, they tempered enjoyment with proper measure and installed sons as successors in accordance with the Way. If people serve you, my Lord, with slanders and flattery, then they are not qualified to be charged with responsibility and trust. But now you, my Lord, make use of the advice of slanderers and you pay heed to the words of those who create disorder, deposing the elder and appointing the younger. I fear that in the future, there will be people who will use your mistakes, my Lord, to support their own perversities.They will depose your younger son and reappoint your elder in order to attain profit for themselves. My Lord, you should give this your careful consideration.”

The Duke, however, paid him no heed. After Duke Jing’s death, the Tia clan killed Lord Tu and reinstalled Yang Sheng. They then killed Yang Sheng and installed Duke Jian as his successor. They then killed Duke Jian and seized control of the state of Qi.


Duke Jing suffered from scabies and intermittent fever for a whole year. He summoned Hui Qian, Liangqiu Ju, and Yanzi and asked them about it: “Since my illness became severe I charged Gu, the Scribe, and Tuo, the Invocator, to tour the temples of the famous mountains and rivers,and the ancestral temple. All the requisite sacrificial animals and the gui jade baton and bi jade disk for offering were prepared; nothing was missing.I’ve always provided a greater number of offerings than did my predecessor,Duke Huan—where Duke Huan offered one, I doubled it—and still my illness did not cease but rather worsened greatly. I wish to execute these two in order to make the God on High happy. Would that be advisable?”

Hui Qian and Liangqiu Ju said: “It would.” Yanzi did not answer.

The Duke said: “Yanzi, what do you think about it?”

Yanzi said “Do you believe that prayers are beneficial, my Lord?

The Duke said: “Yes.”

Yanzi continued: “If you think that prayers are beneficial, then surely curses are also harmful. If you neglect your aides and distance your reliable advisors, my Lord, then loyal ministers will be blocked and remonstrations will not be issued. I have heard: ‘When ministers close at hand are rendered speechless and ministers removed from the throne become mute, the mouths of the masses seethe like molten metal.’ Now, numerous people live in the area ranging from the East of Liao and She to the West of Gu and You. Many among the common people reproach, vilify, and curse you to the God on High, my Lord. When an entire state curses you and only two pray for you, then even if they are very good invocators, they will not be able to prevail. Moreover, if the invocators’ prayers truthfully describe the state of things, then they will vilify you. If they conceal your mistakes, then they will cheat the God on High, my Lord. If the God on High has numinous force, then he cannot be deceived; but if he has not, then prayer to him is of no benefit. I wish that you would thoroughly consider the matter, my Lord.Otherwise you will execute the innocent, and this was the reason for the downfall of Xia and Shang.”

The Duke said: “You are good at dispelling my confusion. I hereby endow you with additional official titles. Then he ordered Hui Qian to stop dealing with the business of government in Qi, and Liangqiu Ju to stop dealing with the affairs of guests of the state, and charged Yanzi with both tasks.

Yanzi wanted to refuse, but he was not granted permission to do so.He accepted the position of prime minister and left the audience. He took charge of the affairs of the government, and during the next month the Duke recovered from his illness.

The Duke said: “In the past, my predecessor, Duke Huan, thought that Guanzi was meritoriou and enfeoffed him with the cities of Hu and Gu so that he could offer freshly killed game in his ancestors’ temple. To grant gifts to a loyal minister is to praise a loyal minister. Now you are my loyal minister; I would like to grant you Zhou-kuan as a fiefdom.

Yanzi declined, saying: “Guanzi had one excellent trait that renders me inferior and one vice that I cannot bear to commit. The latter is his sacrificing of game at the temple of the ancestors.

He ultimately declined and did not accept the enfeoffment.


Duke Jing went on a pleasure excursion to Maiqiu and asked a villager “How old are you?”

He answered: “Your humble servant is eighty-five.”

The Duke said: “O, what a long life. Would you bless me?”

The villager said: “May your years increase to a long life that will be good for the state, my Lord.”

The Duke said: “Excellent. Would you bless me again?”

The villager said: “May your descendants, my Lord, all live as many years as your humble servant lived.”

The Duke said: “Excellent. Would you bless me again?”

The villager said: “May you, my Lord, not offend the people.”

The Duke said: “I grant you that there have been cases where people of low status have offended the ruler. But how can there be a case of a ruler offending the people?”

Yanzi remonstrated: “You are wrong, my Lord. When those who are distant from the ruler commit an offense, they are punished by those who are close to the ruler. When the lowly people commit an offense, the noble punish them. When a ruler offends the people, who will punish him? I presume to ask: Were Jie and Zhou executed by rulers or by the people?”

The Duke said: “I have been obstinate.” Thereupon, he granted the city of Maiqiu as a fiefdom to the villager.


Through the mediation of Yi Kuan, Wei, a female shaman from Chu, was granted an audience with Duke Jing. For three days she sat in attendance with Duke Jing, who was pleased with her.

The shaman from Chu said: “You, My Duke, are a sovereign with the stature of the bright spirits and a ruler of the caliber of Emperors and Kings. My Lord, seventeen years ago you acceded to your position, but your deeds have not been fully successful because the bright spirits have not descended. I request permission to summon the Five Emperors in order to make your virtue shine forth, my Lord.”

The Duke bowed twice, with his forehead touching the ground.

The shaman from Chu continued: “Permit me to make a tour of inspection to the suburbs of the capital in order to identify the place where the Five Emperors are going to reveal themselves.”

When the shaman arrived at Mount Niu, she did not dare to ascend it, saying: “The site for the Five Emperors to present themselves is south of the capital. I would like to perform a purification ceremony first and the ascend the mountain.”

The Duke gave orders to the various officials to prepare the puification utensils at the site indicated by the shaman from Chu. Yi Kuan took charge of the matter.

Yanzi heard of this and went for an audience with the Duke, saying:“Did you order the shaman from Chu to purify herself in order to ascend Mount Niu, My Duke?”

The Duke said: “Yes, she is going to summon the Five Emperors in order to make my virtue shine forth, and then the spirits will shed their blessings upon me. Will that not be helpful?”

Yanzi said: “Your words are wrong. The virtue of the ancient kings was substantial enough to pacify the entire world. Their conduct was broad enough to accommodate the multitude. The regional princes supported them and regarded them as rulers and as superiors; the people gave them their allegiance and regarded them as their own parents. For these reasons,Heaven and Earth and the four seasons were in faultless harmony. Stars,planets, sun, and moon traversed their regular courses without disorder.It was only after their substantial virtue and broad conduct corresponded with the Heaven and accorded with the seasons that they could become rulers of the caliber of Emperors, kings and sovereigns of the stature of the bright spirits. The ancients were not negligent in their conduct, nor did they multiply their sacrifices unduly. They did not belittle themselves by relying on shamans. Now the government is in disorder, conduct is deviant,and you seek the illustrious virtue of the Five Emperors? You discard the worthy, and yet you use a shaman and you want the Five Emperors and the Three Kings to manifest themselves in your presence? The people do not acknowledge virtue without good cause; good fortune does not befall upon you without good cause; is it then not difficult, my Lord, to realize your aspirations regarding the Five Emperors and the Three Kings? What a pity!My Lord, your position is noble but your arguments are lowly.”

The Duke said: “It was Yi Kuan who directed me, in regard to the Chu shaman, saying: ‘Test her and observe the results.’ I received the shaman for an audience and was pleased with her. I put faith in her way and followed her words. Now you, my master, have criticized this, and you would have me expel the shaman from Chu and put Yi Kuan into custody.”

Yanzi said: “The shaman from Chu should not leave the country.”

The Duke said: “Why so?”

Yanzi answered: “If the shaman from Chu is allowed to leave the country, then some regional princes or other is bound to take her in. You,My Duke, trusted her and thereby committed an error within your domain;this is not wise. If you let her leave the country she will, from without,affect the regional princes for the worse; this is inhumane. Please send the shaman from Chu to the East and put Yi Kuan in custody.”

The Duke said: “Very well,” and the he sent the shaman from Chu to the East and placed Yi Kuan into custody within the capital.


There was a great drought in Qi for an extended period of time. Duke Jing summoned all his ministers and asked them: “Rain has not fallen from Heaven for a long time, and the people appear to be nearly famished. I had someone divine in the matter and he said that the noxious influence is in the high mountains and the wide waters. I would like to collect a small assessment in order to offer a sacrifice to the Numinous Mountain. Is this permissible?”

Not one of the various ministers answered. Yanzi stepped forward and said: “It would not be proper. There is no advantage in offering this sacrifice. In fact, the Numinous Mountain has stones as its body, and grass and trees as its hair. When rain has not fallen from Heaven for a long time,its hair will be scorched and its body will be seething. How would he alone not wish for rain? What would be the point of offering him a sacrifice?”

Duke Jing said: “If not so, then I wish to sacrifice to the Lord of the Yellow River. Is this permissible?”

Yanzi said: “It would not be proper. There is no advantage in offering it a sacrifice. The Lord of the Yellow River has water as his state and fis and turtles as his people. When rain has not fallen from Heaven for a long time, the level of the springs will recede and all the water will dry up. His country will perish and his people will die. How could he himself not wish for rain? What would be the point of offering the Lord of the Yellow River a sacrifice?”

Duke Jing said: “But what alternatives do I have now?”

Yanzi replied: “My Lord, were you to really leave your palace and expose yourself to the sun, sharing the worries of the Numinous Mountain and the Lord of the Yellow River — isn’t it possible that this might be considered a blessing, and rain might fall?”

Thereupon, Duke Jing went out to the open field and exposed himself to the sun. In fact, after three days, Heaven did pour down heavy rain and all the people could sow at the right time. Duke Jing said: “Excellent! How could Yanzi’s words not be put to use? He alone has virtue.”


Duke Jing was looking at the view from the bank of the Zi River while he was standing idly with Yanzi. The Duke heaved a sigh and said:“Oh, if my state could be protected for a long time and then be passed on to my descendants, would that not be a joy?”

Yanzi answered: “I have heard that the enlightened kings did not ascend the throne without a reason, and the people did not come to them in vain. But now for a long time you, my Lord, have played havoc with the state through your government and by your conduct you have abandoned the people; yet you say you wish to protect the state—is this not difficult?I have heard that he who can protect his state over an extended period is the one who can do good his entire life. Moreover, the regional prince who is able to persist in doing good his entire life becomes the superior among his peers. When officers study together, he who does good his entire life becomes their master. In the past, when our former ruler Duke Huan first employed the worthy and praised the virtuous, even a doomed state might have maintained its existence by relying on him, and an endangered state might have been made safe by looking up to him. For that reason,the people rejoiced at his way of governing, and the entire world highly esteemed his virtue. He traveled to distant places in his campaigns against the violent, and those who labored for him did not complain. He had sway over the entire country between the seas and induced the regional princes to pay court to the Son of Heaven, and they did not complain. During that period, our mighty ruler’s virtuous conduct could not have been surpassed.In his final days, however, when the state declined, he neglected virtue and was overcome by pleasure. He became besotted with women, and he plotted matters with Shu Diao. For this reason, the people suffered from his government and the entire world condemned his conduct. Therefore,when he died in the Hu Palace, the burial ceremonies were not performed;even when worms crept out of his corpse, he was still not put into a coffin During that period, even Jie and Zhou could not have come to a worse end.As it says in the Odes :

All are good at first.

But only few succeed to the last.

He who is not able to do good through the end of his days is one who cannot successfully fulfill his role as ruler. But now you, my Lord, rule the people as if they were an enemy; at the sight of someone good, you seem as if you want to escape the heat; you play havoc with the government and you endanger the worthy; you are bound to act contrary to the multitude; you make unrestrained demands on the people and cruelly punish your subjects.I am afraid you will personally suffer the consequences. I am already old and cannot be expected to continue in my service to you, my Lord, much longer. Unless you are able to radically change your conduct, I will maintain my moral integrity until I die — that and nothing more.”


Duke Jing went on a pleasure excursion to Mount Niu. He looked northward toward his capital city and burst into copious tears, said: “What can be said of the flood of those who departed this city and died?”

Ai Kong and Liangqiu Ju both followed him and wept. Only Yanzi stood at the Duke’s side and laughed.

The Duke wiped his tears away, looked at Yanzi and said: “My touring today was marked by sadness. Kong and Ju both followed me and wept;you alone laughed. Why?”

Yanzi replied: “If the worthy could retain the state forever, then Duke Tai and Duke Huan would have retained it forever. If the courageous could retain the state forever, then Duke Zhuang and Duke Ling would have retained it forever. Yet if these few rulers had retained it, how could you, my Lord, have assumed this position and ascended to the throne? Because of a string of men who occupied the throne and lost it, the position has come down to you, my Lord, and you are the only one who burst into tears over this. This shows a lack of feeling — I saw one ruler who was lack of feeling and two flattering ministers. This is why I alone ventured to laugh.”


Duke Jing went on a pleasure excursion to Gong-fu. Looking northwards, he saw the capital of Qi and said: “Oh, if from ancient times no death had existed — what would that be like?”

Yanzi said: “In the past, the God on High considered it good that people passed away — the humane find respite in death and the inhumane submit to it. If no death had existed since ancient times, then Duke Ding and Duke Tai would still have the state of Qi, and Dukes Huan, Xiang, Wen and Wu would be its Chief Ministers. You, my Lord, would wear a bamboo hat and a coarse woolen garment and would be going through the fields stooped over hoe and weeder. How much time would you have then to worry about dying?”

The Duke flushed with anger; he was displeased.

After a little while, Liangqiu Ju arrived in a chariot with six horses.

The Duke said: “Who is this?”

Yanzi replied: “It is Ju.”

The Duke said: “How do you know that?”

Yanzi replied: “If one drives horses at full gallop during the Greater.

Heat, then at worst, the horses will die and, at best, they would be injured.Who then other than Ju would presume to act so?”

The Duke said: “Ju and I are in harmony with one another — is it not so?”

Yanzi answered: “This is what is called conformity. As for what is called harmony, if the ruler is the sweet then the minister is the sour, and if the ruler is the bland, then the minister is the salt. Now as for Ju: because you, my Lord, are the sweet, he too is sweet. This is called ‘conformity’;how can this be called ‘harmony’?”

The Duke flushed with anger; he was displeased.

After a little while the sun set. When the Duke looked westward, he saw a broom-comet. He summoned Bochang Qia to exorcise it by sacrifice

Yanzi said: “You can’t do that! This is a Heavenly instruction. Vapor surrounding the sun and moon, untimely wind and rain, and the appearance of broom-comets are signs provided by Heaven on account of disorder among people. Therefore, Heaven decrees evil omens only in order to admonish those who lack respect. If you, my Lord draw support from this sign and accept remonstrations; if you pay courtesy visits to the sages and the worthy, then even if you do not try to exorcise the broom-comet, it will vanish by itself. But, you, my Lord, are fond of wine and overcome by pleasure. Your government is not in proper order and you tolerate the petty. You associate with slanderers and you are fond of entertainers. You despise men of culture and you keep your distance from sages and worthy men. How can you have time to worry about the broom-comet when a blurred-comet is about to appear?”

The Duke flushed with anger; he was displeased.

After Yanzi died, the Duke stepped out from behind his folding screen and said, crying “Oh, formerly when I followed the master and traveled around Gongfu, he found fault with me three times in a single day. Who will find fault with me now


When Duke Jing went on a pleasure excursion to Hantu and saw decomposing corpses, he kept silent and asked no questions.

Yanzi remonstrated, saying: “In the past, when our former ruler, Duke Huan, went on a pleasure excursion and saw hungry people, he gave them food, and when he saw sick people, he gave them money. His orders did not bring people to exhaustion and the taxes he collected did not burden the people too much. When our former ruler planned to go on a tour, all the people said joyfully: ‘Could we be fortunate enough that our Lord will pass through our district?’ But now you, my Lord, went on a pleasure excursion to Hantu, whose population consists of forty villages. They have given up their property and are unable to pay your taxes; they have exhausted their strength, and they cannot carry out your compulsory labor. The people are hungry and cold, frozen and famished; the decomposing corpses lie with eyes staring at each other — but you, my Lord, asked no questions and thereby failed in the way of a ruler. When means are reduced and strength is totally exhausted, then inferiors will have no way to feel close to their superiors. When superiors are arrogant and live extravagantly, they have no way to feel close to their inferiors. Mutual alienation between superiors and inferiors and lack of intimacy between a ruler and subjects were the reason for the decline of the Three Dynasties. If you, my Lord, now continue to act like this, then I fear that the threat against your ruling lineage will give rise to the fortune of a different clan.”

The Duke said: “Yes. Because I, as a superior, thought little of inferiors, I imposed heavy taxes and forgot the people. My offence is great indeed.”

Thereupon, he had the decomposing corpses collected and grain distributed among the people. The local population of the forty villages did not have to undergo compulsory labor for a whole year, and the Duke did not make any pleasure excursions for three months.


At the time of Duke Jing, there was a snowfall that lasted three days without stopping. The Duke, wrapped in a robe of white fox fur, sat on stairs at the side of the hall. Yanzi entered for an audience and stood still for a moment.

The Duke said: “How strange that it snows for three days and yet the weather is not cold.”

Yanzi said: “Is the weather really not cold?”

The Duke laughed.

Yanzi said: “I have heard that the worthy rulers in ancient times ate to their fill, yet they knew that the people were hungry; they were warm, yet they knew that the people were cold; they were at ease, yet they knew that the people were toiling. But now you, my Lord, know nothing about that.”

The Duke said: “Well said. I have now heard your instructions.”

Thereupon, he ordered that fur robes be handed out and grain distributed among the hungry and the cold. He issued an order to refrain from questioning people seen on the road about their home districts and from questioning people seen in the villages about their families. He calculated the census throughout the state without asking for the names of people. Officers already in service received allotted sums for two months,and the sick among them received sums for two years.

When Confucius heard of this, he said: “Yanzi is capable of clarifying his wishes. Duke Jing is capable of carrying out what he considers good.”


At the time of Duke Jing, Mars was stationed in Xu and for a whole year did not leave that position.

The Duke thought it odd, so he summoned Yanzi and asked: “I have heard that Heaven rewards people who do good and inflicts disaster upon those who do the opposite. Mars represents Heaven’s punishment, and since Mars is now stationed in Xu, who should be held accountable for that?”

Yanzi said: “Qi should be held accountable for it.”

The Duke was displeased and said: “There are twelve major states in the world, all of which are called the principalities. Why should Qi, in particular, be held accountable for it?”

Yanzi said: “Xu represents the celestial sphere of Qi.


Heaven sends down disasters,

they are certainly intended for the rich and powerful states.

Where people who do good are not employed,

and adopted administrative policies are not enforced.

The worthy are kept distant,

and slanderers, wrongly, prosper.

People hate, complain,

and pray for their own fortune.

The mediocre vigorously conceal their faults,

they could go to their death and no one would care.

Therefore, the various constellations are not in sequence,

and variable stars emit flashes of light

Mars turns against its orbit,

and the inauspicious star still lingers.

The worthy are not employed;

how could destruction be avoided?”

The Duke said: “Can Mars be made to leave?”

Yanzi responded: “Something that can be made to come can also be made to go; something that cannot be made to come cannot be made to go either.”

The Duke said: “How should I deal with it?”

Yanzi answered: “You have to do away with the numerous unjust convictions and let the people return to their fields. Distribute the property of all officials and give it as charity to the people. Give money to the orphans and widows, and respect the old. Once you have accomplished this,all evils will be banished – let alone this inauspicious star, is this not so?”

The Duke said: “Well argued.” He practiced this for three months and then Mars moved away.


Duke Jing raised an army and was about to attack Song. When the army was passing Mount Tai, he saw in his dream two men standing before him with a furious expression on their faces — their fury was extreme. The Duke woke up in fear, closed the door and summoned the diviner of dreams,who arrived.

The Duke said: “Tonight I dreamed that two men stood before me with a furious expression on their faces, and I did not understand their words.Their fury was extreme. I still retain their looks and voices in my mind.”

The diviner of dreams said: “Your army passed Mount Tai without offering a sacrifice and therefore the spirits of the mountain are angry.Please immediately summon the Invocator and the Scribe to offer a sacrifice at Mount Tai and then everything will be in order.”

The Duke said: “Very well.”

The next day, Yanzi was received for an audience and the Duke told him what the diviner of dreams had said.

The Duke said: “These were the words of the diviner of dreams:‘Your army was passing along Mount Tai and you did not offer a sacrifice.Therefore, the spirits of Mount Tai are angry.’ Now I am sending someone to summon the Invocator and the Scribe to offer a sacrifice to the spirits.

Yanzi bowed his head for a short while and replied: “This was beyond the understanding of the diviner of dreams. These were not the spirits of Mount Tai, but rather Tang and Yi Yin, the ancestors of Song.”

The Duke remained skeptical and continued to think of them as the spirits of Mount Tai.

Yanzi said: “If you are skeptical, my Lord, then please let me describe the figures of Tang and Yi Yin. Tang had pale skin and was tall. He had whiskers on his chin. The upper part of his face was narrow and the lower part broad. He had upright posture and a high voice.”

The Duke said: “Right, that’s the one.”

“Yi Yin had dark skin and was short. He had disheveled hair and whiskers. The upper part of his face was broad and the lower part narrow. He had a humpback and a low voice.”

The Duke said: “Right, that’s the one. What should be done now?”

Yanzi said: “Tang, Taijia, Wuding and Zuyi were mighty rulers of the world and it is improper that they have no successors. Yet, their successors have only Song, and you are going to attack it, my Lord. Therefore, Tang and Yi Yin are furious. Please disband your troops and make peace with Song.”

Duke Jing did not heed the advice and ultimately attacked Song.

Yanzi said: “To attack a guiltless state and to infuriate the illustrious spirits thereby; to refuse to change a pattern of action and thereby to continue to accumulate distresses; to advance armies and in so doing suffer great misfortune —all these are beyond my understanding. If in fact your army does advance, this will certainly have a disastrous effect on the troops.”

The troops advanced to a distance that required camping for two night then, the drums were smashed and the general died.

Thereupon, the Duke apologized to Yanzi, disbanded the troops, and ultimately did not attack Song.


Duke Jing went hunting in Shuliang and he did not return for eighteen days. Yanzi left the capital and went to see the Duke. When he arrived, his gown and headgear were awry, but he did not tie the belts of the gown and the headgear. When Yanzi saw the tassels of the Duke’s flags, he galloped towards him.

When the Duke saw Yanzi, he stepped down from his chariot, hurriedly fastened his belt and said: “Master, why you are in such a rush, is there any alarming situation in the state?”

Yanzi answered: “Surely there is no emergency; and yet, I would like to report to you as follows: All the people in the state think that you, my Lord, are more at ease in the open fields than in the capital, and that you are fond of wild animals and dislike the people. Is that not unacceptable?”

The Duke said: “What can you possibly mean? Is it because of the unjust settlement of legal suits between man and wife? For that matter,Ziniu, the Judge, is there. Is it because sacrifices are not offered at the altars of soils and grain, and in the ancestral temples? For that matter, Ziyou,the Senior Invocator, is there. Is it because there is no one who receives the regional princes and official guests? For that matter, Ziyu, the Master of Protocol, is there. Is it because the fields are not cultivated and because the granaries are not full? For that matter, the Manager of Agriculture is there. Is it because of surpluses or shortages in the state For that matter,you, my Master, are there. My having these five masters is like the heart having four limbs. It is because the heart has four limbs that it can relax. It is because I now have five masters that I can relax. How could this not be proper?”

Yanzi said: “What I have heard is different from what you have said.As for the heart having four limbs and relaxing — this may well be. But if the four limbs are made to exist without the heart for eighteen days, is this not too long?”

Thereupon, the Duke stopped the hunt and came home.


Duke Jing was shooting birds when a peasant frightened them away.The Duke was furious and ordered an official to execute him.

Yanzi said: “The peasant is ignorant. I have heard that to reward those without merit is called ‘fomenting disorder’ and to punish the ignorant is called ‘tyrannical oppression.’ Both were prohibited by the former kings. It would not be right to transgress the prohibitions of the former kings simply because of birds. But now you, my Lord, fail to understand the regulations of the former kings and you lack the mind of humaneness and righteousness.For this reason, you indulge your desires and you execute capriciously. As for birds and animals, people certainly depend on them for support; so was it not fitting that the peasant frightened them away?”

The Duke said: “Well argued. From now on, the prohibition regarding birds and animals should be relaxed, eliminating the need to be harsh to the people.”


Duke Jing had commissioned someone to look after his favorite horse,but the horse died after a sudden illness. The Duke was furious and ordered his men to wield their knives and dismember the groom.

At the time, Yanzi was in attendance before the Duke, and when the Duke’s entourage had taken hold of their knives and moved forward,Yanzi stopped them and asked the Duke: “May I ask, when Yao and Shu dismembered people in ancient times, with which part of the body did they begin?”

The Duke, frightened, said: “It is I who initiated this punishment.”

And so, they did not proceed to dismember the groom.

The Duke said: “Put him in jail.”

Yanzi said: “Allow me to list his crimes for you, my Lord, so that he may know the crimes, and afterward send the man to jail.”

The Duke said: “You may.”

Yanzi listed them by saying: “Your crime is threefold. The Duke commissioned you to groom his horse, but you let it die — this is your first capital crime. Moreover, you allowed the best horse of the Duke to die — this is your second capital crime. And if you have caused the Duke to have a person killed because of a single horse —when the people hear of it, they will certainly bear resentment against our Lord; when the regional princes hear of it, they will certainly belittle our state. By allowing the Duke’s horse to die you will cause the people’s complaint against the Duke to grow and our military strength to be weakened with respect to the neighboring states —this is your third capital crime. But now, because of this, you will be put in jail.”

The Duke sighed and said: “Pardon him.” aGzKKCaKtyYPnAc7h666wMgkVSmGtzikv2483S/5g1dY6bssPegWdqWqfnUMPXPp
