


GO FOR IT 9 Unit 6 Section A 1



时间: Nov 24,2015


班级:初三(2 )班

教学内容: GO FOR IT 9,Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to,Section A 1

课前,播放 Michael Jackson 的一首 MV 《 This is it 》。学生在欣赏的同时,马上对这位已故流行天王充满了兴趣,开始谈论起他的音乐。铃声响过,停止播放,出现一张格莱美奖杯的幻灯片,开始课堂导入。

导入结束后,进入 Presentation 。


T:So now,you have learnt something about one of the biggest events in music,Grammy. And I’m sure all of you can find your favorite music in Grammy. Because there’re many kinds of music in Grammy. But how many kinds of music do you know?






T:You are very great. Let’s listen to a piece of music and try to tell me what kind it is.

(T plays a piece of ROCK,which is from the song We will rock you.)

S4:It’s rock.

T:Yes,you’re right. And who can tell me what is rock like?

S4:It’s loud.

T:Anything else?Is it strong?

S4:Yes,it’s strong.

(T writes “ rock ” on the Bb and leads students to read aloud together for a few times.)

T:What is it like?

Ss:Loud and strong.

(T writes “ loud ” and “ strong ” after “ rock ”.)

(让学生先听一段典型的摇滚曲子,里面的电吉他部分特别有摇滚味道。然后让学生根据听到的,来说说摇滚的特征,充分调动了学生的思维。而 loud 和 strong 这里两个词都是学生已学会的单词。)

T:Do you like rock?(Ask S4 )

S4:Yes,I do.


S4:Because it’s loud and strong.

(T displays a short dialogue on the screen. A:Do you like rock?Why?B:Yes,I do. Because it’s loud and strong.)

(通过“ Why?”这一个问句,让“ loud ”和“ strong ”

这两个表示 rock 特征的单词重复了一遍,为后面的定语从句做好铺垫。)

T:You like rock which is loud and strong,don’t you?

S4:Yes. I like rock which is loud and strong.

(T displays another short dialogue on the screen. A:What kind of music do you like?B:I like rock which is loud and strong. Then T has Ss read the dialogue aloud together.)

T:Do you like rock?(Ask S5 )

S5:No,I don’t.


S5:Because I don’t like music that is loud and strong.

(S5 是班上一个学习认真但是内向女生,预习习惯很好,属于学优生。叫她回答就是要出现一个否定回答。不过她能将预习过的课文中的句子拿出来用,体现了与老师上课的配合,着实很好。)

(T writes the sentence I like music that/which is loud and strong. on the Bb.并在“ music ”这个单词下面画一个长方形,在里面可以写入“ rock ”等音乐种类的单词。)


T:Let’s listen to another piece of music and try to tell me what kind it is.

(T plays a piece of RAP,which is from the song Lose yourself,sung by Eminem.)

S6:It’s rap.

(T writes “ rap ” on the Bb and leads students to read aloud together for a few times.)

T:Yes,you’re good. And who can tell me what is rap like?

S6:It’s fast.

T:Anything else?Is it like someone speaking?


T:Rap is a type of popular music in which the words of a song are not sung,but spoken in time to music with a steady beat. So,rap usually has long lyrics.

(T writes “ fast ” and “ have long lyrics ” on Bb and has Ss read aloud together.)

(虽然 S6 的“ rap ”对错了,但是她还是反应对了,说明学生对音乐种类还是有一些了解的。说唱通常歌词比较长,就在此呈现“ lyrics ”这个词。)

T:Do you like rap?(Ask S6 )

S6:Yes,I do.


S6:Because it’s fast and long lyrics.

(发现 S6 表述出现了语法错误,马上给予纠正: because it’s fast and has long lyrics. S6 在老师纠正完之后,自动重新说了一遍。)

(T displays a short dialogue on the screen. A:Do you like rap?Why?B:Yes,I do. Because it’s fast and has long lyrics.)

T:You like rap which is fast and has long lyrics,don’t you?

S6:Yes. I like rap which is fast and has long lyrics.

(T displays another short dialogue on the screen. A:What kind of music do you like?B:I like rap which is fast and has long lyrics. Then T has Ss read the dialogue aloud together.)

T:Do you like rock?(Ask S5 )

S5:No,I don’t.


S5:Because I don’t like music that is fast and has long lyrics.

(第二次启用 S5,一是预知她不会喜欢 rap 这种类型,二是用她的回答来强化句型。)

(T writes the word rap in the box on the Bb.)


T:Listen up. Please tell me what kind it is.

(T plays a piece of R&B,which is from the song Superstar,sung by Usher.)

(稍等片刻,才有一个学生说“ Pop ”。)

T:No. It’s R&B,Rhythm & Blues.

(T writes “ R&B ” on the Bb and leads students to read aloud together for a few times.)

T:What’s the feature of R&B?What is it like?

S7 :节奏不错。

T:Yeah,it has nice rhythm.

(T writes “ rhythm ” after “ R&B ” and leads students to read aloud together for a few times.)

[这一环节,增加了新词“ feature ”(单元要求)和“ rhythm ”(课外补充)]

T:R&B is a style of popular music that is a mixture of blues and jazz. It’s different from Pop. But pop has its feature. Do you like R&B?(Ask S7 )

S7:Yes,I do.


S5:Because it has nice rhythm.

(T displays a short dialogue on the screen. A:Do you like R&B?Why?B:Yes,I do. Because it has nice rhythm.)

T:He likes R&B which has nice rhythm,doesn’t he?(T asks the class.)

Ss:Yes,he does. He likes R&B which has nice rhythm.

(T displays another short dialogue on the screen. A:What kind of music do you like?B:I like R&B which has nice rhythm. Then T has Ss read the dialogue aloud together.)

(T writes the word R&B in the box on the Bb.)





音乐是最能体现文化的载体,通过对音乐常识的学习,帮助学生了解英语文化。因此从介绍格莱美引入,通过“边听辨认” 5 段音乐,向学生呈现描述音乐特征的丰富单词和短语,并使用定语从句进行操练,用以表达对音乐的喜好。同时,希望利用这 5 段典型的音乐,让学生对不同类型的音乐有一个立体而形象的印象。考虑到班级学生来自不同地方,有来自市区的,也有来自农村的,他们对音乐的类型,尤其是对以英语为背景的西方音乐了解甚少,因此备课的时候准备了一些用简单词汇来解释说明,用以辅助学生完成表达。


(1 )精选的音乐片段,活跃的课堂气氛

精挑细选的 5 个音乐片段,都是各个类型音乐中典型歌手的典型曲目,因此非常具有代表意义。而学生对这 5 段音乐的现场感受,从他们的脸上表情已经得到了满意的答案。在面对老师的多个提问,各个层次的学生都跃跃欲试。虽然有些只是一个词,有些只是一个短语,有些是完整的句子,但是这已经说明学生在积极思考,投入到学习中去。

(2 )构建了生动形象的英语教学




(1 )一个平时英语成绩非常不错的男生,居然睡着了。不知道是前一个晚上休息不好,还是对音乐没有好感。课后询问那个学生,他坦诚地表示,不是讨厌上课,而是对音乐不感兴趣。

(2 )有相当一部分同学不了解各种音乐类型极其特点。这个现象在学困生中尤为显著。他们对音乐感兴趣,完全是出于“好听”,很少带有钻研的意识,哪怕是一点点。可以看出,学生对文化背景知识的缺乏,还是比较严重的。学习的过程应该是学生的知识与所要教授的新知识的共鸣,没有这层共鸣,学生就不会产生学习体验。因此,在教授英语语法知识的同时,还要安排足量文化背景知识的输入。 4kTGXUad/GetC3Xwvc8wwa6csvxXJYVW2BSTypqlkIPTFF0dIGLV8fhgv8JOqJ5R
