

A dandelion plant grew in the grass outside a garden wall.

Her leaves were green, and her flowers were bright yellow.

Dandelion was as happy as she could be,because she had many friends.

The raindrops, the sun, and the winds were her friends.

The raindrops gave her all the water she wanted to drink.

The sun kept her warm.

The winds came to play with her.

Dandelion had many flower friends, too.

The clovers lived near her, by the road.

Some garden flowers lived near her, on the other side of the wall.

By and by one of Dandelion’s yellow flowers was gone.

Instead of a flower there was a white ball.

The ball was made of little seeds, and the little seeds had wings.

One day Dandelion saw two children in the garden.

Each of them had a little basket.

They were picking the ripe seeds of the garden flowers.

They did not take Dandelion’s seeds.

By and by May said, “I have picked all the ripe seeds I see.”

George said, “I have picked some, too.”

Then May said, “We will take them all to Mother.

She will keep them until next spring.

Then we can plant them.”

Dandelion watched May and George put the seeds into their little baskets.

Then the children went into the house.

Dandelion thought about what May and George had said.

She knew that they were going to plant the flower seeds next spring.

She wanted her seeds planted, too.

“My seeds are as ripe as the seeds of the garden flowers,” said Dandelion.

“I wish that May and George would come and pick my seeds. Then they could be planted next spring.”

Dandelion felt very sad.

Just then Robin saw her.

“Cheer up! Cheer up!” sang Robin.

Dandelion said, “I can not cheer up. No one will plant my seeds.”

“Wait and see,” said Robin.

“Maybe someone will plant them for you.”

“Oh, who will take my seeds?” thought Dandelion, when Robin flew away.

Just then West Wind came along.

“Oh, dear West Wind, who will take my seeds?” asked Dandelion.

“I want them planted next spring.”

West Wind said, “I will take your seeds and plant them for you.”

“Oh, thank you!” said Dandelion.

“But how will you take them?”

West Wind said, “I will take your ripe seeds by their little wings.

I will plant them in many places where there are no dandelions now.”

“What a kind friend you are,” said Dandelion.

West Wind said, “I like to plant seeds. I plant many seeds every year.”

How happy Dandelion was when West Wind called, “Ready. One, two, three. Go!”

Then West Wind blew hard.

Away flew the seeds on their little wings.

Dandelion saw some of her seeds near her.

She saw many of them flying in the air.

West Wind said, “I will blow some of your seeds far, far away.”

Dandelion watched the seeds fly far away.

Then Robin came to see Dandelion again.

He sang, “Cheer up! Cheer up!”

Dandelion said, “I am very happy now,dear Robin.

West Wind took my seeds.

He will plant them, and they will grow next spring.”

Robin sang a song to Dandelion.

Then Dandelion went to sleep.

—— Emilie Poulsson 4KJLZbmBSQSZlIdeDaPulFH0fcHdP4z+KwmPf6Q0ERK04GXRYEFoVxXQq/hjAQvo
