
All the elephants raised their trunks and cried:“What a good idea! What an excellent idea!”


The elephants set to work quickly. Arthur and Zephir hand out the tools. Babar tells each one what he should do. He marks with sign-boards where the streets and houses should go. He orders some to cut down trees, some to move stones; others saw wood or dig holes. With what joy they all strive to do their best! The Old Lady is playing the phonograph for them and from time to time,Babar plays on his trumpet; he is fond of music. All the elephants are as happy as he is. They drive nails, draw logs, pull and push,dig, fetch and carry, opening their big ears wide as they work.


Over in the big lake, the fish are complaining among themselves: “We can't even sleep peacefully any longer,”they say. “These elephants make the most dreadful noise!What are they building? When we jump out of the water we really haven't time to see clearly. We'll have to ask the frogs what it is all about.”


The birds also gathered together to discuss what the elephants were up to. The pelicans and the flamingos, the ducks and the ibis and even the smaller birds all twittered, chirrupped and quacked, and the parrots enthusiastically kept repeating:“Come and see Celesteville, the most beautiful of all cities!Come and see Celesteville, the most beautiful of all cities!”


Here is Celesteville! The elephants have just finished building it and are resting or bathing. Babar goes for a sail with Arthur and Zephir. He is well satisfied, and admires his new capital. Each elephant has his own house.


The Old Lady's is at the upper left, the one for the King and Queen is at the upper right. The big lake is visible from all their windows. The Bureau of Industry is next door to the Amusement Hall, which will be very practical and convenient.

建在左上方的是老夫人的房子,国王和王后的房子位于右上方。每家每户打开窗户,都可以一眼看到湖水。工商局建在了娱乐大厅的一侧,以后会十分实用便利。 BotT+79kDjAVDia75V2EtGLPdmGiXL2GfhV9Q7OLMBKJ1Wuhq2+jod6bscW6DdMU
