
Off in the country of the elephants, King Babar and Queen Celeste are rejoicing: they have signed a treaty of peace with the rhinoceros, and their friend, the Old Lady, has consented to remain with them. She often tells the elephants'children stories;her little monkey, Zephir, perched up in a tree, also listens.


Leaving the Old Lady with Queen Celeste, Babar has gone for a walk along the banks of a large lake with Cornelius, the oldest and wisest of all the elephants, and he says to him, “This countryside is so beautiful that I would like to see it every day as I wake up.”


“we must build our city here. Our houses shall be on the shores of the lake, and shall be surrounded with flowers and birds.” Zephir, who has    followed them, would like to catch a butterfly he sees…


While chasing the butterfly, Zephir meets his friend Arthur,the young cousin of the King and Queen, who was amusing himself hunting for snails. All of a sudden, they see one, two,three, four dromedaries…five, six, seven dromedaries…eight,nine, ten…There are more than they can count. And the chief of the cavalcade calls to them: “Could you please tell us where we can find King Babar?”


Escorted by Arthur and Zephir, the dromedaries have found Babar. They are bringing him all his heavy baggage and all the things which he had bought out in the big world, during his honeymoon. Babar thanks them: “You must be tired,gentlemen. Won't you rest under the shade of the palm trees?”Then, turning to the Old Lady and to Cornelius, he says: “Now we will be able to build our city.”


Having called an assembly of all the elephants, Babar climbs up on a packing case and, in a loud voice, proclaims the following words: “My friends, I have in these trunks, these bales,and these sacks, gifts for each of you. There are dresses, suits, hats and materials, paint boxes, drums, fishing tackle and rods, ostrich feathers, tennis rackets and many other things. I will divide all this among you as soon as we have finished building our city. This city—the city of the elephants—I would like to suggest that we name Celesteville, in honor of your Queen.”

所有的大象都被巴巴召集了过来,他爬上一个行李箱,站在高处大声对大家说了这些话:朋友们,在你们眼前的这些行李箱、包裹,还有大袋子里,装的是我送给大家的礼物,每个人都有份。有连衣裙、西装、帽子和布料,还有装颜料的盒子、鼓、钓具和鱼竿、鸵鸟身上的羽毛、网球拍和其他许多东西。等我们把城市建设好,我就将这些礼物分给大家。关于这座城市——大象的城市,我建议以王后的名字命名,就叫西莱斯特城。 J9ozcWw1mRKtumy77l12yz23V6B5bhXLy1YgI4gQSdyTOOqSzQbt83wanwm73OEj
