
One morning Babar said to Cornelius: “Old Friend, you who have been my constant companion through good times and bad, listen now to my wonderful news. Celeste, my wife, has just told me that she is expecting a baby."


Then, pointing to the footstool, he continued: “Here is a new hat for you and also a message I have just written to my subjects.Take it and read it to all the inhabitants of Celesteville."


After having congratulated and thanked Babar, Cornelius puts on his full-dress uniform. Standing before the gateway of the Royal Palace, he tells his drummer to assemble the townspeople.


Slowly he unfurls the King's proclamation, puts on his spectacles, and reads in a loud voice. The elephants, gathered together in large numbers, listen respectfully.


Dear and loyal subjects

When you hear a salute fired from a cannon, do not be alarmed.It will not mean that another war has begun, but simply that a little baby has been born to your King and Queen in the Royal Palace.In this way you will all learn the glorious tidings at the same time.Long live the future mother,your Queen Celeste!






Here, reproduced exactly, is Babar's message, which Cornelius read.


Babar is trying to read, but finds it difficult to concentrate;his thoughts are elsewhere. He tries to write, but again his thoughts wander. He is thinking of his wife and the little baby soon to be born. Will it be handsome and strong? Oh, how hard it is to wait for one's heart's desire!


Celeste urges him to go for a ride on his bicycle, to take his mind off the big event, and Babar finally consents.


After having pedalled several miles, he finds a pleasant spot and decides to rest. Seated on the grass, he admires the surrounding countryside, Celesteville and Fort Saint John. “It is from there that the cannon will be fired," he says to himself.


At this very moment: Boom! Babar hears the salute. “There it goes!What a shame that I wasn't at home!" thinks Babar. He immediately mounts his bicycle and rides home as fast as he can pedal.


There, up on the turret,the Artillery Captain of the King's Guard carries out the orders he has just received by telephone. He gives the command. One blank shot is fired, then another and finally a third.


The elephants gather in groups on the promenade and begin to wonder and ask questions. King Babar had only mentioned one shot. Why did the gunners fire off three? Cornelius himself cannot understand it.


Babar reaches home quite breathless from his fast ride. He also had heard three shots. He dashes headlong up the stairs,joyfully rushes into Celeste's bedchamber and embraces his wife tenderly.


She smiles and proudly shows him three little baby elephants. That explains everything. One salute for each child;three babies equals three salutes.But what a surprise to find three babies when you only expected one!


The Old Lady has one in her arms, and the nurse holds the other two. Arthur and Zephir are terribly excited. Babar has given them permission to come and see the babies. They walk in quietly.“Oh! How tiny!" says Zephir. “Oh!How cute!" adds Arthur, as he admires the baby lying in the cradle.


Celeste had prepared only one cradle; so the nurse quickly makes another one out of a wash basket, a towel and an umbrella. It is crude, but the babies are warm and sheltered.

西莱斯特只预备了一个摇篮。不过,保姆很快拿来一个洗衣用的篮子,然后又用一条毛巾和一把雨伞制作成一个摇篮。虽然样子看起来不太精致,但是宝宝躺在里面却很暖和,也有地方可以睡了。 lHPe80OMQs5AOaejFkEbc6faI/3EQGkgIZzFd9YIJy+4rWrG/r20dH4vR1oxPaLb
