

The Educational Instruction Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies is dedicated to leading and promoting the healthy development of the international education of Chinese medicine and the standard education of Chinese medicine specialists all over the world.As early as the time when it was founded,the Educational Instruction Committee,under the leadership of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies(WFCMS),organized a series of international expert meetings to analyze the future development of Chinese medicine education worldwide.The experts put forward some suggestions and solutions concerning the global development of the education of Chinese medicine,and drafted the World Standard of Chinese Medicine Undergraduate (Pre-CMD)Education [ Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Běn Kē (CMD Qián) Jiào Yù Biāo Zhǔn ,世界中医学本科(CMD 前)教育标准].At the 4th council meeting of the 2nd session of WFCMS held in May 2009,the World Standard of Chinese Medicine Undergraduate(Pre-CMD) Education [ Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Běn Kē (CMD Qian) Jiào Yù Biāo Zhǔn ,世界中医学本科(CMD 前)教育标准] was issued after serious discussion and consideration.

The international education of Chinese medicine is growing rapidly and vigorously.The cultivation of professionals of Chinese medicine relies heavily on having relevant curriculum of Chinese medicine.However,due to the unbalanced development of the education of Chinese medicine in different countries,the professional curriculum varies significantly among educational institutions.Besides,the core contents are sometimes incongruent.Hence,it is imperative to determine the core curriculum for Chinese medicine.

To realize the professional education of Chinese medicine through the practice of Chinese medicine at educational institutions in different countries (regions),the Educational Instruction Committee of the WFCMS formulated the World Core Curriculum for Chinese Medicine (Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Zhuān Yè Hé Xīn Kè Chéng ,世界中医学专业核心课程)(hereinafter referred to as WCCCM) and the Outline of World Core Curriculum for Chinese Medicine (Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Zhuān Yè Hé Xīn Kè Chéng Jiào Xué Dà Gāng ,世界中医学专业核心课程教学大纲).The characteristics of the education of Chinese medicine and professional requirements,as well as the actual conditions of the education of Chinese medicine in different countries (regions),were taken into consideration.The Educational Instruction Committee of the WFCMS decided to initiate the compilation and translation of the World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum (Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Zhuān Yè Hé Xīn Kè Chéng Jiào Cái ,世界中医学专业核心课程教材).

This series of 13 textbooks is comprised of Fundamental Theories of Chinese Medicine ( Zhōng Yī Jī Chǔ Lǐ Lùn ,中医基础理论), Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine (Zhōng Yī Zhěn Duàn Xué ,中医诊断学), Chinese Materia Medica (Zhōng Yào Xué ,中药学), Formulas of Chinese Medicine (Fāng Jì Xué ,方剂学), Chinese Internal Medicine (Zhōng Yī Nèi Kē Xué ,中医内科学), Gynecology in Chinese Medicine (Zhōng Yī Fù Kē Xué ,中医妇科学), Pediatrics in Chinese Medicine ( Zhōng Yī Ér Kē Xué ,中医儿科学), Theory and Practice of Acupuncture & Moxibustion (Zhēn Jiǔ Xué ,针灸学), Theory and Practice of Tuina (Tuī Ná Xué ,推拿学), Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic ( Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng ,黄帝内经), On Cold Damage ( Shāng Hán Lùn ,伤寒论), Essentials from the Golden Cabinet(Jīn Guì Yào Lüè ,金匮要略),and Warm Diseases:Theory and Practice ( Wēn Bìng Xué ,温病学).

The foundation for the compilation and translation of the textbooks

The Compilation and Translation Guiding Committee of the World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum (Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Zhuān Yè Hé Xīn Kè Chéng Jiào Cái ,世界中医学专业核心课程教材) was established in 2012.It examined the “Compilation and Translation Principles and Requirements of the World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum (Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Zhuān Yè Hé Xīn Kè Chéng Jiào Cái ,世界中医学专业核心课程教材)”.Many constructive suggestions and proposals concerning the “Compilation and Translation Principles and Requirements”were put forth by the experts at the meeting.In view of the proposals put forth by the experts,funded and worked on by teachers at Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,the Secretariat of the Educational Instruction Committee of the WFCMS carried out a “Comparative Study of Chinese and Foreign Textbooks for WCCCM” from 2012 to 2013,which compared and analyzed the well recognized textbooks for Chinese medicine education in different countries.

On the basis of a complete summary of the features and advantages of the textbooks in different countries,the course research teams drafted the “Contents and Sample Manuscripts of the Courses” and sent them to different countries for examination.There were 94 pieces of advice received,covering many aspects such as the content,translation,style and layout of the textbooks.The Secretariat convened relevant specialists to examine and analyze the findings of the above-mentioned study as well as the feedback of the Chinese and overseas experts on the “Sample Manuscripts of the Textbooks for WCCCM”.Afterwards,the “Compilation and Translation Principles and Requirements of the World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum (Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Zhuān Yè Hé Xīn

Kè Chéng Jiào Cái ,世界中医学专业核心课程教材)”were conscientiously revised.The above-mentioned work has laid a solid foundation for the compilation and translation of the textbook Series.

The orientation of the textbooks

The current reality of medical education in different countries shows that undergraduate education still plays a major role in the professional education of varied disciplines.Besides,the World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum (Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Zhuān Yè Hé Xīn Kè Chéng Jiào Cái ,世界中医学专业核心课程教材) should comply with the published educational standards of Chinese medicine,and the reality of the education of Chinese medicine and clinical needs in different countries should be considered.The “ the World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum (Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Zhuān Yè Hé Xīn Kè Chéng Jiào Cái ,世界中医学专业核心课程教材)” (hereinafter referred to as “textbooks”)are suitable for undergraduate education of Chinese medicine all over the world as well as being reference books for postgraduate education and self-education of Chinese medicine practitioners.Regarding the scope of knowledge,the textbooks are supposed to meet the clinical requirements of a future Chinese medicine practitioner,and certain depth and breadth should be provided to ensure the extension of knowledge.

The compiling and translating principles of the textbooks

This series of 13 textbooks follows the principles of medical ethics,scientific value,systematic integrity,general applications,advancement of Chinese medicine,safety,and medical standards.

Medical ethics: Chinese medicine always attaches great importance to medical ethics such as the absolute sincerity of a great physician,the virtue of benevolence,the ethical education of the students,and a devotion to people’s health.They are the kernel of the cultivation of medical ethics and the key to becoming a qualified Chinese medical practitioner.

Scientific value: The textbooks should correctly reflect the intrinsic law of the system of Chinese medicine,and the concept,theory,definition and reasoning of Chinese medicine,accord with the connotation of tradition-al literatures,be concise,accurate and standard in expression,and try to avoid using Western biomedical terms.Chinese medicine is rooted in the development of Chinese medicine theory.Only by respecting the traditional connotation of Chinese medicine can we retain the essence of Chinese medicine and maintain the stability and continuity of the textbooks.During intercultural communication of the concept,theory,definition and reasoning of Chinese medicine,emphasis should be placed on the scientific expression of the relevant knowledge.

Systematic integrity: The textbooks should systematically contain the theories of Chinese medicine,completely present the core knowledge system of Chinese medicine ,and highlight the basic theories,knowledge and skills.The course resources should be clear in arrangement,strict in logic and moderate in progression.Besides,the sections should be logically connected without duplicating or overlapping content.

General applications: Practicality is of great value in the textbooks,so it is essential to elaborate on the clinical treatment of diseases commonly or frequently occurring in different countries.Regarding the study of traditional classics,emphasis should be laid on the clinical guidance of the textbooks and cultivate the clinical thinking ability of the students.

Advancement of Chinese medicine: The textbooks should reflect the development of Chinese medicine and introduce any tested,published and acknowledged new theories,new technologies and new achievements in scientific teaching and research.For instance,some research updates on the prevention and treatment of avian influenza or atypical pneumonia can be included in the courses of seasonal febrile diseases,and the research progress in acupuncture point specificity can be included in the courses of Acupuncture and Moxibustion.Advanced research reflects the vitality of a subject.

Safety: The textbooks should attach great importance to the safety and clinical requirements of treatment methods or techniques,and be specific about the indications and contraindications.For instance,the indications and safe handling of some acupuncture points should be introduced in the courses of Acupuncture and Moxibustion; the correct processing,differentiation,dosage and decoction of medicinals,as well as substitutes for banned medicinals from endangered animals should be introduced in the courses of Chinese Materia Medica ; and the requirements and prohibitions of Tuina manipulations should be introduced in the courses of Theory and Practice of Tuina .In other words,the textbooks should be at the service of clinical practice,attach importance to safety,be accurate in expression,and comply with the legal requirements in different countries (regions).

Medical standards: The textbooks should use standard terms and be easy to understand without losing the flavor of Chinese medicine.The translation should conform to the principles of “fidelity,fluency and elegance”,adopt the existing international standard terminology,and be accurate in expression while containing the original flavor of Chinese medicine.Besides,intellectual property rights should be protected.

Universality: The textbooks should serve the teaching of Chinese medicine,with classic content,appropriate length of chapters or sections,and moderate extension of knowledge.They should also conform to the teaching reality in different countries.In terms of layout,stylistic rules and expression,the international compiling stylistic rules should be adopted.It is advisable to make brief summaries and avoid lengthy descriptions.Sidelights to a major story are used to make the layout colorful and varied and,more importantly,to provide additional knowledge without compromising the major body of knowledge.For example,some basic knowledge of Western medicine can be added to the clinical courses,and Western chiropractic therapy can be added to the courses of Theory and Practice of Tuina .Moreover,figures and tables can be used for visual expression of abstract ideas.

The compiling and translating process of the textbooks

In 2015,we received a total of 313 recommendation- and self-recommendation forms(89 forms from overseas).All of the recommenders,who are experts at the educational institutions of Chinese medicine in different countries,conform to the selection criteria of compilers and translators of the textbooks.Finally,28 experts were chosen as chief editors and 64 experts as associate editors-inchief.A total of 290 experts were involved in the compilation and translation of the textbooks.They are from 15 countries or regions,i.e.,China,the United States,Britain,France,Australia,Canada,Singapore,New Zealand,Malaysia,Holland,Greece,Japan,Spain and China’s Hong Kong and Taiwan.Among the 59 overseas experts,26 of them served as chief editors or associate editors-in-chief.Participating agencies include 74 colleges and universities of Chinese medicine or research institutes.Among them,34 agencies are from China,and 40 are from overseas.

In 2015,the chief editors were convened to discuss the compilation of the World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum(Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Zhuān Yè Hé Xīn Kè Chéng Jiào Cái ,世界中医学专业核心课程教材).At the meeting,the general compilation and translation requirements of the textbooks were determined,the writing tasks,division of work and compiling schedule were discussed in depth,and the teaching program,compiling outline and overlapping content were clarified.In addition,the solutions to possible relevant problems during the process of compilation and translation were also discussed.After 20 months of industrious work,the World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum (Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Zhuān Yè Hé Xīn Kè Chéng Jiào Cái ,世界中医学专业核心课程教材) (Chinese version) were finalized in October 2016.The textbooks are the crystallization of the wisdom of world-renowned education specialists of Chinese medicine,and are characterized by medical ethics,scientific value,systematic integrity,general applications,safety,medical standards,and authority.

The chief translators were recruited for the English translation of the textbooks and the Translation Seminar of the World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum(Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Zhuān Yè Hé Xīn Kè Chéng Jiào Cái ,世界中医学专业核心课程教材)held in October 2016.

The selection of the chief translators was based on strict criteria.The academic status and influence,authority,and geographical representation of the applicants were fully considered.After recommendation and self-recommendation,49 chief translators(39 with doctoral degree,8 with master’s degree and 2 with bachelor’s degree) were approved by the Educational Instruction Committee of the WFCMS,Specialty Committee of Translation of the WFCMS and China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine.They came from 9 countries/regions.Among the 38 overseas chief translators,24 were from America.Most of the Chinese chief translators have overseas teaching experience.They have long been involved in the education and translation of Chinese medicine,with rich experience.

The publication of this series of textbooks is of great significance.It seized the golden opportunity of revitalizing and developing Chinese medicine at this occurrence of good timing,geographical convenience and good human relations.It helps Chinese medicine to go globally,promotes the reconstruction and sharing of Chinese medicine,and contributes to realizing the lofty goal of “basic medical services for all” advocated by WHO.Besides,the publication of the textbooks is conducive to the promotion and popularization of the international standards of Chinese medicine,and meets the growing worldwide demand for Chinese medicine when global reform of medical and health systems focuses on “prevention and healthcare”.Therefore,this series of textbooks will inevitably be beneficial to the cultivation of Chinese medicine professionals all over the world,and to recognizing,popularizing and applying Chinese medicine worldwide.

The textbooks are going to be published,and here I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the experts and scholars from home and abroad for their industrious and conscientious work,which guarantees the successful publication of the textbooks.Thanks to the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine,World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies,China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine,and Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for their great support and selfless help.Thanks to all the friends who are engaged in the same pursuit and have contributed to this project.In particular,I would like to extend my special thanks to Professor Shan Bao-zhi for her great effort and brilliant contribution to the Textbook Series.

Zhang Bo-li,the Editor-in-chief for
World Textbook Series for Chinese Medicine Core Curriculum (Shì Jiè Zhōng Yī Xué Zhuān Yè Hé Xīn Kè Chéng Jiào Cái ,世界中医学专业核心课程教材)
Summer,2018 RJ+3KGrPU6BOHLHAq5pEtZcsdRXRGCVsm9ZY1aPWwMfnc3Lq4mB6GFj1q/pzwWCJ
