
Section 2
Development of Chinese Medicine Pediatrics in Modern Time

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949,the government attached great importance to children’s health care.With the supporting policy to develop Chinese medicine,Chinese medicine pediatrics entered a new era of rapid progress along with other medical disciplines in an academic atmosphere of rapid changes of modern science and technology.

Clinical Care

Under the joint efforts of Chinese and Western pediatric practitioners,the four severe syndromes in ancient times, dòu (smallpox , 痘) has been eliminated, shā (measles , 痧) has become a sporadic disease, jing (convulsion , 惊) has got a decreased incidence,and gān (infantile malnutrition , 疳) has decreased gradually,including dryness infantile malnutrition and infantile malnutrition with accumulation which have been relatively rare.Widespread vaccinations control the prevalence of contagious diseases and lower the morbidity and mortality.Chinese medicine has made a great clinical effect in treatment of children influenza,pneumonia,pertussis,bacillary dysentery,viral hepatitis,infectious mononucleosis,epidemic hemorrhagic fever,and hand-foot-mouth disease.Pharmacodynamics studies showed that many Chinese drugs not only have antibacterial and antiviral effect,but also adjust body immunity,improve organ function and tissue metabolism,and alleviate pathological reactions,suggesting that the main feature of Chinese medicine treatment is the overall effect of prescriptions,namely,multiple target effect.In regard to diseases caused by the shortage of mineral elements,vitamins and other nutrients,i.e.anorexia,iron deficiency anemia,rickets,malnutrition,etc.,Chinese medicine displayed a unique advantage,since a lot of Chinese medicinal contained a certain amount of mineral elements and vitamins,and therefore the administration of Chinese medicine increases the intake of mineral elements and vitamins.More importantly,Chinese medicine activates the spleen and promotes its functions of transportation,absorption and the utilization of various nutrients.

Medical Education

In the 1950s,began the modern secondary and higher education of Chinese medicine,in the 1970s master education in Chinese Medicine Pediatrics,in the 1980s doctoral education in Chinese Medicine Pediatrics,and in the 1990s,continuing education of in-service physicians,all of which have not only trained a large number of pediatric professionals of Chinese medicine,but also enhanced the whole quality of pediatric practitioners and provided a strong guarantee of discipline development.Meanwhile,pediatric textbooks at different levels,reference materials and various kinds of test database have been compiled,pediatric classics of all dynasties sorted and published,a large number of materials clinically valuable for both theoretical direction and practical application ferreted out,and a lot of academic works in pediatrics published.Wang Bo-yue and Jiang Yu-ren edited Pediatrics in Chinese Medicine ( Zhōng Yī Ér Kē Xué, 中医儿科学),the first modern large scale academic monograph in the latter half of the 20th century,systematically expounding the basic theories of Chinese medicine Pediatrics and syndrome differentiation on clinical diseases.Zhang Qi-wen edited six volumes of Collection of Books on Summary of Pediatrics ( Ér Kē Yī Jí Jí Yào Cóng Shū, 儿科医籍辑要丛书) collecting ancient medical literature from previous generations,classifying and noting the contents of clinical significance.Jiang Yu-ren and Zhang Qi-wen edited Practical Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine ( Shí Yòng Zhōng Yī Ér Kē Xué, 实用中医儿科学),another academic publication closely linked with clinical practice including basic,clinical and therapeutic texts.Wang Shou-chuan edited The Advanced Collection of Books of Chinese Medicine — Pedi- atrics in Chinese Medicine ( Zhōng Yī Yào Xué Gāo Jí Cóng Shū Zhōng Yī Ér Kē Xué, 中医药学高级丛书·中医儿科学),comprehensively reflecting the progress of modern Chinese medicine pediatrics and introducing scientific research approaches to clinic and research of pediatrics.In the early 21st century,the offer of Chinese medicine pediatrics online,along with the publication of audiovisual teaching material and CAI courseware,promoted the changes from printing textbooks to multimedia materials,improved and enriched pediatric teaching methods and teaching means,and accelerated the progress of Chinese medicine pediatrics.

Scientific Research

The four traditional diagnostic methods have been expanded by blood chemical examinations,an ultrasonic image and other techniques added to the differentiation system of Chinese medicine pediatrics,i.e.the integration of macro- and micro-syndrome differentiation,which deepens the understanding of syndrome differentiation on Chinese medicine pediatrics and develops pediatric diagnostics. Guideline for Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Diseases in Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine ( Zhōng Yī Ér Kē Cháng Jiàn Bìng Zhěn Liáo Zhǐ Nán, 中医儿科常见病诊疗指南) is beneficial for the development of Chinese medicine pediatric on the path to standardization and normalization.Much research work has been done in key specialties on pneumonia,asthma,recurrent respiratory infections,colds,diarrhea,nephritis,nephrosis,purpura,epilepsy,hyperactivity disorder,transient tic disorder,precocious puberty,cerebral palsy and other diseases,and major scientific achievements have been obtained,promoting academic development in pediatrics.In terms of dosage reforms,in addition to pills,powder,plaster,and pillets,a number of new dosage forms have been developed for pediatric clinical use,such as granules,oral liquid,effervescent,naristillae,suppositories,membrane,injecta,and nanoemulsion,etc.

In September,1983,Pediatric Specialized Committee (PSC) of Chinese Medicine Association was established,followed by the establishments of Chinese medicine PSC in all provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions,which has played a positive role in encouraging academic exchanges and promoting development of Chinese medicine pediatrics.In October,2009,PSC of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies was established.It has promoted solidarity and communication of all Chinese medicine pediatricians around the world and been good for Chinese medicine pediatrics to serve the children of the world.

Above all,the process of formation and development of Chinese medicine pediatrics has a long history of thousands of years.The vitality of Chinese medicine pediatrics is presented with changes in the spectrum of disease and in health concepts and has become an indispensable subject in protecting children’s health.

Table 1—1 Chinese medicine Pediatric Monographs







1.Why did Chinese Medicine Pediatrics come into being in Song Dynasty?

2.What were the major achievements of Chinese Medicine Pediatrics in Ming and Qing Dynasties?

3.Try to describe the main contributions of Qian Yi,Wan Quan and Chen Fu-zheng to Chinese Medicine Pediatrics.

4.What are the new developments in Chinese Medicine Pediatrics after the founding of the People’s Republic of China? olFuH8QUCq5OuZuM7eRIE2uKm6Rl830imqAgtodIbdL66R0MHDaKpTu7BJnk1pxO
