
Day 2

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Moments later, the sisters were back in the ballroom. But now the entire space was filled with snow. Standing in the middle of it all, Elsa laughed as she waved her hands together. Snowflakes burst forth and danced between her palms as she magically created a snowball. Anna tilted her head back and opened her mouth to catch snowflakes on her tongue.

“This is amazing!” Anna shouted.

“Watch this!” Elsa said, stomping her slippered foot on the floor. Instantly, a layer of ice began to fan out around her, starting at her feet and quickly spreading. Soon the entire floor had become their very own private ice rink.

Anna clapped her hands in glee as she began to slip and slide around the rink. Her laughter bounced off the walls as she wind-milled her arms to keep her balance. Across the room, Elsa began to slide across the icy surface, too, a broad smile on her face.

As they reached each other, Anna took Elsa's hand and tried to twirl in a circle. “Wheeee!” With a thud, Anna fell onto her bottom, laughing.

Elsa grinned at Anna. “Ready?” she asked. Raising her hands above her, Elsa wiggled her fingers. In front of Anna's eyes, snow began to form in the air, falling softly to the ground. Elsa rolled some of the snow into a giant ball.

Yes! Snowman time!Anna thought with delight as she began rolling a second ball to serve as the snowman's tummy. Five pieces of coal, a carrot, and two branch arms later, the sisters had finished their masterpiece.

Elsa quickly ran behind their creation.

“Hi,” she said in a goofy voice, pretending to be the snowman. “I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs.”

Anna laughed. An Elsa snowman was almost as good as a real live one.

“I love you, Olaf,” Anna said, giving the snowman a hug. Then she looked up at her sister, a gleam in her eye. “What else should we do?”

Elsa concentrated hard and reached out toward the ceiling of the ballroom. Anna watched with pure joy as her sister began to turn the entire ballroom into a winter wonderland. Long glittering icicles soon hung from the large chandelier, and Elsa turned the windows into works of art with intricate snowflake-shaped etchings. With every movement of her fingers, it seemed as though Elsa's powers—and her ability to take control of them—were getting stronger and stronger.

Running over to the base of an Elsa-created snowbank, Anna craned her neck to look upward. Then she glanced over her shoulder at Elsa. They had played this game before. Anna would run up the bank and jump, and Elsa would create another bank for her to land on.

Scrambling up the snowbank, Anna took a deep breath and jumped off the edge. “Catch me!” she cried. The forward momentum of her body propelled her until she hovered in midair. Then she began to fall. Just when she thought she was going to hit the ground, Elsa flung out her arms, creating another snowbank. Landing in the soft powder, Anna let out a laugh and then leaped again. Over and over she ran and jumped, and over and over, Elsa caught her. Anna's breath was coming fast in her chest and her little legs and arms ached from the effort, but she didn't want to stop.

“Again! Again!” she shouted.

“Slow down!” she heard Elsa call back.

But Anna didn't want to slow down. She wanted to fly! With another burst of speed, she raced to the edge of the largest snowbank yet and leaped.

Anna flew through the air, convinced that this was the best moment of her life so far. But then she looked down. Elsa was racing to catch up with her. Anna had only a moment to register the fact that Elsa had lost her footing and was falling down before she saw an icy stream of snow headed straight for her.

And then everything went black.

Anna's head hurt. A lot. She opened her eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the light. Anna was surprised to find herself lying in her bed. Lifting a hand, Anna gingerly touched her head. A wave of pain flooded her body, momentarily replacing the chill with burning heat. The sled must have crashed. That would explain the bump that Anna felt under her probing fingertips and why she was resting in bed. I bet Elsa is going to say “I told you so” when she gets up,Anna thought. She never likes going fast.

Smiling ruefully, Anna called to her sister softly. “Elsa?” She waited for the rustle of sheets as her sister turned over. But there was no sound from across the room. “Elsa? Elsa, are you awake?” Still nothing. Glancing out their bedroom window, Anna saw that the moon was now sinking in the sky. The dark blue of night was giving way to the brighter colors of day. Elsa was probably just sleeping. gZN6sqFwXaV7L1M+M5idcoNuWtGUD0WwXQb2NlG1Wlsm2dX+m+techGyDAOMNR6o
