
Day 12

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With each minute that passed, Anna felt more and more comfortable in Hans's presence. They had so much in common. It was almost as if he were custom made just for her. They just ... fit. This had to be what love was—having someone who made the pain go away. Someone who filled all the holes in your heart. Yes, this has to be it,she had thought as they left the stables and made their way out of the castle gates and toward the hills above Arendelle.

So when Hans suggested they make one more stop before going back to the castle, Anna didn't hesitate. She only smiled and nodded. She would go anywhere with Hans. He just had to say where.

Hans gently pulled the white strand of hair loose and held it in his fingers. “You are destined for something, Anna. I can feel it. And I think, maybe, with you, life can be so much ... more.”

Anna smiled. “Do you really think so?” she asked softly.

Hans nodded. “Can I say something crazy?” he asked.

Anna smiled.

“Will you ... marry me?”

Anna felt her heart skip a beat. She saw Hans looking down at her with hopeful eyes. She listened to the water pouring over the ancient rocks and wondered if this was the first time they had seen someone propose.

I don't have time,she argued to the little part of her that was being annoyingly realistic. The gates will close tomorrow, and then who knows if I will ever see Hans again. And I don't think I can imagine a world without Hans in it. Not now.

Slowly, Anna looked up at Hans. She knew what she needed to say. She knew what the right thing to do was. All she had to do was open her mouth and say the words ...

Looking down at Anna, Hans waited anxiously. It had only been a second since he'd asked, but as he waited for her answer, it felt like an eternity.

Just then, Anna opened her mouth.

Hans sucked in his breath, ready.

But she closed it again.

Hans's eyes bulged.

Anna took her own deep breath. “Can I say something even crazier?” she asked.

Hans crossed his fingers behind his back and nodded.

“Yes!” she cried, throwing her arms around Hans and squeezing him with all the might she could muster.

Hans let out a sigh of relief as a warm feeling flooded his chest. Now, now,he told himself. Remember why you're here. This is a business transaction, nothing more.

“Oh, Anna,” Hans said, squeezing her hand. “You couldn't have made me happier. This is everything I always wanted and never even knew!” Which is true,he added to himself. I did want to marry a princess, I just never thought it would be Anna. Funny how things work out.

“We will need to have my brothers at the wedding,” Hans said, cutting Anna off mid-sentence. “As my groomsmen.”

“Yes! Absolutely,” Anna said eagerly. “What would a wedding be without family? How soon would they be able to get here? I can't wait to introduce them to Elsa ...” Suddenly, Anna's eyes grew wide. “Elsa! We have to get back to the castle and tell her our news right away. She is going to be so happy for us! I just know it. She'll probably want to help with all the planning. She has beautiful penmanship. She can totally help with the invitations. And then ...”

Hans put a hand on Anna's arm. “My dearest,” he said gently.

“Perhaps we should go tell her the news before we start assigning her work, don't you think?”

“Yes, you're probably right,” Anna replied. “I'm just so excited.”

“I am, too, Anna. I am, too. Now let's go find your sister.”

Let's hope Elsa sees how happy she is, too,Hans thought as Elsa took in her sister. Then she looked at Hans and raised an eyebrow. Hans gulped.

Quickly, Anna dropped into an awkward curtsy. “Elsa! I mean ... Queen,” Anna corrected herself. “Um, may I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.”

Hans bowed deeply. Then he stood up straight and smiled his most charming smile. “Your Majesty,” he said.

She merely nodded and gave him the slightest of bows. Anna, however, seemed blissfully unaware of Elsa's lack of interest and was nearly jumping out of her skin in her excitement to share the big news. “We would like ...” she began.

“... of ...” Anna said. Then she looked over at Hans and smiled.

“... our marriage!” they finished in unison. Hans reached over and took Anna's hand. That's what couples announcing their intent to marry did, right? Elsa was totally going to soften. She was going to open her mouth and say ...

“I'm sorry. I'm confused.”

That was not what Hans had expected to hear. Maybe an “Excuse me?” Or even an “Oh.” But what was she confused about? They wanted to get married. It didn't seem complicated to him. WIL/l6nxzi2Wj3AqoULNmXykjm4UHgIw9lEIbr4/TthZsCJ3+Ci1oFqMSVAlWNUP
