
Day 10

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“What is that amazing smell?” Elsa asked.

The two girls closed their eyes and inhaled.

“Chocolate!” they said in unison.

Anna's eyes popped open and she met her sister's gaze. Then they both began to laugh. Chocolate was one thing they most definitely had in common. Before Elsa had gone all silent on her, Anna remembered them sneaking into the kitchen while Cook was baking and dipping their fingers in bowls of warm melted chocolate.

Anna sighed happily. Her sister was back. She was back and wonderful and funny and there was no way Anna was going to lose her again. She would do whatever it took to keep her warm, loving, happy sister right there by her side ... forever.

Hans had been waiting for the right moment to introduce himself to the new queen. He hadn't wanted to seem overeager, nor had he wanted to seem uninterested. The introduction was going to be important if he was going to follow through on his new plan. He was growing more and more confident that marrying Princess Anna was the right way to go.

The Duke stopped in front of Elsa and Anna, did an odd little hitch and kick with his skinny legs, and then bowed, offering his hand for a dance. As he did so, the toupee Hans hadn't realized the man was wearing flipped forward. Hans stifled a laugh. He noticed that Elsa and Anna were struggling not to laugh, as well.

“Thank you,” Hans heard Elsa say as she tried to regain her composure. “Only, I don't dance.”

The Duke straightened up, clearly offended by the queen's statement. “Oh?” he said, raising an eyebrow, the toupee shifting around again.

“But my sister does,” Elsa added, giving Anna a teasing glance.

Anna's eyes grew wide. Hans could practically hear her trying to mentally tell her sister that she did not want to dance with the Duke. “What?” she finally squeaked. “I don't think ...”

But before she could finish protesting, the Duke had grabbed Anna's arm and begun pulling her toward the dance floor. “If you swoon, let me know,” he told her. “I'll catch you.”

Looking over her shoulder, Anna shot her sister a desperate “help me” look, but Elsa just giggled and shrugged her shoulders. “Sorry,” she mouthed.

“Ow, ow, ow,” Hans heard Anna say. He wondered if he should try to cut in, saving Anna once again.

But Hans could tell the Duke wasn't going to let go of Anna that easily. The little man was using the dance as an opportunity to drill Anna for information about her kingdom.

“So great to have the gates open,” the Duke said. “Why did they shut them in the first place? Do you know the reason?” He rose on his tiptoes, trying to get into Anna's face.

Anna shook her head. “No.”

He couldn't let this go on any longer. But just as he was about to ask Anna to dance, the music stopped and the Duke released his grip on Anna's waist.

Hans didn't even bother looking back at Elsa. He just took off after Anna. He watched as she tried in vain to avoid the flying arms and moving feet of the dancers. It was nearly impossible on the tightly packed floor. And then, just when it looked like Anna might get out of the ballroom unscathed, a man bowed deeply, his backside bumping into her hard. The motion knocked Anna off her feet and she began to fall. In one smooth motion, Hans stepped across the floor and scooped her into his arms. Looking down at the princess, he smiled. “Glad I caught you.”

Bringing Anna back to her feet, Hans bowed. Then he held out his hand, just as the Duke had done. But whereas the Duke had two left feet, Hans was all grace. As they glided across the room, he felt Anna relax in his arms.

Anna looked up at him, her eyes questioning. Before she could ask what was on his mind, Hans stopped dancing. He nodded at the balcony doors just a few feet away. “You want to get some fresh air?” he suggested.

Anna nodded. “Fresh air would be nice,” she said bashfully.

“You really are a lovely dancer,” Anna said, breaking the silence. “Have you been to many balls?”

Hans shrugged. “I've been to my fair share, I suppose. Isn't that what princesses and princes do?” Catching the eye of a waiter passing by, Hans grabbed two glasses filled with sparkling cider. Then he snagged a small cream puff. “And eat, of course. We royals must eat.” He held out the cream puff. Eb5ViE0K3w6C9ENAgHo0RSPewADTrUcsaa6hE0DHY9sX1bT2s3fwfmB1/Up3EgDL
