

International Jury


罗斯季斯拉夫瓦涅克(Rostislav Vaněk,捷克)评委会主席

Rostislav Vaněk教授,1945年出生,国际平面设计大师,捷克著名的平面设计教育家和捷 克最重要平面设计师之一,他也是“Typo Design Club”的主席,创始人之一。他的很多设 计作品都被众人所知,比如标志、海报、书籍、邮票艺术的设计等,他也曾设计过众多的 大型项目,比如布拉格的地铁指示牌、捷克斯洛伐克航空公司、捷克斯洛伐克的商业银 行、新的国家剧院、布拉格的重要的酒店等等。他的设计作品曾在许多国际知名的出版物 上出版。他至今编辑出版超过一千多册图书,设计作品曾在国内外荣获许多奖项,他的书 籍设计也赢得了许多奖项。

Professor Rostislav Vaněk, born in 1945, is an international graphic designer, a famous graphic design educator and one of the most important graphic designer in Czech Republic. He is also the chairman of Typo Design Club and one of its founders. Many of his designs are known to people, such as signs, posters, books, artistic design of stamps. He has designed numerous large-scale projects, such as Prague's subway signs, Czechoslovak Airlines, Czechoslovakia business bank, the new National Theatre, important hotel in Prague and many others. His design works have been published in many internationally renowned books and publications. So far, Rostislav has edited and published more than one thousand books. His design works have won many awards at home and abroad while his book designs also have won many design awards.


莱克斯·德文斯基(Lex Drewinski,德国)

莱克斯·德文斯基生于1951年,博士后,教授,当代设计界的顶尖人物之一,也是一 位极具影响力的国际图形设计大师,1976年在波兰波兹楠美术学院学习,师从威德 玛(Waldemar Swierzy)教授的海报班。1985年离开波兰,举家移居柏林。自1992年 担任德国波兹坦理工大学平面系教授。2000年他的海报展“莱克斯符号”作为21世 纪作品在巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心公展。莱克斯·德文斯基曾在国际重大赛事中获奖超过 150多项,其中包括墨西哥国际海报双年展金奖、俄罗斯莫斯科平面设计双年展金蜂 奖、斯洛伐克特纳瓦国际海报三年展金奖、美国科罗拉多国际海报邀请双年展金奖、索 菲亚国际戏剧海报三年展全场大奖、比利时蒙斯国际政治海报三年展金奖、波兰国际 电脑艺术双年展金奖、宁波国际海报双年展全场大奖等,并在世界各地成功举办55次 个展。

Lex Drewinski, born in 1951, a postdoctoral fellow, a professor, is one of the leading figures in the contemporary design world and an utmost influential international graphic designer. In 1976, Lex studied in Poznan Nan Academy of Fine Arts in Poland and learned from Professor Waldemar Swierzy's poster class. Then he left Poland and moved to Berlin with his family in 1985. Since 1992, he worked as a professor in the Plane Department in Potsdam University, German. In 2000, his own poster exhibition "Lex symbol", as the 21st century design works, was held in the Pompidou Centre in Paris. Lex Drewinski has won over 150 awards in major international competitions, including Mexico International Poster Biennial Gold Medal, Moscow Biennale of Graphic Design Golden Bee Award, Slovakia Trnava Poster Triennial International Award, American Colorado international Poster Biennial Gold invitation, Sofia international Theatre Poster Triennial Grand Prix, Belgium Mons Poster Triennial Gold Medal in international politics, Portland international Computer Art Biennial Award, Ningbo international Poster Biennale audience awards, etc.; and successfully held 55 solo exhibitions around the world.



兰尼·索曼斯,1943年出生,国际平面设计大师,美国广告图形设计大师,AGI会 员,也是美国最受尊敬的平面设计教育家。他的作品已在世界各地许多博物馆展 出,并荣获众多国际设计赛事奖项,其中包括墨西哥国际海报双年展金奖、俄罗斯 莫斯科平面设计双年展金蜂奖、保加利亚索菲亚国际戏剧海报三年展金奖以及一项 科罗拉多国际海报邀请双年展的最高奖。他在美国东部宾夕法尼亚州州立大学任 教。他和妻子(同时也是设计伙伴)克莉斯汀—道经营着一个设计工作室——索曼斯设 计。他们的设计作品已发表在数以百计的设计范例书籍之中,《图形》、《意念》、 《传达艺术》、《设计步骤》以及《新平面设计》杂志都分别专题介绍过他们的设 计作品。此外,他的作品也包括在《平面设计史》(第一版和第二版)以及中国出版的 “当代世界大师设计意念丛书”之中,题为《意念的创造:兰尼·索曼斯》。

Lanny Sommese, born in 1943, is an international graphic design guru, advertising graphic design master in America, AGI member and one of the most respected graphic design educators in America. His works have been exhibited in many museums around the world and won numerous international design awards, including the Mexico International Poster Biennial Gold Medal, Russia Moscow Biennale of Graphic Design Golden Bee Award, Bulgaria Sofia International Theatre Poster Triennial Award as well as the highest award of Colorado international Poster invitation Biennale. Lanny teaches at Pennsylvania State University and he also runs a design studio - Suo Mansi design with his wife Kristin (who is also Lanny's design partner). Their design works have been published in hundreds of design paradigm books; magazines like Graphics, Ideas, Convey the Art, Design Process and New Graphic Design have introduced their design works on subject introduction. In addition, his works are also included in the "History of Graphic Design"(the first edition and the third edition) and in the "Master of Design Ideas Contemporary World Series", which are published in China, being entitled as "Idea Creation: Lanny Sommese."


郝尔曼·蒙塔尔沃(Germán Montalvo,墨西哥)

1956年出生于墨西哥维拉克鲁斯州(Veracruz),国际著名设计大师,AGI会员,在 意大利米兰学习平面设计,他在比森特·罗霍(VicenteRojo)指导下,曾在马德罗港 版画店(Madero Printshop)工作了 10年,他也曾在墨西哥不同的大学,教艺术与 当代设计的课程。自1988年以来,他作为一名自由设计师,设计过众多项目,其中 包括各种文化机构,如美术学院,公共教育秘书处,为国家文化艺术委员会,墨西哥 学院,墨西哥国立自治大学,多个博物馆和SIGLO XXI和Fondo DE CULTURA等,他 的设计作品已在世界各地重要赛事中荣获众多奖项,其中包括墨西哥设计奖,美国 科罗拉多国际海报邀请双年展奖,美国富兰克林奖,Coral奖和Willyde Majo奖等。他的 海报作品曾在意大利,古巴,澳大利亚,阿根廷,哥伦比亚,加拿大,日本和墨西 哥等地展出。他的设计作品曾在许多国际知名的期刊上发表。

Germán Montalvo, born in Veracruz, Mexico in 1956, is an internationally renowned designer and AGI member. German studied graphic design in Milan, Italy and under the guidance of Vicente Rojo he had worked in Madero Printshop for 10 years. He also taught arts and contemporary design at various universities in Mexico. Since 1988, as a freelance designer, he has designed a number of projects, including a variety of cultural institutions, such as the Academy of Fine Arts, Public Education Secretariat for National Culture and Arts Commission, the Mexican Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, several museums and SIGLO XXI and Fondo DE CULTURA, etc.. His works have won numerous awards in major competitions around the world, including Mexico design Award, USA Colorado international Poster invitation Biennial awards, the United States Franklin Award, Coral Award and Willy de Majo Award, etc. His poster designs have been exhibited in Italy, Cuba, Australia, Argentina, Colombia, Canada, Japan and Mexico and other places. His design work has been published in many internationally renowned journals. a4j4/orCcEsmMKNdW96TmQxlwI/11fhK7i3MUnwNq/dQknFERlgHtFkVrnqfldb4
