
2.1 基础教育排行榜


2.1.1 加拿大公立教育局排名

1.本拿比教育局 Burnaby School Board

2.多伦多教育局 Toronto District Scod Board

3.温哥华教育局 Vancouver School Board

4.维多利亚教育局 Victoria International High School Programs

5.西温哥华教育局 West Vancouver School District

6.埃德蒙顿公立学校 Edmonton Public School

7.渥太华卡尔顿教育局 Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

8.卡尔加里教育局 Calgary Board of Education

9.曼尼托巴教育局 Study Manitob School Dirisions

10.北温哥华教育局 North Vancouvr School District

11.列治文教育局 Richmond School District

12.素里教育局 Surrey School District

13.纳奈莫-莱迪史密斯教育局 Nanaimo-Ladysmith School District

14.兰里教育局 Langley School District

15.河东翠斯科纳教育局 River East-Transcona School Division

16.新西敏教育局 New Westminste School District

17.埃德蒙顿天主公立教育局 Edmonton Catholic Schools

18.威斯顿教育局 Western School Division

2.1.2 中学学校榜单


1.皇家基督高中 Regent Christian Academy International School

2.王子基督高中 King's Christian Collegiate

3.查塔姆(基督)学校 Chatham Christian School

4.史密斯(基督)高中 Smithville District Christian High School

5.爱普比中学 Appleby College

6.布兰克森霍尔学校 Branksome Hall

7.布瑞特伍德中学 Brentwood College School

8.科林伍德学校 Colinwood College School

9.克里森特学校 Crescent School

10.克罗夫特学校 Croft School

11.海福格尔学院 Havergal College

12.雷克湖学校 Lakefield College School

13.草岭中学 Meadowridge School

14.肖尼根湖学校 Shawnigan School

15.瑞德里学院 Ridley College

16.圣安德鲁中学 St.Andrews College

17.圣克莱门特中学 St.Clement college

18.圣乔治学校 St.George's School

19.加拿大圣迈克贵族中学 St.Michaels University School

20.多伦多大学附中 University of Toronto Schools

21.土达孔拿-特威兹穆尔学校 Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School

22.斯特罗恩中学 The Bishop Strachan School

23.圣三一学院学校 Trinity College School

24.多伦多法国学校 Toronto French School

25.上加拿大学院 Upper Canada College

26.温哥华学院 Vancouver College

27.约克庄学校 York House School

28.圣玛格丽特学校 St.Margaret's School

29.阿尔伯特学院 Albert College

30.瑞德利学院 Ridley College

31.爱普比学院 Appleby College

32.国王艾吉尔中学 King's-Edgehill School

33.玛格丽特女王学校 Queen Margaret's School

34.斯坦思达学院 Stanstead College

35.雷克菲尔德学校 Lakefield District Intermediate Secondary School

36.福佛学院 Fulford-Language

37.布兰克森霍尔学院 Branksome Hall School

38.罗索湖学院 Rosseau Lake College

39.主教学院 Bishops College

40.阿希伯瑞学院 Ashbury College

41.圣安德鲁学院 St.Andrew's College

42.爱尔姆伍德学校 Elmwood School

43.海福格尔学院 Havergal College


1.东基尔多南学院 Kildonan East Collegiate

2.迈尔斯麦克唐奈学院 Miles Macdonell Collegiate

3.默多克麦凯中学 Murdoch MacKay Collegiate

4.东河学院 River East Collegiate

5.特兰斯科纳中学 Transcona Collegiate

6.新西敏中学 New Westminster School District

7.哈利恩利高中 Harry Ainlay

8.杰伯西佩奇高中 J.Percy Page School

9.温莎中学 Windsor Secondary

10.贾斯珀地方高中 Jasper Place

11.罗斯高中 Ross Sheppard

12.莉莉安奥斯本高中 Lillian Osborne High school

13.巴尔莫勒尔中学 Balmoral Junior Secondary School

14.鲍威尔学校 Bowview School


1.约克庄学校 York House School

2.西点格雷学校 West Point Grey Academy

3.小花中学 Little Flower Academy

4.南岭中学 Southridge School

5.克柔佛顿中学 Crofton House School

6.圣乔治中学 St.George's School

7.布瑞特伍德中学 Brentwood College School

8.草岭中学 Meadowridge School

9.南点学院 Southpointe Academy

10.马尔格雷夫中学 Mulgrave School

10.格里扬诺克中学 Glenlyon Norfolk School

10.大学山中学 University Hill Secondary School

10.科林伍德中学 Collingwood School

14.圣迈克贵族中学 St.Michaels University School

15.科隆那中学 Kelowna Christian School

16.桑列根湖学校 Shawnigan Lake School

17.太平洋学院 Pacific Academy

18.温哥华学院 Vancouver College

18.大卫国王学校 The King David High School

18.奥卡纳根中学 Okanagan Mission

21.圣托马斯摩尔学校 St.Thomas More School

22.森特乐中学 Sentinel Secondary School

22.公路中学 Highroad

22.门诺会学院 Mennonite Educational Institute

25.圣托马斯阿奎那高中 St.Thomas Aquinas High School

26.主宾因中学 Lord Byng Seconday School



1.约克公立教育局 York Region District School Board

2.多伦多公立教育局 Toronto District School Board

3.匹尔公立教育局 Peel District School Borad

4.渥太华–卡尔顿公立教育局 Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

5.滑铁卢天主教校区 Waterloo Catholic District School Board

6.尼亚加拉教育局 District School Board of Niagara

7.尼亚加拉天主教教育局 Nigara Catholic District School Board

8.亚港昆湖岸天主教教育局 Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic School District Board

9.汉密尔顿公立教育局 Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board

10.黑斯廷爱德华王子教育局 Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board

11.里姆石教育局 Limestone District School Board


1.马拉斯比纳中学 Malaspina High School

2.温哥华教育局 Vancouver School Board

3.西温哥华校区 West Vancouver School District

4.温哥华北校区 North Vancouver School District

5.高贵林校区 Coquilam School District

6.伯纳比校区 Burnaby School District

7.列治文校区 Richmond School District

8.维多利亚公立教育局 Great Victoria School Distict

9.豪尔森德校区 Howe Sound School District

10.歌摩士谷校区 Comox Valley School District

11.三角洲校区 Delta School District

12.康奈尔校区 Quesnel Public School District

13.费南校区 Vernon School District

14.纳奈莫校区 Nanaimo Ladysmith School District

15.新西斯敏校区 New Westminster School District

16.鲍威尔河校区 Powell River School District

17.哥维根谷校区 Cowichan Valley School District

18.萨里校区 Surrey School District

19.阿伯茨福校区 Abbostsford School District

20.兰里校区 Langley School District

21.枫树岭校区 Maple Ridge School District



2.爱德蒙顿天主教公立校区 Edmonton Catholic Schools

3.金山学区高中 Golden Hills School Division

4.卡尔加里教育局 Calgary Board of Education

5.卡尔加里罗马天主教校区 Calgary Roman Catholic School District

6.战河校区 Battle River School District

7.马鹿公立教育局 Red Deer Public School District

8.马鹿天主教教区教育局 Red Deer Catholic Regional School Division

9.金丝雀地区教育局 Grande Yellowhead Regional Division


萨斯卡通公立教育局 Saskatoon Public Schools


1.普利尔斯普瑞特校区 Praire Spirit School Division

2.路易斯瑞尔校区 Louis Riel School Division

3.山威尔校区 Mountain View School Division

4.佩姆比纳路公立学区 Pembina Trails School Division

5.河东川可那校区 River East Transcona School Division

6.圣詹姆斯校区 St.James-Assiniboia School Division

7.西方校区 Western School Division


莱斯特·比·皮尔逊公立教育局 Lester B.Pearson School Board


新苏格兰省国际学生项目 Nova Scotia International Student Program


新布伦瑞克国际学生项目 New Brunswick International Student Program


1.纽芬兰国际学生项目 Newfoundlan International Student Program

2.西校区–纽芬兰及拉布拉多 Western School District-Newfoundland & Laborador

3.纽芬兰公立教育局 Public Education Bureau of Newfoundland



1.哥伦比亚国际学院 Columbia International College

2.南安大略学院 Southern Ontario College

3.加拿大宝迪学院 Bronte College of Canada

4.达英国际学院 TAIE International Institute

5.尼亚加拉基督学院 Niagara Christian Community of Schools

6.多伦多英比利学院 Imperial College of Toronto

7.多伦多五湖学院 The Great Lakes College of Toronto

8.大湖基督学院 The Great lakes Christian College

9.南希肯贝尔学院 Nancy Campbell Collegiate Institute

10.哈德森学院 Hudson College


1.温哥华弗马萨中学 Vancouver Formosa Academy

2.不列颠哥伦比亚学院 Columbia College

3.高贵林学院 Coquitlam College

4.博域学院 Bodwell College & High School

5.皇家基督高中 Regent Christian Academy



1.布瑞特伍德学院 Brentwood College School

2.科林伍德学校 Collingwood School

3.克柔芙顿中学 Crofton House School

4.格里扬诺克中学 Glenlyon-Norfolk School

5.草岭中学 Meadowridge School

6.马尔格雷夫学校 Mulgrave School

7.皇后玛格丽特学校 Queen Margaret's School

8.圣乔治学校 St.George's School

9.圣约翰学校 St.John's School

10.圣玛格丽特学校 St.Margaret's School

11.圣迈克学校 St.Michaels University School

12.桑列根湖寄宿中学 Shawnigan Lake School

13.南岭中学 Southridge School

14.约克豪斯私立中学 York House School


1.阿尔伯塔学院 Alberta College

2.爱普比学院 Appleby College

3.艾什伯瑞学院 Ashbury College

4.贝福格兰学校 Bayview Glen

5.贝森尼山女校 The Bethany Hills School

6.主教斯特罗恩中学 The Bishop Strachan School

7.布兰克森霍尔学校 Branksome Hall school

8.乡村日校 The Country Day School

9.克莱森特学校 Crescent School

10.艾尔姆伍德学校 Elmwood School

11.格雷嘉宝学校 Grey Gables School

12.海福格尔学院 Havergal College

13.圣三一学院 Holy Trinity School

14.金士威学院 Kingsway College School

15.雷克菲尔德寄宿中学 Lakefield College School

16.马修霍尔学校 Matthews Hall

17.蒙特克莱斯特学校 Montcrest School

18.匹克林学院 Pikering College

19.瑞德里学院 Ridley College

20.卢梭湖学院 Rosseau Lake College

21.皇家圣乔治学院 Royal St.George's College

22.圣安德鲁学院 St.Andrew's College

23.圣克莱蒙顿学校 St.Clement's School

24.圣乔治中学 St.John's-Kilmarnock School

25.圣米尔德鲁中学 St.Mildred's-Lightbourn School

26.斯特林霍尔中学 The Sterling Hall School

27.多伦多法语学校 Toronto French School

28.特拉法加城堡女子学校 Trafalgar Castle School

29.三一学院 Trinity College School

30.上加拿大学院 Upper Canada College

31.约克中学 The York School


1.阿索尔穆雷圣母学院 Athol Murray College of Notre Dame

2.巴尔摩洛学校 Balmoral Hall School

3.康考迪亚高中 Concordia High School

4.路德学院中学部 Luther College High School

5.伦多学院 Rundle College

6.圣约翰中学 St.John's-Ravenscourt School

7.士达孔拿–特威兹穆尔学校 Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School


1.主教学院中学 Bishop's College School

2.百年专科学校 Centennial Academy

3.洛尔加拿大高中 Lower Canada College

4.埃德加科莱普寄宿学校 Miss Edgar's & Miss Cramp's School

5.圣心蒙特利尔学校 The Sacred Heart School of Montreal

6.圣约翰蒙特利尔学校 St.George's School of Montreal

7.赛德伯中学 Sedbergh School

8.塞维豪斯学校 Selwyn House School

9.史坦斯岱中学 Stanstead College

10.特拉法加女子学校 Trafalgar School For Girls

11.威斯顿中学 Weston School


1.阿木巴学院 Armbrae Academy

2.哈利法克斯文法学校 Halifax Grammar School

3.国王艾吉尔中学 King's-Edgehill School

4.圣约翰雷克克莱斯特独立学校 Lakecrest St.John's Independent School

5.罗西莱德学校 Rothesay Netherwood School

6.哈利法克斯圣心学校 Sacred Heart School of Halifax 4cL+CdHlP+qeW90d6NcxQLk03xfDbzKKkiKEvdBK2JGjkCNxs6riKuq3ZR6/WeU3
