
Unit 02


Item 1 有血缘关系

A 长辈

parent ['peər(ə)nt] n.父亲(或母亲);父母亲

family ['fæməlɪ] n.家庭;家族

relative ['relətɪv] n.亲戚 ancestor ['ænsestə] n.祖先

grandparent ['græn(d)peər(ə)nt] n.祖父或祖母;外祖父或外祖母

Fun Facts 趣味常识

Your parents are your closest relatives . If your mother or father has sisters or brothers , you also have aunts or uncles . Your aunt is the sister of your mother or father, while your uncle is the brother of your mother or father. Your baby girl is called your daughter , and your baby boy is your son .

你的 父母 就是你最亲的 亲戚 。如果你的母亲或者父亲有 兄弟姐妹 ,你也就有了 姨姨(姑姑) 或者 舅舅(叔叔/伯伯) 。你的姨姨(姑姑)是你的母亲或者父亲的姐妹,而你的舅舅(叔叔/伯伯)是你的母亲或者父亲的兄弟。你的女婴是你的 女儿 ,男婴是你的 儿子

B 同辈

couple ['kʌp(ə)l] n.夫妇

marriage ['mærɪdʒ] n.结婚

spouse [spaʊs] n.配偶

sibling ['sɪblɪŋ] n.兄弟姊妹

Fun Facts 趣味常识

If you married, your couple 's family becomes your in-laws . The parents of your spouse (wife or husband) are your mother-in-law and father-in-law . It also can be used to describe the relations with the spouses of your sisters and brothers. So your sister's husband or your brother's wife becomes your brother-in-law or sister-in-law , while your couple's sister or brother becomes your sister-in-law or brother-in-law . As you, you will become the daughter-in-law of your husband's parents or the son-in-law of your wife's parents.

假如你结婚了,你 配偶 的家人就成了你的 姻亲 。你 配偶 (妻子或丈夫)的 双亲 就成了你的 岳母(婆婆) 岳父(公公) 。这也可以用来表示你与你兄弟姐妹的配偶之间的关系。那么,你姐妹的丈夫或兄弟的妻子就成了你的 姐夫(妹夫) 或者 嫂子(弟妹) ,而你配偶的姐妹或兄弟就成了你的 姑子(姨子) 大伯/小叔(舅子) 。而你,你就成了你丈夫父母的 儿媳 或者是你妻子父母的 女婿

C 晚辈

children ['tʃɪldrən] n.孩子们

offspring ['ɒfsprɪŋ] n.后代,子孙

grandson ['græn(d)sʌn] n.孙子;外孙

kid [kɪd] n.小孩

grandchild ['græn(d)tʃaɪld] n.孙子;孙女;外孙;外孙女

★区分哥哥与弟弟,姐姐与妹妹时的表达方式: big/elder brother sister )哥哥(姐姐); little/younger brother sister )弟弟(妹妹)。

★表达亲戚的远近,用 first second, first cousin 表示堂(表)兄弟姐妹, second cousin 表示远房堂(表)兄弟姐妹。

Small Sentence 小句子

The parents of your parents are your grandparents , they are your grandmother and grandfather . You are their granddaughter or grandson .

父母 的父母就是你的 祖父母(外祖父母) ,他们是你的 祖父(外祖父) 祖母(外祖母) 。你是他们的 孙子(外孙) 或者 孙女(外孙女)

Item 2 无血缘关系

stepfather ['stepfɑːðə] n.继父

stepson ['stepsʌn] n.继子

mother-in-law 婆婆;岳母

son-in-law 女婿

stepmother ['stepmʌðə] n.继母

adopted son 养子; 继嗣

father-in-law 公公;岳父

daughter-in-law 儿媳

brother-in-law 大伯子;小叔子;内兄;内弟;姐夫;妹夫;连襟

sister-in-law 大(或小)姑子;大(或小)姨子;嫂子;弟媳;妯娌

★表示继父母或者继子女时,在 step 后加相应的称呼。表达妻子或者丈夫一方的亲戚关系时在称呼后加 in-law


Like father, like son.有其父,必有其子。

Men make houses, women make homes.男人造屋,女人成家。

East or west, home is the best.金窝,银窝,不如自家的草窝。

Blood is thicker than water.血浓于水。

There is a skeleton in every house.家家有本难念的经。 BEunZtuT0v3FHliYGNisGeloUou/jUGLvEihGNDa5i2iLeePapucuY31cs1D/+lb
