Margaret was a little girl. She was a short girl. All her friends were taller than her. She was shorter than all her friends. She wanted to be tall.
Her mom told her not too worry. One day Margaret would be tall. One day she would be taller than her friends. One day all her friends would be shorter than her.
Margaret was happy to hear that. She had only one question for her mom. When would she be taller than her friends?
Would it be next year? She hoped it would be next year.
怀孕进入第2周,如果孕妈妈此时开始排卵,那么卵子就有可能与精子相遇,此时的精子也正在努力冲破阻力,与卵子汇合。基因决定了宝宝的性别、身高和相貌等特征,不过,宝宝的身高跟后天的营养与锻炼也有很大关系。因为总有一天她会长高tall,她会高过taller than她的朋友们。亲爱的宝宝,爸爸和妈妈都希望你以后能长得又高又壮!