

1. 简单介词、合成介词、带-ing的介词和短语介词


简单介词 (simple prepositions)

合成介词 (compound prepositions)

-ing 词尾的介词 (prepositions with -ing)

短语介词 (phrasal prepositions):



I got there at about 8 o’clock . 我于八点左右到达那里。

The Grand Prix is to be held here on the 5th of April . 汽车大奖赛 4 月5 日将在这里举行。

Around nine o’clock he came back. 九点前后他回来了。

He swims every day during summer . 夏天他天天游泳。

Shortly after that , the police arrived. 在那之后不久警察来了。

Can you stay over Sunday ? 你星期天能在这里住吗?

Following severe rains the fields were flooded大雨之后田地都被水淹了。

From now on , you’re my teacher. 从现在起你就是我的老师。

Towards nighttime , the weather worsened. 快天黑时天气变坏了。

Shelley was, throughout his life , a fighter.整整一生雪莱都是一位斗士。

Upon arrival , they went in search of a hotel. 到达时他们去找旅馆。

I haven’t seen him since this morning . 从今早起我就没见到他了。


He stopped at Paris on his way to Athens.在去雅典的路上他在巴黎停了停。

There’s a letter box across the road . 在路那边有一个邮箱。

Are you going to the post offic ? 你到邮局去吗?

The museum is near Hyde Park . 博物馆在海德公园附近。

The Art Gallery is right next to the Public Gardens. 美术馆就在公共花园隔壁。

The hotel is between two subway stations . 旅馆在两个地铁站之间。

He sometimes runs through the park on weekends. 他周末有时跑步穿过公园。

I drove out of the car park . 我把车从停车场开了出来。

The earth felt soft beneath her feet . 她感到脚下的地软软的。

A little piano stood against the wall . 一台小钢琴靠墙立着。

He went to New York via Rome . 他经过罗马到纽约。

We went round and round the town looking for the hotel.我们在城里转来转去找寻这家旅馆。

The supermarket is opposite the cinema . 超级市场在电影院对面。


I’m just off for a swim . 我去游一会儿泳。

She can’t read without glasses . 没有眼镜她就不能看书。

Apart from them , I had no one to talk to. 除了他们,我没有可以谈话的人。

Everybody is down on me except you . 除了你大家都看不起我。

As for her book , it has real merit. 至于说她的书,它的确有优点。

In spite of all his efforts he failed. 尽管他做了极大的努力他还是失败了。

He signed the document on behalf of the company. 他代表公司在文件上签了字。

He arrived late due (owing) to the storm. 由于暴风雨他迟到了。

What did he say with regard to my proposals? 关于我的建议他说了什么?

I’ll write you later in regard to this matter. 关于这件事我以后再给你写信。

She said nothing concerning you. 她没说什么关于你的话。 DRaHvIE0d2FxqJohpfMm0BFzA8li/sjnt0Dik8/zRWUREQ/gb97z9E7E34/GMCAm
