

1. 不定代词的分类


body one thing 构成的合成代词:

somebody anybody everybody nobody

someone anyone everyone no one

something anything everything nothing

作代词的限定词: all another little many any much both each neither none either other few some

还有不能兼作代词的限定词(形容词),主要是 every no

2. 合成不定代词

(1) somebody someone anybody anyone

somebody someone 意思相同,表示“某人”。肯定句用 somebody、someone ,否定句及疑问句中用 anybody anyone 。它们在句中可用作主 语、宾语,有时可用它的所有格作定语:

Somebody/Someone wants to see you. 有人想见你。(主语)

Did anyone/anybody come when I was out? 我不在家时有人来过吗?(主语)

She wants somebody/someone to look after her. 她想有人照顾她。(宾语)

Did he leave any message for anybody/anyone ? 他给谁留口信了吗?(宾语)

I like his music more than anybody’s (music). 我喜欢他的音乐胜过任何人的音乐。(所有格作定语)

2 everybody everyone everything

everybody everyone 意思相同,表示“人人”, everything 表示“一切” 这些代词都是单数,在句中都可以作主语和宾语,其中 everything 还可用作 表语:

Everybody has some weak spots. 人人都有弱点。(主语)

Everything goes well with me. 我一切都很顺利。(主语)

I’ve forgotten everything I learnt at school. 我把学校里学的东西全忘了。(宾语)

Money isn’t everything . 金钱不是一切。(表语)

I think that’s everything . 我想就这些。(表语)

everybody everyone 可用于所有格:

Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 谁都要管没人会管。(谚语)

3 something anything nothing

something anything 表示“某物(事)”, something 用于肯定句, anything 用于疑问句和否定句, nothing 表示“没什么”。这几个代词都可用作主语、宾语或表语。

Something must be done. 得想办法。(主语)

Has anything special happened? 发生什么特别的事情了吗?(主语)

I think I dropped something . 我想我丢了一样东西。(宾语)

I can’t do anything like that. 我不能做这样的事。(宾语)

It’s something to have got£100 from him. 从他那儿得到 100 英镑不简单。(表语)

Oh, that’s nothing . 啊,这没什么。(表语)

not anything nothing 的意思一样:

“Do you know anything about it?”“No, I don’t know anything (I know nothing ).”“你知道什么情况吗?”“不,我什么也不知道。”

I haven’t got anything more to say (I have nothing more to say). 我再没有什么话要说了。

anything 还可表示“任何东西(事情)”:

I’ll do anything for you. 我可以为你做任何事情。

You can take anything you want. 你可以拿你要的任何东西。

(4) nobody no one

nobody no one 意思一样,都表示“没有人”,在句中可用作主语或宾语:

There’s nobody in the room. 房里没人。(主语)

No one/Nobody wants to interfere with you. 没有人想干预你的事。(主语)

I saw nobody in the room. 我在屋里没看到人。(宾语)

I had no one/nobody to talk to. 我没人可以交谈。(宾语)

nobody 还可表示“无关紧要的人”,用作表语或宾语:

Mr. Povey was nobody . 波维先生是个无关紧要的人。

Don’t marry a nobody like James. 不要嫁给一个像詹姆斯那样没地位的人。

5 some any no 的用法

some any 作代词的用法: some any 都表示“一些”, some 用于肯定句, any 用于否定句及疑问句。它们可以指人或其他可数的东西或者不可数的东西。它们在句中主要用作主语或宾语, any 还可表示“任何一个”:

Some of the books are quite interesting. 有些书很有意思。

If you need money, I’ll lend you some . 如果你需要钱,我可以借你一点。

I don’t want any (of it). 我不要(这个)。

He is older than any of the other boys in his class. 他比他班上任何同学年纪都大。

some any no 作定语的用法: some any no 都可用作定语, some any 表示“一些”, no=not any ,表示“没有”。这时它们都是限定词,也可说是形容词,可修饰可数名词或不可数名词, any 还可表示“任何一个”:

Ask some boys to help you. 找几个男孩子帮助你。

Are there any cows in the field?田野里有奶牛吗?

Wilson had no car. 威尔逊没有汽车。

Please bring some coffee and cream. 请送一些咖啡和奶油来。

Haven’t you any work to do? 你难道没有什么工作可做?

Come any day you like. 你哪天想来就来。

no 可表示“没有任何……”或“不是一个”:

He made no comment. 他未做任何评论。

He is no genius. 他不是天才。

some 有时也可用在疑问句和否定句中,表示请求或反问;这时 some 是正面的,与 any 不同, any 是指“是否有一些”:

I have run out of printing paper. Will you get me some ? 我的打印纸用完了,你能给我找点吗?(用于请求中)

“Where are the stamps?”“Aren’t there some in that drawer?”“邮票在哪儿?”“那个抽屉里不是有吗?”(用于反问句中)

some 有时和可数名词单数一起用,表示“某个”,相当于 a certain

We’d better go to some hotel. 我们最好到某一家旅馆去。

Some day I’m going to take a long motor trip. 某一天我要骑摩托车作一次长途旅行。

6 many few(a few) much little a little 的用法

①这几个代词都表示数量, many much 意为“多”, few little 意为“很少”,有“不足”和“否定”的意味; a few 意为“有几个”,有“肯定”的意味,相当于 several many few 代替可数名词; much little 代替不可数名词。 a little 表示“有一点”,有正面含义,也可以用 a bit a little bit 来代替。这些词可用作主语或宾语:

Many of us were too tired to go further. 我们中间很多人太累不能再往前走。(作主语)

How many do you want? 你要多少?(作宾语)

Much has been said. 话已说了很多。(作主语)

I haven’t much to tell you. 我没有很多东西告诉你。(作宾语)

Few of my acquaintances like Sheila. 我的熟人中很少有人喜欢希拉。(作主语)

He knew few of them. 他们中间他认识的人很少。(作宾语)

Only a few of the children can read. 孩子们只有几个能阅读。(作主语)

I met a few of my friends there. 在那里我碰见我的几个朋友。(作宾语)

There is little to be done now. 现在没有什么办法可想了。(作主语)

He knew little about it. 他对它知道得很少。(作宾语)

There is still a little left. 还剩一点。(作主语)

Try and eat a little . 试着吃一点儿。(作宾语)

②这些词都可用作定语, many 意为“许多”,用来修饰可数名词,还可和 too so 等词一起用; much 也意为“多”,用来修饰不可数名词,也可和 too so 等词一起用:

Do you know many people in London? 在伦敦你认识许多人吗?

There are too many mistakes in your exercises. 你的练习里错误太多。

I never saw so many swans on the lake. 我从未看见湖上有这么多天鹅。

Do you have much money left? 你剩的钱多吗?

I’ve got too much work to do. 我要做的工作太多了。

(So) much money has been wasted. 很(那么)多钱浪费掉了。

7 all each none 的用法

all 可用作代词,可代指可数的人或事物,译为“所有的(人)”;也可代指不可数的事物,常译为“一切”,可作主语、表语同位语或定语。

All present could feel that. 所有在场的人都可感受到这一点。(作主语)

So all is going well. 因此一切都进行得很好。(作主语)

This was all in French. 这都是用法语写的。(作表语)

All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。(作定语)

each 可用作代词,表示“每一个(人)”,只用作可数词、单数形式,可作主语、宾语、定语或同位语:

Two boys entered. Each was carrying a suitcase. 两个小伙子走了进来,每人提着一只箱子。(作主语)

He gave two to each . 他给了每个人两个。(作宾语)

They each signed the paper. 他们每个人都在文件上签了字。(作同位语)

Each boy gets a prize. 每个男孩得了一份奖。(作定语)

none 可指可数的东西,表示“没有一个(人)”;还可指不可数的东西,表示“一点也不”,可在句中作主语、宾语或同位语:

None of us are/is perfect. 我们谁也不是完人。(作主语)

None of the blame is yours. 一点也不怪你。(作主语)

Have you no money at all? ”“ None .”“你一点钱都没有?”“一点钱都没有。” (作宾语)

He likes none of the books. 这些书他全不喜欢。(作宾语)

A friend to all is a friend to none . 对所有人都是朋友,对谁也不是朋友。(作宾语)

We none of us said anything. 我们谁也没说话。(作同位语)

8 both either neither 的用法

这三个词都指两个人或两样东西, both 指“两人(两者)都”; either 表示“两者中的任何一个”; neither 表示“两者中哪个也不”。

Both of them were men of the highest position in England. 两人都是在英国地位最高的人。

They both refused to surrender. 他们两人都不肯投降。

Either of the plans is equally dangerous. 两个计划中的任何一个都同样危险。

You may take either of the roads. 两条路你走哪一条都行。

Neither of us could help laughing. 我们两人都禁不住笑了。

If you run after two hares, you will catch neither .如果两只野兔都追赶,你就哪一只也抓不着。

9 the other/others another 的用法

the other/others 可以表示“另外那个(些)”,是指定的一个或一些,用于可数或不可数名词,但一般修饰可数名词。

One of my brothers is named Paul, the other (is named) Peter. 我一个弟弟叫保罗,另外那个(弟弟)叫彼得。

This book of his doesn’t approach his others in quality. 他这本书在质量上赶不上他的另外那几本。

others 还可表示“别人”“其他人”:

Some like milk chocolate; others prefer plain chocolate. 有些人喜欢奶油巧克力,其他的人则喜欢不带奶油的巧克力。

She thinks only of others’ good. 她只想到别人的利益。

other 还可用作定语(这时可说是限定词),表示“另外的”“别的”“其他的”:

There are other ways of doing this exercise. 还有别的办法做这个练习。

another 表示“另一个”,用于非限定情况,相对于限定的 the other ,可用作主语或宾语;用作定语时,可表示“另一(个)”“又一(个),再”;还可和某些数词一起用,表示“还”“再”等:

There was a rainbow in the sky, and another in his heart. 天上有一道彩虹,他心里则有另一条。

I don’t like this one, show me another . 我不喜欢这个,另拿一个给我看。

She was painting another portrait. 她在画另一张人像。

Rick had had another operation. 里克又做了一次手术。

I’ve got another three minutes. 我还有三分钟。

The strike may last another six weeks. 罢工可能还要持续六个星期。 cwsAuUP+VLucs8D7dKYoy4B2V5iUsAd5I9Rqglh3KD4rTytapeehHSGPC8jkoGS6
