

1. 人称代词



I can’t stay here long. 我不能在这里待多久。(作主语)

We (They) are both single. 我们(他们)两人都是单身。(作主语)

Let me help you (her) . 我来帮助你(她)。(作宾语)

We are worried about him (her) . 我们在为他(她)发愁。(作宾语)



If I were her , I would stay. 要是我是她,我就留下。

在书面语中仍用主格,特别是在 it 引导的这类句子中:

It was I who had been wrong. 错的是我。

2 it 可以用来代表“它”,指具体事物或抽象事物,可指代单个名词,也可指代整句概念:

That vase is very valuable. It ’s over 200 years old. 这个花瓶很珍贵,已有两百多年的历史了。(it指代vase)

She loves swimming. It keeps her fit.她喜欢游泳。这使她身体好。(it指swimming)

You have saved my life; I shall never forget it . 你救了我的命,我永远不会忘记。(it 指整句 You have saved my life.)


“What a beautiful baby! Is it a boy?”“多漂亮的孩子!是男孩吗?”

3 them 可以指人,也可指物或动物:

I’m really sorry for them . 我的确为他们感到难过。

Where did you put them? 你把它们放哪里了?

Here are the rabbits Auntie brought us. Take good care of them . 这是姑姑送来的兔子。好好照顾它们。


He has more time than me . 他的时间比我多。

They are wiser than us . 他们比我们聪明。

不过如果从句中还有别的词,则仍用主格: She is as tall as I am (he is). 她同我(他)一样高。

She sings better than I do. 她的歌唱得比我好。

5 we, you, they 可用来泛指一般人:

We/You have to be cautious under such circumstances. 在这样的情况下大家得小心。

They don’t allow us to smoke here. 这儿不让吸烟。

2. 物主代词

物主代词( possessive pronouns )有以下这些:

(1)形容词性物主代词(有些语法学家称为限定词)主要用作定语。其中 its 可以用来表示“动物的”或“物件的”或“婴儿的”:

Is this your (his, her) coat? 这是你的(他的,她的)大衣吗?

What’s your (her) name? 你(她)叫什么名字?

Here is my dog. Its name is Tom. 这是我的狗,它的名字叫汤姆。

The chair has lost one of its legs. 椅子掉了一条腿。

The baby opened its eyes. 婴儿睁开了眼睛。

2 their 也可表示“某些动物的”或“某些东西的”; her 也可用来表示“某雌性动物的”“某国家的”“某船(车)的”等:

Dogs should have their own kennels outside the house. 狗应当在房子外面有它们自己的狗屋。

Cars with their engines at the back are very noisy. 发动机在后面的汽车很吵人。

The cuckoo lays her eggs in other bird’s nests. 杜鹃把自己的蛋生在别的鸟的窝里。

God bless this ship and all who sail in her . 上帝保佑该船和船上所有的航行者。

3 )物主代词可以和 own 连用,表示“……自己的”,在句子中可作定语、表语、宾语等;也可以和 of 连用:

I love to have my own room. 我愿意有自己的房间。(作定语)

The house is my own . 这房子是我自己的。(作表语)

Raid had reserved a seat for me, beside his own . 雷德给我留了一个座位,在他的座位旁边。(作宾语)

We have no children of our own . 我们没有自己的孩子。

They had opinions of their own . 他们有他们自己的看法。

(4)名词性物主代词可以用作表语、主语、宾语,也可以和 of 连用,表示“(某某人)的”:

This book is mine . 这是我的书。(表语)

Our flat is on the first floor a theirs (is) on the third. 我们的公寓在一楼,他们的公寓在三楼。(主语)

Let’s clean their room first and ours later. 咱们先打扫他们的房间,咱们的房间稍后再打扫。(宾语)

He grinned at her and laid his hand on hers . 他冲她笑了笑,把他的手放在她手上。(宾语)

He is a friend of mine (ours) . 他是我的(我们的)一位朋友。

That remark of yours is quite correct. 你那句话是很正确的。 JV6gInNxPID/G0n6RGspDYL9nIGZODJ0Szlpbd7g9Yoh29XM3qThJUpJ049Ye4Kp
