

Part 1



Songs and singing

1. Did you enjoy singing when you were younger? [Why/Why not?]

Yeah, I really enjoyed it a lot. Back in primary school I was in the chorus and performed in front of the whole school. In high school there was also a phase when I loved singing karaoke so much that I did it every week.

in the chorus 在合唱团

there was a phase when... 有那么一段时间

2. How often do you sing now? [Why?]

Not quite often compared with the past. I can’t even recall the last time I went to a karaoke bar. Suffice it to say that this microphone hog has retired. Sometimes I hum a little tune when I take a shower, but never too loudly.

Suffice it to say that... 只想说…

hum a little tune 哼个小曲

microphone hog 麦霸

3. Do you have a favourite song you like listening to? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, it’s “Listening for the weather” by a New Zealand singer named Bic Runga. It may not be a hit song but whenever I listen to it, it just chases my blues away and puts my mind at ease .

a hit song 轰动一时的歌曲

put one’s mind at ease 让某人心情安定

chase one’s blues away 驱散某人的忧郁

4. How important is singing in your culture? [Why?]

Well, I think it’s quite a big deal . For Chinese people singing karaoke is a very popular way to let off steam and socialise with others. Recently there are more and more karaoke booths in big shopping malls and they are always full. It just shows how much Chinese people like to sing.

quite a big deal 很重要的事

karaoke booths 迷你KTV

let off steam 宣泄压力,放松

Part 2

考官给考生一张话题卡(Cue card)。考生有1分钟准备时间,并可以做笔记(考官会给考生笔和纸)。之后考生要作1~2分钟的陈述。考生讲完后,考官会就考生的阐述内容提一两个相关问题,由考生作简要回答。

Describe a film/movie actor from your country who is very popular.

You should say:

who this actor is

what kinds of films/movies he/she acts in

what you know about this actor’s life

and explain why this actor is very popular.


这是人物类话题卡当中一张比较典型的名人卡片,主要考查考生描述一个属于特定领域的名人(如演员)的能力。作答时需注意,所选电影演员必须符合卡片的要求,即要来自中国,而且要充分拓展为什么这个演员会如此受欢迎。与此话题可以串联的卡片包括Describe a famous person from your country, Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet等。


one of the biggest names 最有名的人之一

put on breathtaking performances 做出令人

make one’s film debut 演出首部电影作品 惊艳的表演

get one’s big break 获得重要的突破机会

House of Flying Daggers 《十面埋伏》

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 《卧虎藏龙》

elegance and vivacity 优雅和生动

films of many different genres 不同主题类型的电影

leave a long-lasting impression 留下久久挥之不去的印象

Central Academy of Drama 中央戏剧学院

slowly but surely 稳扎稳打地

draw public attention 获得公众关注

polish one’s acting skills 磨炼演技

play the leading role 饰演主角

best actress in a leading role 最佳女主角

thanks to 多亏了

film-goers of all ages 各个年龄段的影迷

Part 3



Watching films/movies

1. What are the most popular types of films in your country?

Well, I would say sci-fi and comedies . Hollywood superhero films have been widely popular in China and the box office performance of this genre is second to none . I suppose people are attracted to the dazzling special effects in these action-packed films . Comedies are also doing a wonderful job because they can offer some light-hearted fun to those who are under a lot of pressure from their work or studies.

sci-fi and comedies 科幻和喜剧

dazzling special effects 令人目眩的特效

box office performance 票房表现

action-packed films 动作丰富有趣的电影

second to none 首屈一指的

offer some light-hearted fun 让人轻松快乐

2. What is the difference between watching a film in the cinema and watching a film at home?

I suppose when you watch a film in the cinema the sound and visual effects are probably better because of the mega screens and powerful stereo systems . When you watch it at home you will have more control over how you want to play it. For example, you can pause it when you need to hit the loo and you can fast forward the parts that you don’t like.

sound and visual effects 视听效果

hit the loo 上厕所

mega screens 超大屏幕

fast forward 快进

powerful stereo systems 强劲的音响系统

3. Do you think cinemas will close in the future?

I don’t think so. Some people are saying that since VR technology is developing so fast cinemas will become redundant someday, but I disagree. I believe going to a cinema is not just about watching the film, but the whole experience. You will get this great feeling when the whole audience burst into laughter because of a funny scene or break into applause at the end of a great film.

VR(Virtual Reality)technology 虚拟现实技术

burst into laughter 哄堂大笑

become redundant 变得多余

break into applause 齐声鼓掌


1. How important is the theatre in your country’s history?

I would say it played a rather significant part in our history. When we talk about Chinese theatre, I suppose the first thing people think of is Beijing Opera. This great art form dates back to the 18th century and has been considered a national treasure . In the past since there were not that many types of entertainment, many people went to the theatres regularly to enjoy Beijing Opera. In Qing Dynasty it became so popular that almost everyone could sing one song or two from the most famous plays.

play a rather significant part 扮演相当重要的角色

a national treasure 国家瑰宝

date back to 追溯到

2. How strong a tradition is it today in your country to go to the theatre?

Unfortunately I don’t think it is as strong a tradition to go to the theatre as it was in the past. Beijing Opera is more of an acquired taste . It takes time to learn its vocabulary and understand the stories. Nowadays there are so many other types of entertainment for people to choose from. Therefore, theatre is losing its attraction for young people, which is really sad if you ask me.

an acquired taste 逐渐培养的爱好

learn its vocabulary 学习戏剧语言

It takes time to... 需要花时间来……

lose its attraction 失去吸引力

3. Do you think the theatre should be run as a business or as a public service?

I believe it should be run as a hybrid . The business part gives people who work in the theatre an incentive to better themselves . However, the problem with business is that it’s too profit-driven . If a business is not bringing enough profit, it will be closed. The theatre should be more than that because it’s a part of our cultural legacy which should be more accessible . And for such a reason it should also be partially run as a public service.

hybrid 混合体

too profit-driven 利益驱动性太强

give...an incentive 给…一些激励

cultural legacy 文化遗产

better themselves 让他们做得更好

accessible 可接近的,可获得的 mDiTA7k0xe6m9uTr8uLScqr/+Qyb6gZT2ZGyaGHPfT8hSK3QoiWy1SMDul9LgdHi
