

Section 1




ceremony n. 庆典,庆祝活动

spot n. 地点,位置

officially adv. 官方地;正式地

mayor n. 市长;镇长

councilor n. 政务会委员;议员

performance n. 表演;表现

choir n. 合唱团

cadet n. 候补军官;实习生

community n. 社区;共同体

centenary n. 百年纪念

biologist n. 生物学家

firework n. 烟火,烟花

display n. 表演;展示

opposite adj. 相反的;对面的

ballet n. 芭蕾

demonstration n. 展示;表演

traditional adj. 传统的;惯例的

concert n. 演唱会

professional n. 专业人员;内行

presume v. 推测,假定


annual adj. 每年的

consultation n. 咨询

council n. 理事会;立法委

district n.

municipal adj. 市的,市政的

municipality n. 市政当局

resident n. 居民

comfortable adj. 舒适的

energetic adj. 精力充沛的

expense n. 开销

leaflet n. 宣传单


1. People start gathering around 2 o’clock, to get a good place to see from, and the events will start at 2.45, and finish about 5.30. 人们两点就集合了,好占一个视线好的位置。活动2:45开始,5:30结束。考生需要了解英文中写时间的习惯是中间仅出现一个点,而非汉语中的两个点,例如英文中是2.45,5.30,汉语中是2:45,5:30。

2. ...and later, as the sun sets, there’ll be a firework display. You should go to the park to watch, as you’ll get the best view from there, and the display takes place on the opposite side of the river. 之后,当太阳落山了会有烟火表演。你应该去公园观看,那里的视线最好。表演就在河对岸。考生需要把握以下固定搭配及短语:sun set太阳落山,take place发生,on the opposite side of...在…的对面。

3. It’s in the market in the town centre - the outdoor one, not the covered market. 在城市里的集市,露天的那个,不是室内的。covered此处指有顶棚。





3.题干词performance在原文中以动词perform的形式出现。通过题干语法可判断需要填名词。考生有可能在community group和play间犹豫。需要注意句子结构,所填词汇应与Helen Tungate相关。play一词符合题干词性及语法。

4.由题干结构可判断本题所填信息是对Helen Tungate的补充说明。原文随后提及此人是scientist,答案为直叙。

5.题干词firework, display原文重现,定位较容易。由题干语法可预测需要填名词,指某地点。答案river为直叙。

6 本题为直叙。无难度。

7 本题为直叙。无难度。

8.本题中考生需要把握performance与demonstration为同义。traditional dance为直叙,完全匹配题干。



Section 2




finalise v. 完成;使…落实

liaise v. 保持联络;与…建立联系

negotiate v. 协商,谈判

rehearsal n. 彩排,排练

preference n. 喜好,偏好

meat-oriented adj. 以肉为主的

confess v. 承认,坦白

playwright n. 编剧

premiere n. 首映礼;初次公演

dressy adj. 衣着考究的

multimedia n./adj. 多媒体(的)

soundtrack n. 原声

commission v. 委任,授予

revival n. 复兴,复活,再生

arouse v. 引发,诱发

dignitary n. 高官,显赫人物

host v. 举办;主持

reception n. 接待

stunning adj. 令人震惊的;出色的

lead actor 男主角


access n. 进入;接近

auditorium n. 观众席;听众席

backstage adv. 在后台;背地里

box office 售票处

convert n./v. 改建

corridor n. 通道;过道

costume n. 戏服,演出服

curtain n. 幕布;窗帘

decorate v. 装饰,装潢

elevator n. 电梯

exterior n. 外部;表面

foyer n. 门厅;休息室

function n. 功能,作用;重大集会

leg-room n. 座椅前的空档

lift n. 电梯

lighting n. 照明

premises n. 地点

redevelopment n. 再开发

refurbishment n. 粉刷一新

reoriented adj. 重定方位的

repainted adj. 重新油漆的

stuffy adj. 闷热的


1. He’s already liaised with the managers of the theatres we’re going to visit, and he’s also arranged for an officer of the National Theatre in Munich to show us round the theatre one afternoon during our stay. 他已经联系了我们要参观的剧院的经理,还安排了一位慕尼黑国家剧院的官员在我们停留期间的某个下午带我们参观剧场。liaise with意为“与…建立联系”。

2. The normal rate at the hotel where we’re staying is 150 euros a night for a double room. I’d hoped to get that down to 120 euros, but in fact I’ve been able to negotiate a rate of 110. 我们住的酒店一间双人间的价格一般是150欧/晚,我原本希望能拿到120欧/晚,结果最终谈到了110欧/晚。

3. The play we’re seeing on Wednesday evening is a modern one, and we’re going to the premiere, so it’ll be quite a dressy occasion, though of course you don’t have to dress formally. 周三晚上我们要看的演出是现代的,而且是首映,所以我们要穿得得体一些,当然也不需要过于正式。dressy occasion指“衣着考究的场合”。

4. I gather it’s rather a multimedia production, with amazing lighting effects and a soundtrack of electronic music, though unfortunately the playwright is ill and is unlikely to be able to attend. 这应该是个多媒体制作,会有非常棒的灯效和电子原声配乐,但遗憾的是编剧生病了不能参加。

5. On Thursday we’re seeing a play that was first performed last year, when it was commissioned to mark a hundred years since the birth in the town of a well-known scientist. We’re going to see a revival of that production, which aroused a lot of interest. 周四我们要看的演出是在去年首演的,当时是为了纪念在该镇出生的一位著名科学家的100周年诞辰。我们要看的是新编版,这个版本引起了巨大反响。arouse interest为固定搭配,意为“引发关注,引起兴趣”。

6. On Saturday, we’re going by coach to a theatre in another town, not far from Munich. This will be the opening of a drama festival, and the mayor and all the other dignitaries of the town will be attending. 周六我们坐大巴去离慕尼黑不远处的另一个镇子的一家剧院。那天正好是戏剧节开幕式,所以市长和其他当地名流都会出席。



11.本题三个选项原文均有提及。考生需把握too early to have lunch指吃午饭太早,意为否定。breakfast被限定为before we leave home。本题所问在于在机场可以做的事情,coffee是主讲人最终建议的。


13.本题三个选项原文均有提及。考生在理解原文的基础上可选出正确答案。若理解有困难,需把握but, however, in fact, actually等词汇和短语表转折、递进关系,其后通常会出现重要信息。


15.本题为直叙。actor, playwright为干扰项。此两者都是与director共事者,并非题干所问。


Section 3




accurate adj. 准确的,精确的

graduate n. 研究生

master n. 硕士

undergraduate n. 本科生

journalism n. 新闻学;新闻业

literature n. 文学;文献

specialise v. 专攻,从事

saga n. 传说,冒险故事

genre n. 类型,种类

settlement n. 定居;安顿

mythology n. 神话

assignment n. 作业;任务

fantasy adj. 虚幻的

documentary n. 纪录片

provocative adj. 刺激的

bullet point 要点,重点

skeleton n. 梗概;骨架


catalogue n. 目录

deadline n. 最后期限

draft v. 打草稿

eligible adj. 合适的;合格的

field study 实习

handwriting n. 书写

in advance 提前

journal n. 期刊

laptop n. 手提电脑

plagiarism n. 抄袭

presentation n. 论文陈述

proficiency n. 熟练

prospectus n. 大纲;计划书

seminar n. 研讨会

supervise v. 监督,监管

thesis/dissertation n. 论文

tutorial n. 大学导师个人辅导时间

workshop n. 学术专题讨论


1. I can get by when I talk to people, though I’m not terribly accurate. 我和他们对话的时候可以说,但不是非常准确。get by“尚可,过得去”。

2. I’m interested in journalism, and I quite like the idea of moving to Scandinavia and writing for magazines. 我对新闻学感兴趣。我很想搬到斯堪的纳维亚半岛,并给杂志写稿。

3. ...but the one on Scandinavian literature that’s running at the moment will be replaced by more specialised courses. ……但是现在在上的斯堪的那维亚文学课下学期会被换成其他更多专业课。

4. The trouble with that is that a lot of people choose that topic, and it can be difficult to get hold of the books you’ll need. 问题是太多人会选这个话题,你根本借不到你所需要的书。get hold of意为“得到,拿到”。

5. I have to do that this week, and I’m a bit stuck. 我这周就得做,但我有点困惑(遇到困难)。

6. If it’s the one I am thinking of, hmm, I’d ignore it - it’s more fantasy than reality. 如果这是我想的那个…嗯…我就不用了,这太奇幻了,脱离现实。

7. Then put short phrases and sentences as bullet points under each heading. 然后把短语和句子写在每一个标题下面当作分论点。bullet point指“在提纲中子标题之下的下层级标题”,多以短语或单词出现,起提示作用。



21.本题题干含义与原文中Beth提问why did you decide to take this course?高度一致。定位较容易。选项A具有迷惑性,因为原文提及want to visit Denmark,考生需要把握hardly一词为否定,指“几乎不”。后提及relations or friends...came to see us,与C选项相符。

22.题干词graduate原文重现,定位相对容易。选项A与原文提及master’s degree相关,后被James否决,认为undergraduate course will be enough。考生需把握journalism一词的含义,指“新闻业”,与B选项相符,magazine一词也与media相符。


24.题干词literature paper原文重现,答案定位直接。选项B被最先提及,后来决定leave for another time而被否决。选项A和C也被提及,学生James称“看过或读过一些play,所以是好主意”,因此与选项A相符。

25.本题题干明确表示是Beth向James提建议。suggest一词引出答案所在句。考生需要把握avoid一词指“避免”,此处为否定。转折词but后提及in the context of the society为重点,与选项C中social background相符。随后明确表示比history of the genre更好,选项A即被否定。

26~30.本题考查James撰写文章的步骤,答案出现时多由then一词展现层次、步骤的推进。部分题目为原词答案,难度不大,例如:Q27: documentary, Q29: notes, Q30: bullet points;部分题目为同义替换,例如:Q26: assignment = student paper, Q28: outline = structure。

Section 4




considerably adv. 明显地,显著地

appalling adj. 可怕的,骇人听闻的

bully v. 恃强凌弱;欺侮

abusively adv. 虐待地;滥用地

aggressively adv. 挑衅地

superiority n. 超越;优越

hierarchy n. 阶层,阶级

incompatible adj. 与…不符的

optimism n. 乐观;乐观主义

intolerant adj. 不能容忍的

colleague n. 同事

pessimistic adj. 悲观的

promote v. 提升;升职

administrator n. 管理者;行政人员

stressful adj. 有压力的

spiral v. 急剧上升(或下降)

combination n. 混合,融合

tackle v. 处理

board n. 董事会

vision n. 愿景;想法

strategic adj. 战略的

autocratic adj. 专制的,独裁的

democratic adj. 民主的

mediator n. 协调员,仲裁者


workplace n. 工作场所

multinational n. 跨国公司

fundamentally adv. 基本地

personality n. 个性

gender n. 性别

variation n. 差异;变化

utilize v. 利用,使用

identify v. 辨认,区分

cooperation n. 合作

conformity n. 一致性

priority n. 优先;优先权

collaborative adj. 合作的,协作的

conflict n. 冲突,矛盾

economy n. 经济;节约

efficiency n. 效率

leadership n. 领导力

merger n. 合并;吸收

workforce n. 劳动力;全体员工


1. What is conflict in the workplace? Definitions vary, but I’m taking it to refer to a whole range of behaviours that the victim finds unacceptable, from minor, harmless arguments to - at the opposite extreme - physical violence. Much of this is covered by the term bullying, by which I mean one or more people behaving abusively or aggressively against another who is in a weaker position. 职场冲突是什么?定义有很多版本。我个人认为这指的是受害一方认为无法接受的一切行为,从危害较小的争论,到比较极端的肢体暴力。这些都可以用“欺凌”一词概括,我指的是一人或多人对另一个弱势者采取的虐待、挑衅行为。refer to “意指”。

2. But often it’s caused by someone who feels the need to show their superiority over someone else, in order to feel that they aren’t at the lowest level in a hierarchy or a group of people. 这一般是由一个需要向别人展示他的优越感从而感到他不是在一个特定阶层或人群中处于最底层的人引发的。

3. Some conflicts arise when people are more interested in promoting themselves and their team than in the company as a whole. 有些冲突的发生是由于某些人只关注个人或团队的提升而非公司整体的提升。as a whole“作为一个整体”。

4. For the company, if no effort is made to deal with conflict, it can spiral out of control, and even lead to the breakdown of the business. 对公司而言,如果对冲突没有任何解决方案,它会急剧上升并失控,甚至会导致公司破产。

5. Many CEOs combine two opposing characteristics: confidence - that is, the belief that they’re capable of great achievements - with a high level of anxiety, a fear of missing targets, whether set by themselves or by the directors of the company. 很多CEO具有截然相反的两种特质:自信(他们能获得巨大成就的信念)和高度的焦虑(一种不能实现任务的恐惧,不论这个任务是自己还是上级制定的)。

6. And it’s particularly difficult to tackle the situation where colleagues, managers and board members are all trying to achieve their own visions. When they can’t agree on strategic issues and on where they see the business going, there are real problems.当同事、管理者、董事会成员都在试着实现他们自己的愿景时会非常难办。不能对战略问题和公司未来方向达成一致意见是个大问题。board member为固定用法。

7. For managers at lower levels within the organisation, it might seem that an autocratic form of management - where the chief executive gives orders and everyone else has to obey - would see more conflict than others. 对于一个机构中的基层管理者而言,由一个管理者发出指令而所有其他人都必须遵守的独裁式管理可能会比其他风格更易引发冲突。

8. That will involve politeness in all communications, and treating them as equals who happen to have a different role within the organisation. 这包含所有交流中的礼貌,以及平等待人。这些人只是碰巧在一个机构中承担不同的角色而已。happen to意为“碰巧”。



31.题干词conflict, behaviour原文重现。考生有可能因为不理解题干含义“冲突大多包含在______大类别下的行为”而无法定位答案。本题稍难,需要对题干含义及原文含义充分理解。bullying一词出现在cover之后,符合题干词性及含义。

32.题干词a result of与原文caused by同义替换,且their一词原文重现,紧随其后出现答案superiority.

33.题干词differences原文替换为incompatible with。由题干语法可判断需要填名词,指人与人之间的某方面不同,personality符合题干词性及含义。


35.题干词stress在原文中替换为形容词stressful,定位较容易。题干中cause与原文中result in再次同义替换,紧随其后出现符合题干语法的名词absence。


37.本题定位稍难。考生需要完全理解题干及原文含义。通过题干语法可判断需要填写名词。原文中...to achieve their own visions意为“实现他们的个人愿景”。

38.本题由题干语法可判断需要填形容词,指何种构架。原文提及两种:autocratic, democratic,而引发conflicting demands的为后者。若考生感到难以把握含义,可关注interestingly一词,指“有趣的是”,表转折,通常后接重要信息。

39.题干词try hard to gain原文替换为make efforts to earn。本题为直叙。

40.本题在原文中由转折关联词however引出。题干词outside the company在原文中替换为external。由题干语法可判断需要填名词,mediator符合题干词性及含义。 MYkowQeIdCzYE1gzrqBzNlLcQ2yNlhEwJo2Ct0v2QdDMpTemoQ4Fa2sKcGn726vC
