

Part 1




1. Is it important for you to eat healthy food? [Why/Why not?]

Absolutely. I eat a lot of green vegetables and fruits. Junk food is a luxury which I indulge myself with only once a month. Some friends call me a health freak , but I think it’s totally worth it.

indulge myself with.. 用…纵容自己

health freak 健康狂人

2. If you catch a cold, what do you do to help you feel better? [Why?]

Well, normally I will drink a lot of water and get plenty of rest. I don’t really like taking medicine because of the side effects . I think it’s a lot better to rely on your immune system to heal yourself.

side effects 副作用

rely on one’s immune system 依靠自身的免疫系统

3. Do you pay attention to public information about health? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, but quite selectively. I mean, some advice and tips on the Internet can be really helpful but there is also a lot of misleading information out there. A seemingly well-written report could be just another sales stunt. Therefore, it’s important to pick and choose .

misleading information 误导性信息

pick and choose 精挑细选

sales stunt 销售噱头

4. What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?

I suppose I could go to bed a little earlier. Sometimes I stay up quite late to watch TV or play computer games. I even pulled an all-nighter last month to play this online game with my friends. Now come to think of it , I probably shouldn’t have done that.

stay up late 熬夜

now come to think of it 现在想想

pull an all-nighter 通宵不睡

Part 2

考官给考生一张话题卡(Cue card)。考生有1分钟准备时间,并可以做笔记(考官会给考生笔和纸)。之后考生要作1~2分钟的陈述。考生讲完后,考官会就考生的阐述内容提一两个相关问题,由考生作简要回答。

Describe an occasion when you had to wait a long time for someone or

something to arrive.

You should say:

who or what you were waiting for

how long you had to wait

why you had to wait a long time

and explain how you felt about waiting a long time.


这是一张比较常见的事件类话题卡,主要考查考生描述某一次等待某人或某物很久的经历。作答时需注意,要充分拓展等待时的心情以及行为。与此话题可以串联的卡片包括Describe a time when you got a little angry, Describe a time when you met an old friend, Describe a special gift you gave to someone等。


instant camera 拍立得

As I had feared 正如我所担心的

wrap the gift 包装礼物

there was no guarantee 不能保证

throw a party for... 为…办聚会

give it some priority 给一些优先权

quite slippery 非常滑

pace the room 在房间里踱步

several highways were sealed 几条高速路被封

rush to the intercom 赶去门禁对讲机

Part 3



Arriving Early

1. In what kinds of situations should people always arrive early?

Well, in situations when time is of the essence , I suppose. For example, if you need to take a plane you should always arrive at the airport early because the security check takes a long time and the plane will not wait for you. Also, if your lateness may be taken as a sign of disrespect , for example, if you are meeting someone for the first time it is quite rude to be late.

time is of the essence 时间至关重要

a sign of disrespect 不尊重的表现

security check 安检

2. How important is it to arrive early in your country?

I suppose it depends on who you are meeting with and what you are meeting for. If you are meeting a friend for a casual meal or something, he or she probably wouldn’t be too upset if you run a bit late . However, if you are meeting with someone you are not that familiar with, or for some important matters, it is quite advisable that you get there a bit early. After all punctuality is a sign of reliability . Being late is not exactly fashionable in Chinese culture.

for a casual meal 简单吃个饭

punctuality 守时

run a bit late 来迟一些

reliability 可靠

it is quite advisable that... 非常建议…

3. How can modern technology help people to arrive early?

Many people are using their smartphones to make sure that they won’t be late for important events. Once you have put them on your calendar , a reminder will pop up on the screen and the alarm clock will go off one hour before the event. If you have installed a flight app , it will send you reminders three hours before your departure time automatically. Some traffic apps can help you calculate the fastest route to get to your destination. This helps you to arrive early as well.

put them on one’s calendar 记录在日历上

install a flight app 安装飞机航班软件

pop up 弹出来

departure time 起飞时间

alarm clock will go off 闹铃会响

calculate the fastest route 计算最快路径

Being patient

1. What kinds of jobs require the most patience?

In my opinion, jobs involving children are probably the most demanding as far as patience is concerned . Unlike adults, most children are still learning how to communicate effectively with others. Sometimes they have difficulty expressing their wants and needs . And when they don’t get what they want, they may even throw a temper tantrum . It takes a lot of patience to spend hours and hours with children.

the most demanding 要求最高的

express their wants and needs 表达他们的需求

as far as patience is concerned 说到耐心

throw a temper tantrum 乱发脾气

communicate effectively 有效交流

2. Is it always better to be patient in work (or studies)?

Yeah, I think so. Generally speaking , when you lose your patience it is more likely for you to make mistakes and fail to notice the details. A patient person is also usually better at communicating with co-workers because he or she is more willing to listen. This will encourage collegiality and allow the whole team to work more efficiently.

generally speaking 一般来讲

communicate with co-workers 和同事交流

lose one’s patience 失去耐心

encourage collegiality 增强协作

fail to notice 没能注意到

3. Do you agree or disagree that the older people are, the more patient they are?

Yeah, it’s probably right. I mean, when you get older you are also inclined to become wiser because you have much experience of life. You will be better at handling complex information and analyse it. Therefore, you don’t get confused as often and won’t lose patience easily. Plus: your experience may also teach you to be more patient with others because you are more tolerant of others’ faults .

be inclined to 倾向于

get confused 感到困惑

handle complex information 处理复杂信息

be more tolerant of others’ faults 对别人的缺点更包容 5qWqANG+KPQXJ81e1DfRcaJgC/fBMYkJMqTJltV1b4NoDhas2BMh1ggh+0M/qcrt
