

Section 1




excursion n. 长途旅行

suitable adj. 合适的,恰当的

steamship n. 汽船,轮船

passenger n. 游客,乘客

fantastic adj. 绝妙的,美好的

assume v. 假设,假定

feed v. 喂养

trek n. 艰苦跋涉

explore v. 探索,探究

scenery n. 风景,景色

cruise n. 巡航,巡游

terminal n. 终点;终端

kit n. 工具箱

helmet n. 头盔,钢盔

ride n. 骑行

remote adj. 远程的,遥远的


actual time 实际时间

apartment n. [美]公寓

attraction n. 吸引;名胜

balcony n. 阳台

barbecue n. 烧烤

brochure n. 小册子

brunch n. 早午餐

budget n. 预算

buffet n. 自助餐

cancellation n. 取消

discount n. 打折,优惠

entertainment n. 娱乐

expense n. 开销

facility n. 设备,设施

leaflet n. 宣传单

reasonable adj. 合理的

resort n. 娱乐场所;度假胜地

studio flat 单身公寓

supermarket n. 超级市场

well-equipped adj. 装备完善的


1. You’re met off the boat by the farmer and he’ll take you to the holding pens, where the sheep are kept. Children love feeding them!你们坐船和当地农民碰面,他会带你们去圈养羊群的围栏。孩子们非常喜欢喂羊!短语holding pens中的holding指“圈养”,pens指“围栏”。

2.There are some very beautiful gardens along the side of the lake which also belong to the farm. 沿着湖边有一些非常美的属于农场的花园。which引导的定语从句修饰gardens。

3. So is there anything else to do over on that side of the lake?在湖的另一边有什么其他可以做的事情吗?over on that side中的over无具体含义,为习惯搭配。

4.You’d also need to pick up a repair kit for the bike from there to take along with you, and you’d need to take along a snack and some water - it’d be best to get those in the city. 你还需要从那儿带个修车的工具箱,还需要些零食和水。这些最好都从城里拿。


本节出现的题型是典型的Section 1出现频率极高的纵轴个人信息表格(form)。

1.题干词take photos在原文中被替换为take pictures,词汇难度不大,答案为直叙。


3.由题干结构可判断本题答案为名词,意指“农场的某处”,且by the lake在原文中替换为along the side of the lake,仅gardens一词符合含义。

4.本题考查的词汇不难。通过题干可判断需填名词,且该名词意指费用中不包含的部分。原文直叙表达lunch not included。

5.题干词Back Road原文重现,本题相对较容易定位。通过题干判断本题填名词,指cycling trips中提供的某物,they’ll give you a map对应该信息。

6.题干词cyclists是考生必须掌握的词汇,进而理解该题依然围绕前文所说的cycling trips的参与者/骑行者需要更多的+某名词。原文提及这类活动不适合该游客随行的七岁儿子,因为it needs someone who’s got a bit more experience。




10.本题明显需要定位数字。货币符号$在空格前,需要填入金额。原文出现多项混淆信息,考生需留意题干词total cost for whole family指“全家的费用”,而非“个人费用”。

Section 2




responsibility n. 职责,责任

show up 出现;呈现

footwear n.(总称)鞋类

slippery adj. 滑溜的

bracelet n. 手链,手镯

hazard n. 危险,冒险的事

regulation n. 规则,规章制度

equipment n. 设备,器材

properly adv. 恰当地

disposal n. 处理;支配

slicer n. 切片机

bound n. 界限,限制

electric adj. 电动的,带电的

stressful adj. 有压力的

overtime n. 加班时间

straightaway adv. 立即,马上

injure v. 伤害,受伤

incident n. 事件

perishable n. 容易腐坏的东西


facility n. 设备,设施

primarily adv. 首要地,根本上

badminton n. 羽毛球

vice versa 反之亦然

keep-fit adj. 健身的

fully licensed 完全获许可的

option n. 自由选择;选择权

scheme n. 计划;系统

assessment n. 测试;估定

instructor n. 教官;指导者

residential area 居民区,住宅区


1. OK, they may get shouted at sometimes, but it’s nothing personal, and they’re pleased that they have so many different things to do, which means they never get bored. 他们有时被训斥,但这都绝对不是针对个人的。而且他们对有那么多不同的事情可做感到高兴,因为不会感到无聊。

2. Those of you with long hair have got it well out of the way, but some of you’ll need to remove your rings and bracelets - just put them somewhere safe for today, and remember to leave them at home tomorrow, as they can be a safety hazard. 那些留长头发的人已经把头发弄好了,但有些人需要把戒指、手链摘掉。今天先找个安全的地方放好,但记得明天留在家里,因为这些东西可能会成为重大安全隐患。

3. Now it’s going to be a busy day for you all today - we don’t have any tables free for this evening, and only a few for lunch. 今天对大家来说会非常忙碌。我们今晚没有空桌,午餐仅有几张空桌。此处“没有空桌”指餐厅内的位置都被预订了。

4. Then I think there are two of you here who are under 18 - that’s Emma and Jake, isn’t it? Right, so for you two, the meat slicer is out of bounds. 我想应该有两个人在18岁以下,Emma和Jake对吧?所以你们俩不可以碰切肉机。out of bounds指“禁止的,超出权限的”。

5. What you’ll find is that you’re on your feet all day long, lifting and carrying, so if you’re not fit now you soon will be! You’ll find you don’t have much chance to take it easy - when someone tells you to do something you need to do it straightaway - but at least we do have a very efficient air conditioning system compared with some kitchens. 你会发现你们全天都是站着的,把东西搬来搬去,所以如果你现在身材不够好,很快就会的。你还会发现没什么机会放松——有人让你做什么,你立即就得做——好在和很多其他的厨房相比,我们至少有非常高效的空调系统。

6. And finally, there’s Mike Smith. He’s the member of staff who takes care of all the stores of perishables, so if you notice we’re getting low in flour or sugar or something, make sure you let him know so he can put in an order. 还有最后一位,Mike Smith,负责所有易消耗品的库存,如果你发现面粉、糖这些东西不够了,赶快告诉他,以便他下单采购。get low指“变少”。



11.题干词like原文替换为enjoy,词汇较简单。原文中提及so many different things to do,与选项A的the variety of work为同义替换。

12.本题具有一定迷惑性。原文提及footwear,容易使考生认为C选项shoes与其匹配,后又提及hair,使B选项易被误选。但此两项都是kitchen assistants已经注意的,而本题问的是manager担心的问题。原文中but一词为重要提示,后提及rings and bracelets,考生需把握两词含义,对应A选项。

13.题干词busy原文重现,定位相对较容易。原文don’t have any tables free对应C选项fully booked。

14.题干数字18原文重现,C选项meat slicer为直叙。B选项electric mixer为陷阱,但原文特别说明任何人都不可以用mixer,A选项同理。

15~16.题干词stressful原文重现,定位不难。选项与原文均为同义替换。考生需把握on your feet all day long指“全天站着”,与E选项physically demanding相符;do it straightaway与A选项follow orders immediately相符。


Section 3




angle n. 角度,视角

concentrate n. 集中;关注

external adj. 外部的,外界的

funding n. 资金;基金

brainstorm v. 头脑风暴,开动脑筋

access v. 使用;接近

obsolete adj. 过时的;废弃的

digitalise v. 使数字化

copyright n. 版权

best-seller n. 畅销书

preference n. 喜好,偏好

evolve v. 使发展,使进化

financial adj. 金融的;财务的

implication n. 含义;影响

in-depth adj. 深入的

budget n. 预算

council n. 委员会,政务会

emergency n. 紧急情况,突发事件

insurance n. 保险;预防措施

archive n. 档案室;档案文件

database n. 数据库,数据

fancy v. 想要;喜欢


analysis n. 分析

assessment n. 评估

catalogue n. 目录

critical adj. 批判式的

deadline n. 最后期限

dissertation n. 论文

draft n. 草稿

essay n. 论文

field study 实习

mandatory course 必修课

methodology n. 方法学,方法论

note-taking n. 做笔记

observation n. 观察

optional course 选修课

plagiarism n. 抄袭

prospectus n. 说明书,计划书

reference n. 参考文献;推荐信

respondent n. 受访者

seminar n. 研讨会

statistics n. 统计;数据

thesis n. 论文

tutorial n. 个别辅导

workshop n. 学术专题讨论


1.Maybe we should concentrate on this country, and try and relate the changes in libraries to external developments, like the fact that far more people can read than a century ago, and that the local population may speak lots of different languages. 也许我们应该只关注这个国家,再尝试把图书馆的变化和外界发展联系起来,比如和一个世纪之前相比,更多的人可以认字,还有本地人可以说很多不同的语言。此处read一词不仅指阅读,更指阅读的能力。

2.But the digitalised books that are available online for free are mostly out of copyright, aren’t they? And copyright in this country lasts for 70 years after the author dies. So you won’t find the latest best-seller or up-to-date information. 网络上免费的电子书大部分都没有版权,对吧?在这个国家,图书的版权在作者去世后持续70年,所以你不可能在上面找到畅销书或者最新的信息。

3.Then there are things like how the library is affected by employment laws. I suppose there are rules about working hours, facilities for staff, and so on. 还有图书馆会受到雇佣法的何种影响,比如关于工作时长、员工设施等等的规定。

4.Then there are other issues relating to the design of the building and how customers use it. Like what measures does the library take to ensure their safety?还有一些问题与建筑设计以及人们怎么使用它有关,比如图书馆采取什么样的措施来保障他们的安全?此处their指代customers。

5.I quite fancy finding out what the differences are between a library that’s open to the public and one that’s part of a museum... 我特别想知道的是向公众开放的图书馆和博物馆里的图书馆有什么不同。one指代library。



21.题干未出现难词,但选项具有较强混淆性。学生Stewart引出A、B选项后,问对方意见,此时答案并未落定。考生需把握what do you think之后才会引出正确答案。Trudie提及changes...external developments...more people can read than a century ago...,与B选项符合。C选项同时具有强大迷惑性,funding一词原文重现,而后又被否决,因为a short paper...don’t go into funding in any detail。

22.题干词digitalised, free原文重现,定位较容易。Stewart先给出的mostly out of copyright可能误导考生将B选项difficult to read作为答案,后又提及70 years可能误导考生以为A选项long time与此相关。以上两者均为原因,考生需关注结论,由so引导的won’t find the latest best-seller or up-to-date information与C选项相符。

23.题干词in the future与原文in the next few years对应。考生需注意题干明确问出Stewart关心的问题是什么。Trudie所说community activities符合B选项,但与本题无关。Stewart随后提出traditional function符合A选项,又立即被but I’m not so sure否决。最终books and magazines will all disappear在语气加重后出现,是最终结论,与选项C相符。

24.题干大标题possible questions在原文中表达为possible things we could ask about,随后出现一系列问题。本题由题干语法可判断需要填名词,its own原文重现,答案为直叙,难度较低。

25.题干词laws原文重现,定位难度不大。考生可能对填写哪一个提及的名词感到疑惑。题干中all aspects of _____意指“…的所有方面”,working hours, facilities for staff均属于employment的细节解释。

26.题干词design, customers原文重现,定位直接。题干中____ of customers意指“顾客的…”,safety符合词性及含义。

27.本题在原文中由Oh, and another thing引出。考生需留意该表达通常加重语气后衔接重要信息,随后仅有insurance一词符合词性及含义。


29.题干词local organisations原文重现,且置于答案前。考生需理解题干中的it指代library,否则易被原文中的sports clubs迷惑。database符合词性及含义。

30.题干词different在原文中以名词形式differences出现,定位较容易。题干中library in a ____说明需要填写名词,意指“在某地点的library”,museum一词符合词性及含义。

Section 4




take...for granted 认为…理所当然

collaboration n. 合作,配合

excellence n. 杰出,卓越

theoretical adj. 理论的;推想的

intention n. 初衷,想法

backfire v. 适得其反,事与愿违

side effect 副作用

brilliantly adv. 灿烂地;出色地

comply with 与…相符

aptitude n. 才能;天赋

inconsistency n. 不一致性

smartphone n. 智能手机

launch v. 投放市场,发行

consumer-friendly adj. 适用于消费者的

industriousness n. 勤奋,勤劳

mock v. 愚弄,嘲弄

rational adj. 理性的,合理的

intellectual adj. 智力的,有才智的

come up with 提出,想出

man-hour n. 工时

attention-grabbing adj. 吸引注意力的

commercial n. 商业广告

campaign n. 活动;战役

subsequent adj. 之后的,随后的

advert n. 广告

command v. 控制;命令

time-consuming adj. 消耗时间的

worthwhile adj. 有价值的;值得做的


branch n. 分支机构

comparable adj. 可比较的

consistency n. 持续性

create v. 创造

generate v. 产生;发生

ignorance n. 无知;无辜

innovation n. 变革,创新

invisible adj. 不可见的

misguide v. 误导

parent organization 母公司

replicate v. 复制

scale n. 规模

utilize v. 利用,使用


1. Pursue values by all means, but be prepared for what may happen as a result. They can actually cause damage, which is not at all the intention. 不计一切地追求这些“价值”,但也需要做好应对因此可能带来的结果的准备。这些(指“价值”)可能带来破坏,而这本身并不是(追求这些价值的)初衷。by all means的字面含义是“使用一切方法”,此处翻译为“不计一切”。

2. But all too often the right thing backfires, if those leaders adopt values without understanding and managing the side effects that arise. 如果这些领导者没能理解和管控可能产生的副作用而使用了这些价值,常常正确的事情会适得其反。

3. But it was really a job best done by one person. The other teams tried to collaborate on building the structure, and descended into confusion, with everyone getting in each other’s way. 但这真的是应该由一个人完成的任务。其他团队试着合作建立框架,但都遇到了困惑,因为每一个人都会影响到其他人。

4. She simply asked everyone in the team to move a piece a few centimeters, to comply with the rule, and then let the person in the team with an aptitude for puzzles like this build it alone. 她为了遵守规则,让团队中的每一个人挪了几厘米,然后让对解决这类谜题最有天赋的那个人独立完成。comply with意为“与…相符”。

5. The company wanted both directors to be involved, so gave the product a consumer-friendly name, but marketed it to companies. The result was that it met the needs of neither group. It would have been better to let one director or the other have his way, not both. 公司想让两个总监都参与进来,所以给产品取了一个适合消费者的名字,但却向企业营销。结果没能满足任何一方的需求。不如让其中一个人做,而不是两个。

6. Of course hard work is valuable, but only when properly targeted. Otherwise it wastes the resources that companies value most - time and energy. And that’s bad for the organisation. 当然“勤奋”是很重要的,但仅限在目标明确的时候。否则就是对公司珍视的时间和精力资源的浪费。这对企业而言非常糟糕。

7. This happened a few years ago with the launch of a chocolate bar: subsequent research showed that plenty of consumers remembered the adverts, but had no idea what was being advertised. 几年前一款巧克力棒推出的时候就发生了类似的事情。之后的调研表明很多消费者记住了这个广告,但不知道在宣传什么。

8. Creativity needs to be targeted, to solve a problem that the company has identified. 使用创意的目标要精准,用于解决公司已经发现的问题。

9. A major study of company performance compared pioneers - that is, companies bringing out the first version of a particular product - with followers, the companies that copied and improved on that product. 一项对公司业绩的重要研究比较了那些生产出第一代产品的先驱者和抄袭并进行改进的跟随者。

10. The study found that the pioneers commanded an average market share of 29 percent, while the followers achieved less than half that, only 13 percent... 研究表明先驱者平均占有29%的市场份额,而追随者占有的还不到其一半,仅有13%……




32.由题干语法可判断需要填写名词。考生需要把握potential指“潜在的”,也就是可能发生的。原文提及side effects that arise,指“会出现的副作用”,符合题干语法及含义。

33.副标题collaboration是定位本题的重要信号。题干词training course原文重现。考生需要把握原文中construct与题干中build的同义替换。答案bridge为直叙。

34.题干词other teams原文重现。考生需把握confusion一词的含义,否则很难判断其为正确答案。.

35.题干词sales原文重现。通过题干语法可判断需要填写名词,指“某物的sales”。文中提及in the case of a smartphone...,符合语法及含义。

36.副标题industriousness是定位本题的重要信号。题干词hard work原文重现,转折词otherwise后紧随出现答案resources。原文中的time and energy是resources的例子,不能作为答案使用。


38.副标题creativity是定位本题的重要信号。题干词advertising campaign原文重现。通过题干语法可判断需要填写名词,指“某物的广告”。答案chocolate bar为直叙。


40.副标题excellence是定位本题的重要信号。题干词pioneers, followers原文重现。由题干语法可判断需要填名词,指“更高的某物”,答案market share为直叙。 zJYm5MgKr0rs5DI2PSRoc8AZzTBoZ4jvPQzwqvXd97ZLaKdsbICKVZIxs3ugWigy
