

Part 1




1. Did you enjoy doing art lessons when you were a child? [Why?/Why not?]

Yes I did. I was really fond of drawing when I was little. And I guess the art lessons were one of the few times in a day when we didn’t have to sit still and try to remember everything the teacher said. It’s great fun to get my hands dirty and make a mess of the paint and brushes.

fond of 喜欢

make a mess of 把…弄得一团乱

get one’s hands dirty 把手弄脏

2. Do you ever draw or paint pictures now? [Why?/Why not?]

Almost never ... oh wait a minute, I just remembered that I have just finished one page of a coloring book that is all the rage these days, you know, the kind of book full of intricate patterns that you can fill with colors. Technically it’s just coloring not painting, but I did find it very therapeutic .

all the rage [习语]非常流行

therapeutic 有解压治愈作用的

intricate pattern 精细复杂的图案

3. When was the last time you went to an art gallery or exhibition? [Why?]

Well, last month maybe? I do enjoy looking at artsy stuff , these days meaning Instagram or other photo apps. But going to the exhibitions, I can take it or leave it . My best friend is quite keen so I go with her from time to time.

artsy stuff [非正式]有艺术感的东西

take it or leave it 无所谓

4. What kind of pictures do you like having in your home? [Why?]

What kind of pictures? I would have to say photography. I’m not a good photographer myself, but I would love to have some tasteful black and white photos hanging on the wall . I think they really bring an artistic touch to the space.

hanging on the wall 挂在墙上

bring an artistic touch 带来艺术气息

Part 2

考官给考生一张话题卡(Cue card)。考生有1分钟准备时间,并可以做笔记(考官会给考生笔和纸)。之后考生要作1~2分钟的陈述。考生讲完后,考官会就考生的阐述内容提一两个相关问题,由考生作简要回答。

Describe a time when you visited a friend or family member at their


You should say:

who you visited

where this person worked

why you visited this person’s workplace

and explain how you felt about visiting this person’s workplace.




open house day 开放参观日

shipping container 集装箱

set up one’s own business 自己创业

blow one away 让某人彻底震惊

an avid traveller 热爱旅行的人

create a contrast against... 与…形成对比

an office job 办公室工作

patio 露天可供休息的庭院

monotony 单调枯燥

knick-knack 小玩意

as luck would have it 幸运的是

resourcefulness 才干

the “wow”factor 令人赞叹的特点

Part 3



Different kinds of workplaces

1. What things make an office comfortable to work in?

First of all, the physical environment: lighting, air quality, noise and the level of upkeep , they all affect our performance at work. Of course everyone loves to have an office that is bright, airy, quiet and clean. Color is also a huge factor. People doing creative job may prefer to have bright, bold colors in their office, while others may find it hard to concentrate in such a place, and prefer traditional opaque walls and neutral color furniture. So I think it really depends on the nature of the work and the personality of the employee.

lighting 照明采光

opaque wall 不透光的墙壁

air quality 空气质量

neutral color 中性色彩

the level of upkeep 整洁程度

the nature of the work 工作性质

bold color 鲜明的色彩

2. Why do some people prefer to work outdoors?

Well, I know I would like to work outdoors if I could. It’s proven that sunlight exposure releases endorphins that make us feel good. And many people also like to have the freedom of moving around while they’re working, instead of feeling confined to a small cubicle . I, for one, find taking a walk a much better way to clear my mind and work out problems than sitting at my computer all day.

sunlight exposure releases endorphins 晒太阳身体会释放内啡肽

be confined to a small cubicle 被关在小隔间里

work out problems 解决问题

clear one’s mind 理清思路

sit at one’s computer 坐在电脑前

3. Do you agree that the building people work in is more important than the colleagues they work with?

Not really. I do admit the physical environment we are in has a profound effect on us, and we’re really susceptible to environmental cues - that’s what supermarkets have been doing to make us shop more. But I still believe ultimately it’s the people we’re working with, the morale of the company, and the social support at the workplace that determine our work efficiency and job satisfaction . It’s hard to imagine we could enjoy our work even if we’re in our dream office, when we are teamed with people we despise .

have a profound effect on 对…有深刻影响

social support 社会支持

be susceptible to environmental cues 容易受环境暗示的影响

job satisfaction 工作满意度

morale 士气

despise 厌恶

The importance of work

1. What would life be like if people didn’t have to work?

That’s an interesting question. In fact, some philosophers have imagined a society where people don’t have to work for an income while products are distributed based on needs . Personally I don’t think such a system will ever be viable because we’re programmed to be opportunists, to take every advantage that’s available. This is how we survived evolution. So if we didn’t have to work for a living, we’d happily become free riders who will soon exhaust whatever the wealth that other hardworking people might have created. For me, work is social justice and therefore is indispensable.

products are distributed based on needs 产品按需分配

free riders “搭便车”的人

viable 可行的

exhaust 耗尽

take advantage of ... 占…的便宜

social justice 社会公正

2. Are all jobs of equal importance?

Well, I guess to answer this question we have to first define “importance”. If it means how much wealth the job generates then clearly some jobs are more important than others. And you can also argue that a teacher’s job is more important than a hedge fund manager ’s because education can not be measured by money . However, in terms of the intrinsic value of work, which is to serve a purpose and make an honest living, I believe all jobs are equal.

how much wealth the job generates 工作创造多少财富

can not be measured by money 不能以金钱衡量

hedge fund manager 对冲基金经理

the intrinsic value 内在的价值

3. Why do some people become workaholics?

Well, I tend to think there’re two kinds of workaholism . The first kind is when people really adore their work and they get a tremendous sense of achievement from it. As a result, they often seem very absorbed in their work and may have a tendency to overwork. However, I’m not sure if this should really be considered workaholism, because isn’t this what people need to do to become successful? Being driven and willing to work hard? On the other hand, there’re other workaholics who use work as an escape from other social or emotional pressure that they don’t want to deal with. In this case, they may display more obsessive-compulsive behaviors that will take a toll on not only their health but also their career.

workaholism 工作狂

an escape from other social or emotional pressure 一种逃离其他社会和情感压力的方式

sense of achievement 成就感

be absorbed in... 全心投入于…

obsessive-compulsive behaviors 强迫性的行为

driven 积极进取的

take a toll 对…产生负面影响


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