

Section 1




facility n. 设备

devote v. 把…专用于

material n. 资料

surrounding adj. 周围的

reference book 参考书

community n. 社区

fiction n. 小说

stuff n. 材料

competition n. 比赛,竞赛;竞争

certificate n. 证书

bored adj. 无聊的

crime n. 罪行,犯罪

check-up n. 体检

cholesterol n. 胆固醇

wall-chart n. 挂图

straightaway adv. 立刻,马上


item n. 物品

bank statement 银行证明

photocopier n. 复印机

printer n. 打印机

receptionist n. 前台接待

overdue adj. 过期的

periodical n. 期刊

journal n. 日报,杂志

textbook n. 教科书


1. Actually Carol and I have been meaning to join for a while. 一段时间以来Carol和我一直都想加入呢。meaning to的意思是“打算,想”。

2. ...we do have a room called the community room. It can be hired out for meetings... ……我们确实有一个叫做“社区空间”的房间。它能够当作会议室租用……

3. ...we’ve introduced a special section of fiction written specially for teenagers... ……我们引进了一个特别的小说区域,这些小说是专为青少年写的……

4. For example we have a Science Club. At the next meeting, they’re going to be doing experiments with stuff that everyone has in the kitchen - sugar and flour and so on. 比如我们有一个科学俱乐部。在下一次聚会中,孩子们将会用一些厨房的常见材料做实验,比如糖、面粉等。

5. On Friday we have a local author called Tanya Streep who’s going to be talking about her new novel. It’s called ‘Catch the Mouse’ and she based the story on a crime that actually took place here years ago. 周五我们将请一位名为Tanya Streep的当地作家来讲述她的新小说。小说的书名是《捕鼠记》,是她根据很多年前发生在当地的一个真实的犯罪故事撰写的。

6. We get quite a few older people coming along who are wanting to get up to speed with computer technology. It’s on Tuesday mornings - they don’t need to make an appointment or anything, they just turn up. 我们确实有一些想要跟上电脑技术变化速度的年纪大的人过来。(信息支持)活动是在每周二的早上,他们不需要预约,直接过来就行。get up to意为“跟上,赶上”,turn up意为“到场,出现”。



1.直接听到travel books,答案稍作调整。另外,录音中的large section代替了题目中的expended section,如果有同义改写的意识,此题就更容易了。

2.题目中的定位词new section在录音中直接出现,后面说materials on the history of the town,意为“这个城镇的历史资料”。答案要求写一个词,即为核心词history。不过materials有一定的迷惑性,需要听出核心部分。


4.we’ve introduced a special section of fiction written specially for teenagers,“我们引进了一个特别的小说区域,这些小说是专为青少年写的。”teenagers是最后一个单词,容易听到,即为答案。本题的解题关键在于考生要意识到fiction代替了题干的book。


6.本题有一定难度。On Friday we have a local author called Tanya Streep who’s going to be talking about her new novel. It’s called ‘Catch the Mouse’ and she based the story on a crime that actually took place here years ago.“周五我们将请一位名为Tanya Streep的当地作家讲述她的新小说。小说的书名是《捕鼠记》,是她根据很多年前发生在当地的一个真实的犯罪故事撰写的。”novel虽然容易定位,但是考生很容易听到story这个词。本题考查的核心理念词即为答案词crime。

7.用Tuesdays定位简单,后面跟出答案句It’s on Tuesday mornings - they don’t need to make an appointment or anything, they just turn up,“(信息支持)活动是在每周二的早上,他们不需要预约,直接过来就行。”容易听到答案词appointment。

8.用check可以快速定位,虽然原文the level of sugar in your blood中的blood后置了,但离sugar很近,还是容易听到的,即为检查血液中的糖分水平。后面的cholesterol levels意为“胆固醇含量”。

9.用wall-charts, cards很容易定位,后面就是答案词stamps,简单列举出题点。


Section 2




session n. 会议;一段时间

steadily adv. 稳步地

whereas conj. 然而

rafting n. 漂流

thrill n. 激动;颤抖

custom n. 风俗

positive adj. 积极的;肯定的

like-minded adj. 情投意合的

onwards adv. 向前

recipe n. 食谱

stunning adj. 极好的

scenery n. 风景

tuition n. 讲授;学费

excursion n. 远足

feedback n. 反馈

consultation n. 咨询

personalized adj. 个人化的

tailored adj. 定做的


outskirt n. 市郊

landscape n. 景色

construction n. 建设;建筑

ban v. 禁止,取缔

retailer n. 零售商

facility n. 设备

dentist n. 牙医

manufacture v. 制造

refurbish v. 整修


1. I’m not talking here about adventure holidays, where clients take part in high-risk activities like white water rafting just for the thrill of it. 在此我不会去讲冒险之旅,客人们参与危险度高的活动,比如激水漂流,仅仅是为了得到惊心动魄的感觉。

2. ...but clients often say that more than this, it’s the chance to create lasting relationships with other like-minded people that’s the main draw. ……但是顾客们常常说比这更重要的是:他们有机会跟志同道合的人建立永久的友谊,这是吸引他们的主要地方。

3. We’ve got an excellent team of artists to lead the classes - some of them have been with us from the start, and five additional ones will be joining us this year... 我们有一个优秀的艺术家团队去指导这些班级——其中一些艺术家在开始的时候就已经加入我们了,另外五名将会在今年加入我们的团队……

4. ...I know a lot of agents offer holidays where clients cook recipes related to one particular country, usually the one they’re staying in, but we focus on dishes from a great many different ones. ……据我所知,很多旅游代理商提供的产品是客户基于某一个具体国家的食谱烹饪,通常是他们的居住国,但是我们的主打产品是用很多不同国家的食谱烹饪。

5. ...clients can have one-on-one tuition during the holiday, and excursions are arranged with fully-trained guides. ……顾客在度假期间能够得到一对一的指导,而且这些远足产品都是经过全面培训的向导设计的。

6. ...clients find that they end up losing much of the stress they’ve built up in their daily lives. ……顾客发现在度假结束的时候,他们日积月累的压力也随之消失了。

7. ...one of its most popular features is that the exercise classes are all held on the beach. People say it’s far preferable to being in a gym. ……一个最受欢迎的特点就是这些健身课都是在沙滩上进行。人们说这比在健身房里锻炼好多了。



这两道题需重点把握题干中的increasing numbers,意为“增长的数字”,并强调读题的准确性。选项E首先被提到,说超过65岁组年复一年的稳定增长,所以当选。接下来31~42岁组被直接否定,排除B。接着提到16~30岁组下滑厉害,排除A。然后说a noticeable growth in the number of holidays taken by the 55 to 64-year-olds,跟题干要求完全一致,对应选项D。后面说43~54岁组没有看到预期增长,排除C。本题属列举性多选题,几乎所有信息都被提到,重点是立即做出判断并排除错误选项。


此题定位简单,重点把握受欢迎原因,叙述一开始说不是讲冒险旅游,排除D。后面出现常见答案句引导词in fact,接着说给顾客机会了解local people and customs,意为“当地居民和风俗”,代替选项中的different culture,即选项C。后面的评价是one of the most positive features,意为“最被肯定的特征之一”。选项B中的skills虽然被提到,但是跟选项A的内容做了强对比,即更吸引顾客的是create lasting relationships,即“建立友谊”。选项E的内容没有提及。正确选项为A和C。本题对同义改写意识和能力要求较高。


15.用painting holidays可以快速定位。本题主要考同义改写,We’ve got an excellent team of artists to lead the classes - some of them have been with us from the start, and five additional ones will be joining us this year. “我们有一个优秀的艺术家团队去指导这些班级——其中一些艺术家在开始的时候就已经加入我们了,另外五名将会在今年加入我们的团队。”对应C选项,即雇佣更多老师做讲解。

16.用cooking holidays可以快速定位。A选项中only过于绝对,先排除。一般而言,绝对选项在大多数情况下可以排除。定位后即说I know a lot of agents offer holidays where clients cook recipes related to one particular country, usually the one they’re staying in, but we focus on dishes from a great many different ones,“据我所知,很多旅游代理商提供的产品是客户基于某一个具体国家的食谱烹饪,通常是他们的居住国,但是我们的主打产品是用很多不同国家的食谱烹饪。”对应B选项,不过还是做了改写。C选项的mainly与录音中的some冲突,不选。






Section 3


男女生讨论一个关于一个城堡景区旅游业的课题研究项目,属于Section 3的常考类型。考点主要是如何做研究、研究的内容以及各自的发现和观点。整篇文章脉络清晰,但是同义替换力度较大。


straightforward adj. 简单的;明确的

presumably adv. 推测起来;可假定

administrator n. 管理者

oversee v. 监督;审查

fix v. 确定;使固定

numerical adj. 数字的

anonymous adj. 匿名的

relevant adj. 相关的

analyse v. 分析

regularity n. 规则性

concentrate v. 集中

access n. 进入

publicity n. 宣传

category n. 分类

permission n. 允许

restriction n. 限制

investigate v. 调查

impact n. 影响

wander v. 漫步

stick v. 坚持

warden n. 看守人

enforce v. 实施


presentation n. 展示

discipline n. 学科;纪律

summary n. 归纳

outline n. 大纲

chapter n. 章节

seminar n. 研讨会

lecture n. 讲座

structure n. 结构

subject n. 科目;主题

project n. 项目

interpretation n. 解释

comment n. 评论

atmosphere n. 氛围

illustration n. 说明;图解


1. Did you remember to keep a record of where you got the information from?你记得记录你的信息来源了吗?

2. ...we could even contact some people here in the city, like administrators involved in overseeing tourism. ……我们甚至可以联系在城里的一些人,比如监察旅游业的管理者。

3. But Dr. Baker also said we have to establish with our interviewees whether we can identify them in our case study, or whether they want to be anonymous. 但是Baker博士说我们必须跟受访人确认是否能在案例研究报告中透露他们的姓名,或者他们想匿名。

4. ...and analyse that carefully to find out if we can identify any trends or regularities there. ……并且仔细分析以便弄清我们是否能够辨别出一些趋势和规律。

5. ...in a normal report we’d end with some suggestions to deal with the problem or need we identified, but in a case study we end up with a question or a series of questions to our readers, and they decide what ought to be done. ……在通常的报告中,我们会在结尾部分就发现的问题和需要给出一些建议,但是对于一个案例研究,我们会把一个问题和多个问题留给读者,他们自己决定应该怎么做。

6. And I think there’s plenty of fascinating stuff there for a really good day out, but you’d never realise it from the castle website - maybe that’s the problem. 另外我认为这个景区有很多迷人的东西可以让你在此度过美好的一天,但是你从城堡的网站上根本发现不了这些——或许就是这个问题。

7. ...it’s really dry and boring. ……他们的网站真的既枯燥又无聊。

8. And as it’s on the historical site it’d need to get special planning permission, I expect. That might be hard. 并且它是建立在名胜古迹的景区,应该需要特别的规划许可,估计会比较困难。

9. ...if numbers increase, there might have to be some restrictions, like sticking to marked ways. And there’d need to be guides and wardens around to make sure these were enforced. 如果游客数量增加的话,应该有一些限制,比如只能在有标识的道路上行走。因此周围需要有导游和看守人确保规则得到实施。



21.article和information定位都比较简单,关键在于要意识到录音中的keep a record是选项单词sources的同义改写。做记录就要知道来源,也就是选项C。

22.读完题干就基本能得出答案,访谈的对象应该是人,所以只有E和H两个选项合适。录音听到people who work there...tourists,判定答案就是E。

23.同上。先推测,后面提到we could even contact some people here in the city, like administrators involved in overseeing tourism,“我们甚至可以联系在城里的一些人,比如监察旅游业的管理者。”对应选项H。

24.本题读完题干基本可以判断names是适合的选项,后面录音也提到Dr. Baker also said we have to establish with our interviewees whether we can identify them in our case study, or whether they want to be anonymous。“Baker博士说我们必须跟受访人确认是否能在案例研究报告中透露他们的姓名,或者他们想匿名。”可判断B为正确选项。

25.本题定位比较简单,relevant在原文可直接听到,主要在于要有同义改写意识。to find out if we can identify any trends or regularities(辨别出一些趋势和规律)同义改写了patterns,也就是选项A。

26.题干中大写的NOT强调“不要做什么”,可以猜测一般论文报告最后会给出结论,在这里强调了,就应该是不同的,也就是不给出结论。对应录音原文内容in a normal report we’d end with some suggestions to deal with the problem or need we identified, but in a case study we end up with a question or a series of questions to our readers, and they decide what ought to be done。“在通常的报告中,我们会在结尾部分就发现的问题和需要给出一些建议,但是对于一个案例研究,我们会把一个问题和多个问题留给读者,他们自己决定应该怎么做。”对应选项F。


27.用few people可以快速定位。女生先说的交通困难被否定,后面男生说I think there’s plenty of fascinating stuff there for a really good day out, but you’d never realise it from the castle website - maybe that’s the problem。“我认为这个景区有很多迷人的东西可以让你在此度过美好的一天,但是你从城堡的网站上根本发现不了这些——或许就是这个问题。”女生回答yes,对应选项A,但考生需要意识到publicity是“宣传”的意思。

28.用problem可以快速定位。三个选项内容都被提及,只有planning permission被认为might be hard,对应选项C。

29.用the town of Horton定位很容易,而且是Dave说的,后面很容易听到年轻人一毕业就尽快离开到城里找工作,剩下的都是小孩和老人,对应选项B。

30.用damage可以简单定位,对答案句if numbers increase, there might have to be some restrictions, like sticking to marked ways. And there’d need to be guides and wardens around to make sure these were enforced的理解有一定难度,这句话是说“如果游客数量增加的话,应该有一些限制,比如只能在有标识的道路上行走。因此需要有导游和看守人在周围确保规则得到实施。”对应选项B。

Section 4




mercury n. 汞,水银

matter n. 物质

substance n. 物质

thermometer n. 温度计

domestic adj. 家庭的;国内的

toxic adj. 有毒的

release v. 释放

deposit v. 存放

ingest v. 摄取;吸收

excrete v. 分泌;排泄

poison v. 污染;使中毒

subtle adj. 精细的

acquire v. 获取

contaminate v. 污染

complex adj. 复杂的

exposure n. 暴露

reproduction n. 繁殖

variable n. 变量

migratory adj. 迁移的

warrant v. 批准

consumption n. 消费

acquisition n. 获得

substantial adj. 大量的

wellbeing n. 幸福;良好状况

emission n. 散发

implement v. 实施,执行


instruction n. 指导

reference n. 参考

fieldwork n. 野外工作

attitude n. 态度

measure v. 测量

access v. 使用


1. Mercury’s one of the 120 or so elements that make up all matter, and it has the symbol Hg. 汞是形成所有物质的大约120种基础元素之一,它的化学符号是Hg。

2. The main reason for this is the power plants used to produce electricity. 主要原因就是用来发电的发电站。

3. And rather than looking at how many birds are actually killed by mercury poisoning, she’s looking for more subtle sub-effects. 她并不是去关注究竟有多少鸟类由于汞中毒而导致死亡,而是正在寻找更多精细的派生影响。

4. And these may be to do with the behaviour of the birds, or with the effect of mercury on the way their brain works, so whether it leads to problems with memory, for example. 这些可能与鸟类的行为有关,或者与汞对它们大脑工作方式的影响有关,比如是否导致了记忆问题。

5. But these birds likely had mercury levels high enough to warrant concern for human consumption. 但是如果食用的话,这些鸟类体内的汞含量水平高到足够引起人们的关注。warrant concern意为“值得考虑”。

6. ...we also know that in humans, mercury causes developmental delays in the acquisition of language... ……我们同样知道对人类来讲,汞能够导致语言习得的发展迟滞……



31.birds, fish, recently集中出现,定位简单。后面说直到近来人们才知道吃昆虫的鸟类同样受到影响,insects即为答案,要意识到eat跟题干中的feed on的同义替换。

32.人名定位简单,题目本身是用or连接的平行结构,录音说And these may be to do with the behaviour of the birds, or with the effect of mercury on the way their brain works, so whether it leads to problems with memory, for example,“这些可能与鸟类的行为有关,或者与汞对它们大脑工作方式的影响有关,比如是否导致了记忆问题。”这句话同样用or连接,只是后面的brain works代替了题干中的mental processes。容易确定答案是behaviour。


34.exposed to mercury原词重现,定位较容易。后面说他们的鸣叫不像别的鸟那么复杂,判断complex为答案。


36.用Lab-based容易定位,后面说the experimenter has a much higher level of control,意思是“实验员有更高水平的控制”,判断control为答案。本题关键是要意识到higher level是题干中more的改写。


38.通过读题可以判断出答案是一种技能。用learning定位简单,定位后出现答案句we also know that in humans, mercury causes developmental delays in the acquisition of language,“我们同样知道对人类来讲,汞能够导致语言习得的发展迟滞。”可以确定答案为language。

39.在读题时可以根据常识判断妈妈体内的汞来自食物。unborn child, mother在答案句中原词重现,听到food eaten即可以判断答案词为food。需注意答案只能写一个词。



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