
by Tsung Dao Lee

We can appreciate the significance of natural science to human life in two aspects. Materially, natural science has achieved many breakthroughs, particularly in the past hundred years or so, which have brought about revolutionary changes to human life. At the same time, the spirit of science has taken an ever-deepening root in the hearts of the people. Instead of alleging that science is omnipotent, the spirit of science emphasizes down-to-earth and scrupulous research, and critical and creative courage. More importantly, it stands for the dedication to working for the wellbeing of humankind. This is perhaps more meaningful than scientific and technological achievements themselves, which may be closely related to specific backgrounds of the times. The spirit of science, on the other hand, constitutes a most valuable and constant component of humankind's spiritual civilization.

In this sense, Nature: the Living Record of Science presents not only the historical paths of the various fields of natural science for almost a century and a half, but also the unremitting spirit of numerous scientists in their pursuit of truth. One of the most influential science journals in the whole world, Nature , reflects a general picture of different branches of science in different stages of development. It has also reported many of the most important discoveries in modern science. The collection of papers in this series includes breakthroughs such as the special theory of relativity, the maturing of quantum mechanics and the mapping of the human genome sequence. In addition, the editors have not shunned papers which were proved to be wrong after publication. Included also are the academic debates over the relevant topics. This speaks volumes of their vision and broadmindedness. Arduous is the road of science; behind any success are countless failures unknown to outsiders. But such failures have laid the foundation for success in later times and thus should not be forgotten. The comprehensive and thoughtful coverage of these volumes will enable readers to gain a better understanding of the achievements that have tremendously promoted the progress of science and technology, the evolution of key and cutting-edge issues of the relevant fields, the inspiration brought about by academic controversies, the efforts and hardships behind these achievements, and the true meaning of the spirit of science.

China now enjoys unprecedented opportunities for the development of science and technology. At the policy level, the state has created a fine environment for scientific research by formulating medium- and long-term development programs. As for science and technology, development in the past decades has built up a solid foundation of research and a rich pool of talent. Some major topics at present include how to introduce the cream of academic research from abroad, to promote Sino-foreign exchange in science and technology, to further promote the spirit of science, and to raise China's development in this respect to the advanced international level. The co-publication of Nature: the Living Record of Science by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Macmillan Publishers Limited and the Nature Publishing Group will prove to be a huge contribution to the country's relevant endeavors. I sincerely wish for its success.

Science is a cause that does not have a finishing line, which is exactly the eternal charm of science and the source of inspiration for scientists to explore new frontiers. It is a cause worthy of our uttermost exertion.

