

1. The overall characteristics of Rococo architecture 洛可可建筑概述


The Rococo style of art emerged in France in the early 18th century as a continuation of the Baroque style, but in contrast to the heavier themes and darker colors of the Baroque, the Rococo was characterized by an opulence, grace, playfulness, and lightness. Its motifs focused on the carefree aristocratic life and on lighthearted romance rather than heroic battles or religious figures; they also revolve heavily around nature and exterior settings. It is known for its feminine curves, intricate designs, and flamboyance. The style was meant to be a reflection of the times, meaning a time that was frivolous, happy and uneventful. The word Rococo was apparently a combination of the French rocaille, or shell, and the Italian barocco, or Baroque style. Due to Rococo love of shell-like curves and focus on decorative arts, some critics used the term to derogatively imply that the style was frivolous or merely fashion.


2. Characteristics of Rococo architecture 洛可可建筑的特点

In those Continental contexts where Rococo is fully in control, sportive, fantastic, and sculptured forms are expressed with abstract ornament using flaming, leafy or shell-like textures in asymmetrical sweeps and flourishes and broken curves in the shape of C or S. It prefers decorative patterns offloral hoops, bouquets, bow and arrows, and all sorts of shells. The intimate Rococo interiors suppress architectonic divisions of architrave, frieze and cornice for the picturesque, the curious, and the whimsical, expressed in plastic materials like carved wood and above all stucco. Walls, ceiling, furniture, and works of metal and porcelain present a unified ensemble.


The architectures bring nature into the interior. The tangling leaves, curving shells, roses and palm leaves form the mantelpieces, frames of mirrors, windows and doors, and legs of the furniture. They are asymmetrical in complete imitation of their natural status. For instance, the four sides and angles of a mirror frame are different from one another. The changes and variety brings add to the complexity of the design. Lines and angles are all covered up, such as the scrolls, plant and laces in the corners of the room.

The Rococo palette is softer and paler than the rich primary colors and dark tonalities favored in Baroque tastes, giving prominence to greenish, pink, bluish, ivory white and golden colors.


Rococo prefers luster achieved by a large amount of mirrors on the wall. Besides, crystal chandeliers, porcelain works, mother-of-pearl inlays, polished marble furnaces, and the flickering candle light upon exquisite candlesticks illuminate the rooms with great splendor.

Besides intricate designs and frivolous detail, the Rococo architectu re also brought many improvements to architecture; sanitation was improved, chimneys were made more efficient and rooms were better organized to offer more privacy.

Among some of the most noted buildings of the period and which are still standing are the Hotel de Matignon, and the Hotel d'Evreux, Hotel Sbubise, the Abbey of Ottobeuren in Bavaria and the Palace of Catherine in Russia.







3. Decline of Rococo 洛可可艺术的衰落

The beginning of the end for Rococo came in the early 1760s as figures like Voltaire and Jacques-François Blondel began to voice their criticism of the superficiality and degeneracy of the art. Blondel decried the "ridiculous jumble of shells, dragons, reeds, palm-trees and plants" in contemporary interiors. By 1780, Rococo had passed out of fashion in France, replaced by the order and seriousness of Neoclassical artists like Jacques Louis David.It remained popular in the provinces and in Italy, until the second phase of neoclassicism, "Empire style, " arrived with Napoleonic governments and swept Rococo away.


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