

1. Gothic: a French style 发端法国的哥特风格

Gothic architecture, evolved from Romanesque architecture, developed in Europe during the high and late medieval period. It originated in the 12th century in France, which boasted rich abundance of easily shaped and anti corrosion lime stones. The first Gothic structure is the choir in Saint Denis, France, whose style influenced churches in rest of the country and later the rest of Europe until the 16th century. As a result, Gothic architecture was known during the period as "the French style."

Gothic architecture is the aesthetic expression of that epoch of European history when paganism had been extinguished, the hordes of barbarian invaders beaten back, or Christianized and assimilated; and when the Catholic Church had established itself not only as the sole spiritual power, supreme and almost unquestioned in authority, but also as the arbiter of the destinies of sovereigns and of peoples. The clergymen, including archbishops, priests, clerics and pastors, were more interested in power and wealth. They figured prominently in the ruling of cities and countries, and even started conflicts with the aristocratic. Meanwhile, the society became more open and developed. The removal of the temporal authority to Constantinople had continued the traditions of civilization where Greek, Roman, and Asiatic elements were fused in a curious alembic. The hierarchy of the society, though still strict, loosened as bit as more people were engaged in trade or handicraft industry. In countries such as Britain and France, where the imperial power was restricted and the privileges of the aristocrats limited, business and cities were booming. The power of the church and the wealth of the society prompted the clergymen and the emerging capitalists to build grandiose churches, not only as praise for God, but also a showcase of their pride.The churches were thin and tall which reached higher into heaven and struck a sense of awe in the residents in and beyond the neighborhood. Many of these churches and cathedrals took over a century to build.




2. The characteristics of the Gothic style 哥特式教堂的特点

Gothic architecture has distinct characteristics. The long, thin and spiky towers set it apart from Romanesque. Looking up beneath the church, the seemingly endless erecting towers stroke a sense of awe to the Almighty. Generally speaking, the Gothic style has the following features:


First, tall minarets or pointed arches, reconstructed from cylindrical vault of Roman architecture. There are four stones at the end of the arch supporting the power from the top so that the height and the span of the arch are no longer restricted and the arch can be made as large and high as possible.

Second, ribbed vaulting, derived from the arch structure in ancient Roman and developed into more complicated forms, from four-part, sixpart to decorated ribs. The vault concentrates the structure in a determined point, which determines the disappearance of the massive walls of the Romanesque, where are replaced by ample large windows.

Flying buttress and beam-column, together creating a sense of flying. The weight and pressure are transferred by means of the flying buttresses to outer abutments, which end in pinnacles.

Large windows and stained glass painted with Bible stories, rendering startling sun-dappled interior effects.No other Ages produced windows of such rich color and beauty. By transferring the weight of the ceilings outward thrust to the flying buttresses, architects were now able to place huge stain glass windows in the walls.This allowed the once dim Romanesque Cathedral to be transformed into a very bright and warm feeling Gothic Cathedral. The windows transmit, rather than reflect light, filtering and transforming the natural light as it enters the building.







3. Representative Gothic churches 代表性的哥特式建筑

The grand scale of Gothic churches has made many of them the most important symbol of the city. The representative Gothic churches include Milan Cathedra, the Notre Dame in Paris, the Westminster Abbey in London, and the Cologne Cathedral in Germany.


● The Milan Cathedral: the biggest Gothic cathedral in the world 世界上最大的哥特式教堂: 米兰大教堂

The Milan Cathedral is the symbol of the city. It is renowned for its size (the third largest Catholic Church in the world after St Peter's in Rome and the Seville Cathedral) and for its many statues (more than 3400). Its construction probably started in 1386 and took almost 600 years to build.At the time it was built it could hold the entire population of Milan, 40,000 people.

One of the main characteristic of the cathedral is the presence of numerous spires. The cathedral has about 135 spires, each mounted with a statue depicting important people in Milan's history and different characters in the bible. The highest spire and the tallest part of the cathedral measures up to 357 foot tall and holds the most important symbol of Milan, the Madonina or Little Madonna. It's a golden statue which is so important that by law no any other building should pass the height of it.


Mark Twain, a great fan of the Duomo, can take over the description from here (from Innocents Abroad ):

What a wonder it is! So grand, so solemn, so vast! And yet so delicate, so airy, so graceful! A very world of solid weight, and yet it seems... a delusion105 of frostwork that might vanish with a breath...

The central one of its five great doors is bordered with a bas-relief106 of birds and fruits and beasts and insects, which have been so ingeniously carved out of the marble that they seem like living creatures-- and the figures are so numerous and the design so complex, that one would not get tired of looking at them even for a whole week. …about the enormous building, from summit to base, there is a marble statue, and every statue is a study in itself...

…looking very tall close at hand, but diminishing in the distance...We could see, now, that the statue …(Up on) the roof... springing from its broad marble flagstones, were the long files of spires, on the top of each was the size of a large man, though they all looked like dolls from the street...

They say that the Cathedral of Milan is second only to St. Peter's at Rome. I cannot understand how it can be second to anything made by human hands.









● The NotreDame de Paris: the battle field of vice and virtue under Hugo's pen 雨果笔下的善恶交锋之地: 巴黎圣母院


About 1130, Louis VI moved his official residence to Paris, spurring much commercial activity and a great building boom. Paris soon became the leading city of France, indeed of all northern Europe, making a new cathedral a necessity. Notre-Dame of Paris was thus created at a picturesque site on an island in the Seine River called the Ile -de-la-Cite.

The Notre Dame, which means "Our Madame" in French, was constructed throughout nearly a century from 1163 to 1250, and underwent major overhaul in the 14th and 17th century. The project involved all the Parisians and people across the country. It was said that the large amount of gold and silver in the 13ton bell on the south tower came from the generosity of Paris women who donated their jewelry. The Ile-de-la-Cite where the cathedral is located, was the center of Gaul in ancient Rome and the starting point of the distance of Paris to the rest of the country.

To hold the much thinner-and taller-walls of Notre-Dame in place, the unknown architect introduced flying buttresses, exterior arches that counter the outward thrust of the nave vaults. Flying buttresses seem to have been employed as early as 1150 in a few smaller churches, but at NotreDame in Paris they circle a great urban cathedral. The precisely positioned flying buttresses and rib vaults with pointed arches was the ideal solution to the problem of constructing towering naves with huge windows filled with stained glass. The flying buttresses, like slender extended fingers holding up the walls, are also important elements contributing to the distinctive look of Gothic cathedrals.

The Notre Dame also owes its lasting fame to Victor Hugo's novel named after the cathedral, Notre Dame . The novel was written in during the French revolution of July 1830 when aristocrats tried to restore feudalism.Hugo admired Gothic architecture in his youth and spent countless hours in the Notre Dame reading literature. His novel created famous characters including Esmeralda, a beautiful and naturally compassionate young gypsy, the hideous but good-natured bell-ringer Quasimodo, and Claude Frollo, the Archdeacon of Notre Dame who held a decent job on the outside but jealousy and hatred on the inside. Their fates are the reflection of the conflicts between religious authority and human rights, knowledge and ignorance, rigorous social hierarchy and individual freedom. Due to the righteous theme of the novel, the Notre Dame has transcended its status as a building or a church, but a symbol of the battle between innovation and reservation, progress and retrogression, justice and evil, and beauty and vice.






巴黎圣母院的辉煌,还要感谢维克多·雨果的长篇小说《巴黎圣母院》。这部小说是他在1830年法国 “七月革命”爆发,封建复辟王朝被推翻的影响下创作的。雨果与巴黎圣母院渊源极深,少年时代的他就对哥特建筑艺术有着浓厚的兴趣,到青年时期他更是屡次进入圣母院广泛阅读有关资料。作品以反封建的现实主题,创造出许多经久不衰的人物形象:美丽而富有同情心的吉普赛姑娘爱斯梅拉达,外表丑陋却心地善良的钟楼怪人卡西莫多,还有道貌岸然、被嫉妒和仇恨吞没的主教克洛德。他们内心的分裂和冲突,反映的是他们那个时代神权与人权、愚昧与求知之间庞大沉重的黑暗制度与挣扎着的脆弱个人之间的分裂与冲突。由于这部长篇小说所富含的深刻社会内容和对理想与正义的不懈追求,使巴黎圣母院远远超越了它作为“建筑”和“教堂”的意义,而被赋予了全新的社会价值和思想内涵,它成为人们心目中革新与保守、斗争与妥协、正义与邪恶、美善与丑陋进行抗争的一种象征。 XSTX5kLMe81DySDQ0MkI+5TDtu7Ewxj0LkzHKK2PRhlvGvmJx8sw+h0IdA9VHUmA
