

1. The background of the 18th and 19th century painting 18~19世纪绘画背景概述

The end of the 18th century and the 19th century have witnessed a lot of monumental events that were decisive to the evolution of the modern world. The declining feudalism and monarchy were overthrown by capitalist revolution, first starting in France in its 1789 Revolution. The Enlightenment Movement had popularized ideas of human rights, equality, and democracy, which also helped the United States gain independence. Meanwhile, the Industrial revolution began to disintegrate the old social structure and build a new one upon its debris, freeing people's minds while setting individuals further apart. Against the vicissitude of the society, art was undergoing multi-faceted changes too. It had chemical reaction with the society, politics, nature and individuals brings forth a variety of schools including Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Impressionism, to name but a few.


2. Neoclassicism: a call for revolution 新古典主义:革命的号角


Neoclassicism is the name given to Western movements in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture that draw inspiration from the "classical" art and culture of Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome. The main Neoclassical movement coincided with the 18th century Age of Enlightenment, and continued into the early 19th century.

Neoclassicism emphasized rationality and the resurgence of tradition. The towering art of ancient Rome and Greece was revived in the 18th century and this attempt was an opposition to the ostentatious Baroque and Rococo art that preceded the movement.Neoclassical artists were meticulous in their adaptation of Classical style and subjects. They drew their themes and models from the work of Homer's Illiad and Odyssey and Plutarch's books. Other classic models included Virgil, Raphael, and Poussin among others.

Neoclassicism was more than just a revival of the antiquities. It also represented the political events, and seriousness of the time. The movement coincided with the European Age of Enlightenment.Great minds of the time, including Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Diderot, were advocating liberty, equality, human rights, and universal love.Feudalism and monarch were hanging in the balance and a great revolution was about to break out in France. In the build-up to the 1789 French Revolution, virtues and values traditionally associated to Ancient Rome such as heroism, stoicism or patriotism often became themes for paintings. Such style depicted society's rebellion against the lifestyle of nobility and the need of a democratic society. Therefore, Neoclassicism, entirely in keeping with the social trend, prospered in the era.

Neoclassical paintings were serious, unemotional, and sternly heroic.Neoclassical painters used sombre colours with occasional brilliant highlights, to convey moral narratives of self-denial and self-sacrifice fully in keeping with the supposed ethical superiority of Antiquity. They painstakingly depicted the costumes, settings, and details of classical subject matter with as much accuracy as possible. Many of the neoclassical painters integrated Greek and Roman elements into the portraits and paintings of their time, adding fabled beings, and mythological figures became quite common for this artistic period.



The most distinguished Neoclassicist works are the paintings of JacquesLouis David. David was an active supporter of the French Revolution and aligned himself with Maximilien Robespierre and later Napoleon I. He drew parallelisms between the times of the Roman Republic and the struggle for liberty in France. The Oath of Horatii is one of the best known examples of David, considered to be the ideal of the new school of art. The painting portrays the Horatii brothers in ancient Rome swearing their allegiance to the state before they set off for the war while their father holds swords high for them to grasp. Their wives are crying on the side, suggesting the sacrifice of personal well-being for the good of the nation. His The Death of Socrates , he painted the philosopher as strong, calm and at peace when condemned to death, discussing the immortality of the soul with his grieving friends and students, Plato seated at the end of the bed in despair. In The Death of Marat , David depicted the death of the Jacobin Marat, also David's friend, after he was assassinated in his bathtub by a dissident in the disguise of a nurse. As the personal painter for the emperor, David painted a lot of portraits for Napoleon Ⅰ. His Coronation of Emperor Napoleon was renowned for its grandeur and details, where the artist chose the scene of the coronation of Queen Josephine as the motif.







3. Romanticism: an emphasis on emotions and individualism 重视情感和个性的浪漫主义

Beginning in the late 18th century and lasting until the middle of the 19th century, a new Romantic attitude began to characterize culture and many art works in Western civilization. It started as an artistic and intellectual movement that emphasized a revulsion against established values (social order and religion). Instead Romanticism exalted individualism, subjectivism, irrationalism, imagination, emotions and nature, it valued emotion over reason and senses over intellect. These artists and philosophers of the time favored the revival of potentially unlimited number of artistic styles (basically anything that aroused their senses or imagination).

On the one hand, Romanticists combined reality and imagination to reenact current historic events to reflect their own attitude, particularly to revolt against the reviving monarchy and foreign aggression. For instance, Liberty Leading the People was a painting by Eugène Delacroix commemorating the July Revolution of 1830, which toppled Charles X of France. A woman personifying Liberty leaded the people forward over the bodies of the fallen, holding the tricouleur flag in one hand and brandishing a bayonetted musket with the other. The symbolism at work here is a major characteristic of romantic painting. What's more, Spanish artist Francisco de Goya commemorated Spanish resistance to Napoleon's armies during the occupation of 1808 in the Peninsular War in his The Third of May . And Théodore Géricault's Raft of the Medusa depicted the moment when the survivors came from the aftermath of the wreck of the French naval frigate Méduse called out for help as they saw ships on the horizon. Those who survived the 13 days drifting in the sea endured starvation, dehydration, cannibalism and madness, which were captured in Géricault's work.


On the other hand, Romanticism was a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment. The 1789 French Revolution was followed by the restoration of the Bourbon Dynasty. The disillusionment with the Enlightenment values of reason and order prompted artists to turn to nature and irrational things. Moreover, at that time Europe was undergoing the Industrial Revolution. The invention of the steam engine freed people from hard labor and broadened their minds. They started to question the current social order which was based on agriculture. The revolting nature of the Romanticism Movement was exactly what people needed.

In contrast to the usually very social art of the Enlightenment, Romantics were distrustful of the world of men, and tended to believe that a close connection with nature was mentally and morally healthy. Romantic works were eulogy to nature's uncontrollable power, unpredictability, and potential for cataclysmic extremes. The artists placed new emphasis on such emotions as apprehension, horror and terror, and awe—especially that which is experienced in confronting the sublimity of untamed nature and its picturesque qualities, both new aesthetic categories.

German Romantic landscape painter Caspar David Friedrich produced a great number of grandiose landscape paintings, such as The Wanderer above the Sea of Fog , The Cross Beside the Baltic, Moonrise over the sea , Graveyard under Snow , etc. His works are highly life-like, almost like photos to the naked eye. In the United States which had gained independence, the ode to nature as the Americans explored the land as an independent people was also in the rage. Thomas Cole's group painting The Voyage of Life puts the four stages of a person's life within the magnificence of nature.







4. Impressionism: a move away from reality 印象派:跳脱现实的探索

Impressionism was a late-19th-century French school that was generally characterized by the attempt to depict transitory visual impressions, often painted directly from nature, and by the use of pure, broken color to achieve brilliance and luminosity. Instead of painting the ideal beauty that earlier artists had defined, the impressionists tried to depict what they saw at a given moment, capturing a fresh, original vision. They often painted outdoors rather than in a studio so that they could observe nature more directly and seize the fast fleeing aspects, especially the changing light of the sun.

The movement began with the friendship of Monet, Renoir, Sisley, and Bazille, who were four students of the same teacher. They repudiated academic standards and reacted against the romantics' emphasis on emotion as subject matter. They forsook literary and anecdotal subjects and rejected the role of imagination in the creation of works of art. Instead they observed nature closely, with a scientific interest in visual phenomena.

Impression Sunrise Claude Monet, 1872, gave rise to the name "impressionism" which first appeared in the critique of the work.The painting captures the sunrise and the reflection in the sea and blankets the whole scene in a blur, for which it was first ridiculed. Monet and other pioneer impressionists used innovative techniques such as relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities, and common, ordinary subject matter. Monet's Rouen Cathedral series captures the façade of the cathedral at different times of the day and year, and reflects changes in its appearance under different lighting conditions. Renoir, in characteristic Impressionist style and his distinct fondness on female sensuality, suggested the details of a scene through freely brushed touches of colour, so that his figures softly fuse with one another and their surroundings. Such style could be seen in his Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, The Swing, The Theatre Box , etc.


In late 19th century, a new style derived from Impressionism came into being called Neo-Impressionism. Georges Seurat's greatest masterpiece, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte , marked the beginning of this movement. He invented Pointillism, a method consisting of placing tiny dots of pure colour paint which would be blended by the eye as opposed to being mixed on the palette. This method produced vibrant effects of colour.The technique's details can be clearly seen at a closer look, for instance in Seurat's The Circus .





19世纪末期,一种新的印象流派诞生,叫做新印象派,以乔治·修拉的名作《大碗岛的星期天下午》最为著名。修拉使用了一种新的绘画方式:点彩法,就是用纯色涂上一个一个的小点,最后构成一幅画,这样画出来的画色彩特别集中而明丽。点彩法的细节可以通过放大作品来观赏,如修拉的另一幅名作《马戏团演出》。 E2UykJ/hf3XQHyqW/3DlIzoghfIxejO6ltas+enCpnwEUdUcLq6NjUmE8fuIJ6cl
