

Part 2: Track 001

Mr. West:

Hello. 3075219.

Gao Bin:

Hello. I'm calling about the advertisement in the newspaper. Are the rooms still available?

Mr. West:

Yes, they are. Would you like to make an appointment to come and see them?

Gao Bin:

Well, could I ask you a few questions first?

Mr. West:

Yes, of course. Go ahead.

Gao Bin:

What sort of house is it?

Mr. West:

Well, it's a terraced house with three floors and eight rooms all together. I usually have seven people living here, sharing the kitchen and bathroom.

Gao Bin:

Are the rooms fully furnished? You see, I'll only be here for six months.

Mr. West:

Yes, there's a single bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a chair and a bookcase.

Gao Bin:

And what about the kitchen? You see, I'm Chinese so I'd like to cook for myself because I'm not used to Western food.

Mr. West:

Ah, you're from China, are you? I've heard Chinese food is delicious. The kitchen has most things but it doesn't have one of those special Chinese pans. What are they called again?

Gao Bin:

You mean a wok?

Mr. West:

Yes, that's right, wok. But there's a Chinese supermarket near here so you should be able to buy one from there.

Gao Bin:

Is there really a Chinese shop nearby? That's useful.

Mr. West:

Oh, yes. This is quite a cosmopolitan area. I think you'll like it.

Gao Bin:

I hope so. I have another couple of questions though. Is there a television in the house?

Mr. West:

Yes, yes there is. It's in the living room downstairs.

Gao Bin:

And what about a telephone?

Mr. West:

Yes, but it's a payphone, I'm afraid. You have to pay for your calls as you make them.

Gao Bin:

I see. That sounds reasonable. Are water, gas and electricity included in the rent?

Mr. West:

Yes, they are. But the rent is negotiable. We can discuss it after you've seen the place.

Gao Bin:

That's very kind of you. I still have one more question. I work at the B. G. E building in the centre of town. Is there a direct bus from the house?

Mr. West:

Well, you could walk there in half an hour. But there is a bus... Bus 57.

Gao Bin:

Right. It sounds ideal. Could I come and see the house this afternoon?

Mr. West:

Yes, of course. Would two o'clock suit you?... (fade out)

Gao Bin:

OK. See you... (fade out)

Part 3: Track 002

Mrs. Kingsley:

Are you looking at the house? Nice, isn't it?

Gao Bin:

Yes, it is very pleasant.

Mrs. Kingsley:

I live here, next door. Have you come to look at Mr. West's rooms?

Gao Bin:

Yes, that's right. Do you know Mr. West?

Mrs. Kingsley:

Yes, of course I do. I've lived in this area for 45 years. I moved here when I got married. Mr. West and his wife used to live in the house themselves, you know, but they moved to a smaller place a couple of years ago. Mr. West used to help me with odd jobs from time to time, but I don't see him so often now. I still see his son, of course.

Gao Bin:

Does his son still live here?

Mrs. Kingsley:

As far as I know, yes. I often see him and a couple of his friends leaving the house when they are going to play football.

Gao Bin:

Ah, yes. I noticed some people playing football when I walked past the park.

Mrs. Kingsley:

OK, the park is lovely, isn't it? We old folks often go there for a walk and a chat, and to watch the children having fun. I'm Jean Kingsley, by the way.

Gao Bin:

Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Kingsley. I hope we'll be neighbours. My name's Gao Bin.

Mrs. Kingsley:

You can just call me Jean. And where are you from?

Gao Bin:

I'm from China.

Mrs. Kingsley:

I thought you might be. This will be a good area for you to live in. There's a Chinese supermarket just down the road there...

Gao Bin:

Yes, and it seems a nice friendly area.

Mrs. Kingsley:

Yes, it is. I wouldn't live anywhere else. There's a library just round the corner where you can read newspapers and magazines. And the community centre is to the right of the library. You can also find some newspapers and magazines there.

Gao Bin:

I like the idea of having a newspaper delivered.

Mrs. Kingsley:

Well, that's easy enough. There's a newsagent's just down the street.

Gao Bin:

And is there a laundry nearby?

Mrs. Kingsley:

A laundry? You should do your own washing! You're not made of money, are you? There's a launderette where you can wash your own clothes just beside the library.

Gao Bin:

That's good to know... You're giving me lots of useful information. Let's hope Mr. West will let me have a room.

Mrs. Kingsley:

That shouldn't be a problem. You seem an honest enough chap to me!

Gao bin:

Thank you, and thank you for all your help! I'd better knock on the door now. It's already two o'clock and I don't want to keep Mr. West waiting.

Mrs. Kingsley:

Right, dear. Off you go. I'm here if you need me. I enjoyed talking to you.

Gao Bin:

Bye and thanks again.

Mrs. Kingsley:


第一单元总复习: Track 003

The New Neighbour


Oh, hello. I wonder if I could bother you a minute. I've just moved into the flat next door.


Oh, yes. That's Alice Reilly's old flat. We wondered when we'd be getting a new neighbour. So, you're renting the flat, are you?


Yes, that's right. And... er... I was just wondering if I could ask you some questions about the amenities here. Er... like the rubbish collection, for instance.


Ah, the rubbish is collected on Mondays and Thursdays. You need to put your bin out on the pavement in front of the building the night before, as they come very early... around seven o'clock.


I see, and what about the stair cleaning. When do the cleaners come? And how do I pay for them?


Oh, they come every Friday morning. Now, if you're going to be out at work, you can leave the money here with me, that's what Mr. Brown from No. 4 does. I'm retired now, so I'm always here when they call, so I'll give it to them for you.


Oh, thanks very much. How much is it?


It's £1.50 per flat every week.


OK, and you pay them weekly?


Yes, that's right.


Well, I have a few more questions. Um... about the neighbourhood mainly. Is there a dry cleaner's near here? I'm desperate to get my shirts cleaned.


Oh, dry cleaner's... let me see now... I don't use them much myself. Ah yes, there's one just down the street on the left... about two blocks down. They're open till about 8 in the evening. I remember now. I had my winter coat cleaned there.


Oh, that's great. What about the post office? Is there one near here?


Yes, that's very near. Turn right out of the building and it's... er... about 100 yards down, across the road.


Great. There's just one other thing. If I do get round to doing my washing, is there somewhere I can hang it out to dry?


Didn't the agent tell you? We have a lovely drying green out the back.


No. I saw the back garden, but he didn't tell me it was communal.


Well, you should have a key to the back door downstairs and that leads out into the garden.


Oh, I'll have a look at the keys he gave me.


Oh, yes, it's lovely out there. In fact I quite often sit out there and read my newspaper when the weather's good. Oh, that's another thing... we share the cost of the gardener who keeps the grass cut and does the flower beds. That's £5 a month for each flat. He only comes once a month.


Oh, should I give that money to you too?


Well, he usually comes the first Saturday of each month, so if you know you won't be here, you can give it to me.


Well, thank you very much. You've been most kind.


Oh, not at all. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other. KklOMNB48WgOKwOXFGJSW75Y+EBj39794xCpmp1rKBYNH4jSTUlFkfFV0dJwMwJx
