
Part 6——

你有银行账户吗?如果你每月领工资,你是拿现金、拿支票还是银行会固定为你入账呢?过去许多人都是领取现金,但是现在正在逐渐改变。比如在英国,有些人是以“standing order”的方式领薪水的。“standing order”的意思就是说,这些人工作的公司会安排每个月的固定时间将薪水打入他们的银行账户中。还有些人是领支票(cheques),他们必须自己拿支票去银行存入账户。这里的主角高斌就属于后者,公司每个月会发给他支票。既然要能够使用支票,他就需要办一个银行账户。


高斌到了银行,就问咨询柜台的工作人员各种账户有哪些差别。工作人员向他大概说明后又给了他一张单子,也就是以下的Text 3,请他回家自己慢慢研究。现在请你快速看一遍这张单子,记下其中提到的银行账户种类吧!


The accounts described in the leaflet are:

a ____________________________

b ____________________________

c ____________________________

Text 3 A Quick Guide to Tinlays Bank Accounts

Tinlays Bank has more than sixty years experience of looking after other people's money. Whether you have fortunes or a few pounds, you can be sure we will take excellent care of them for you.

With branches and cashpoint machines all over the country, in small villages as well as major cities, we are there whenever you need us. Our staff are always willing to offer expert advice and answer any queries you may have.

This leaflet describes the major types of accounts you can open with us but we provide all sorts of other financial services too. Pop into your local branch for further details.

TINLAYS SAVINGS ACCOUNT: if you do not need regular access to your money, you can arrange to open a savings account. You can start a savings account with only £20 and add to it as often as you wish. Your money will earn you interest so your money will grow as you save. Interest rates vary depending on how much money you have in your account and whether you elect to leave it untouched for periods of three months, six months, one year, five years and so on. If, by any chance, you need access to your money at other times, you can make special arrangements with the bank. Our staff will be only too happy to advise you on the most profitable arrangement for your situation.

TINLAYS HIGHER RATE DEPOSIT ACCOUNT: If you wish to deposit sums in excess of £1,000 for a fixed period(minimum one year), our Higher Rate Deposit Account is for you. Attractive interest rates apply. Rates vary according to the sum you deposit. Ask for details at our personal banking desk.

TINLAYS CURRENT ACCOUNT: You can open a current account with as little as £1. You can deposit money, cash or cheques, as often as you wish. You will be issued with a personalised cheque book and a cash card. You can withdraw money with your cash card at any of our cashpoint machines, as often as you wish, as long as there are adequate funds in your account. As long as you stay in credit, there are no bank charges. Overdraft facilities are available by special arrangement. We provide special services for students and teenage account holders.

Choose the account(s) to suit your personal requirements. You may open just one type of account, two accounts, or even all three! Just fill in the appropriate application form(s) and present it / them to one of the personal bankers in any branch of TINLAYS.



我相信要找到各种不同的账户应该不难吧!一共有三种:savings account, higher rate deposit account, current account。

高斌相信,他的月薪应该够他生活了,而且运气好的话还能存一点钱,多买点东西,甚至在回国前可以去度个小假。然而,现在高斌还没办法考虑那么远,他最需要的还是能确保有应急用的钱,毕竟他目前也还搞不清楚在英国生活一周究竟要花多少钱。而且,他也希望能够在采购比较贵的物品时,可以写支票,而不用带大量现金在身上。他听说大部分西方人在付房租、付水电费、餐馆就餐、商店购物时,都不付现金,而是写支票或用信用卡。现在请大家看一看Text 3里面提到的银行账户种类,为高斌选择最适合的一种吧!


The best account for Gao Bin is ___________________

If he opens this type of account, he will be given: ______________________________________


高斌希望能够随时提钱,因此最适合他的账户种类应该是“current account”。另外两种账户都只允许他在特定的时间、经过特别的安排才能提钱。如果他开了一个“current account”,银行就会给他一本“personalised cheque book”(个人支票本)和一张“cash card”(现金卡)。


读一读Text 3,找出银行账户的小细节,回答以下问题。


1 Gao Bin knows that he needs to go to other cities or towns on business now and then. Why is it sensible for him to open an account with Tinlays bank rather than a smaller, more personal bank?


2 The interest rate of the Tinlays Higher Rate Deposit Account is indeed very attractive to Gao Bin, yet he knows that he cannot open one. What is / are the reason(s)?


3 Is it possible for one to withdraw some money when the bank is closed? If so, how?


4 Gao Bin has heard that it is only possible to withdraw money from a current account every three days. Is this information correct? If not, how frequently can a person withdraw money?


5 Money can be withdrawn from an account on the condition that:


6 The bank does not charge anything for administering the account on the condition that:




1 Tinlays bank has branches and automated teller machines all over the country.

2 Large sums of money (in excess of £1,000) must be deposited for periods of more than one year. Gao Bin needs to get his money regularly. He doesn't have a lot of spare money and he will only be in Britain for six months.

3 Yes, from a cashpoint machine. These machines are located outside banks. You have a special card which you insert in the machine and a special number which you tap into the machine, and then you can withdraw money immediately.

4 No. People can withdraw money as often as he / she chooses.

5 There are adequate funds (i.e. enough money) in your account.

6 You stay / Your account stays in credit (i.e. as long as you do not spend more money than you have in your account by writing too many cheques etc.).

在Text 3中,找出以下方框中的单词和短语,并以画底线的方式标出。如果有不认识的单词或短语,可以根据上下文,猜猜它们的意思。大概推敲出来后,就从这些单词或短语中挑选最合适的填写在下页的句子中。把单词或短语填入最适当的地方即可,不用每个都用上。


account cashpoint machine savings account interest
interest rate deposit cash cheque
deposit account current account cheque book cash card
withdraw funds in credit bank charges

1 When you put money into the bank, you _________ it.

2 When you take money out of the bank, you _________ it.

3 So long as you have money in your account, you are _________.

4 The costs that you sometimes have to pay the bank for its services are called _________.

5 The extra money that you receive if you leave a sum of money in the bank for a particular period of time is called _________.

6 The sort of account you open in a bank that you can add money to at any time but not withdraw it at any time is a(n) _________.

7 The sort of account which allows you to deposit and withdraw money at any time is called a(n) _________.

8 The machine from which you can withdraw money is called a(n) _________.

9 The card you use to withdraw money from a machine is called a(n) _________.

10 An arrangement with a bank that allows you to spend more money than you have in your account (in other words, the arrangement which allows you to borrow the bank's money) is called a(n) _________.



1 deposit 2 withdraw 3 in credit 4 bank charges 5 interest 6 savings account 7 current account 8 cashpoint machine 9 cash card 10 overdraft kynKUxTsEXu3cbIG0aoYjRq3ISa/LEsX0xZOR8qbH060nvVXkC/H48J9GG82zTxJ
