
Part 5——


高斌正在警局登记,顺便问了警察几个关于安全的问题。他从朋友那里听说,在曼彻斯特还是容易发生盗窃案的。警察告诉他,这里有个叫做“Neighbourhood Watch”的小区安全计划,能够帮助降低犯罪率,警察还顺便拿了一张单子给他参考。高斌这才想起,他刚搬进的房子窗户上就贴着一张写着“Neighbourhood Watch”的宣传单。你将要读到的Text 1是单子上列出的一些信息。其中每项信息的标题都被移到下面的方框中了,请把这些标题放回正确的位置(标●处)吧!


Things you need to report

Aims of Neighbourhood Watch schemes

Information the police will need

Advantages of the schemes

Working staff of the schemes

Text 1

A guide to community action against crime

Wherever you live, you are part of a community. It may be large or small, in a town or in the country. It might be a housing estate, a rural village, a block of flats, a suburban road or a seaside resort. Unfortunately, regardless of its size your community may be a likely target for the criminal.

It is easy to shrug it off and assume that it won't happen to you or that nothing can be done. In fact, a great deal can be done to prevent crime. But the police cannot do it alone. Each of us has a vital role to play by becoming actively involved in crime prevention.

● 1

— to reduce local opportunities for crime thereby deterring would-be thieves and vandals;

— to establish a community spirit so that everyone can contribute towards the protection of their property by mutual co-operation and communication;

— to inform the coordinator or the police of any suspicious activity.

● 2

— the results of Neighbourhood Watch schemes already established show that they can help to reduce local crime such as burglaries, vandalism, car thefts and thefts from cars;

— a better community spirit can be created; suspicious strangers waiting outside schools, in parks and playgrounds where children congregate, can be quickly reported to the police;

— crime prevention advice can be quickly and efficiently circulated throughout the community.

● 3

Only with the support of the majority of residents, can Neighbourhood Watch operate successfully. Most schemes have one or more coordinators. These are people who normally spend long periods at home, and who receive information from other residents about anything suspicious they may have seen or heard, and then pass it on to the police.

Neighbourhood Watch schemes lead to a greater shared awareness of the problems in your community and to a better understanding of the practical steps that can be taken to tackle these.

● 4

By being a good neighbour, and keeping an eye out for anything suspicious you can help to make your community more secure. Please report the police when you see:

— strangers knocking on front doors or peering through windows then disappearing round the back, or loitering suspiciously;

— strangers hanging round schools, playing fields, etc., and approaching children;

— open windows in houses where the owners are out or on holidays;

— strangers trying car doors;

— anything that you believe is suspicious.

● 5

— an exact description of what you have seen;

— the time;

— the place;

— the person(s) involved: approximate age, sex, height, build, unusual characteristics, clothing worn, and any other distinguishing features;

— the vehicles involved: registration number (even part of this number might help), make and model (if known), colour and direction of travel.



1 Aims of Neighbourhood Watch schemes

2 Advantages of the schemes

3 Working staff of the schemes

4 Things you need to report

5 Information the police will need


下面是“Neighbourhood Watch”的概要,其中有一些单词被拿掉了,变成了空格。请从下面的方框中选择适当的单词填入空格中。如果需要,可以将整段文字再读一遍。


schemes vandalism thefts
community crime responsible
neighbourhood members prevent
police coordinator active
contact notice operation

Anyone, in any (1) ______, can be the victim of (2) ______, so it is important for everyone to help the police (3) ______ crime. Neighbourhood Watch (4) ______ operate in several communities. Each scheme has at least one local (5) ______ who is in charge of his / her area and (6) ______ for keeping the (7) ______ informed of what is happening in the (8) ______. Members of the scheme who (9) ______ anything suspicious can either(10) ______ the coordinator or talk directly to the police. Crime figures in areas where these schemes are now in (11) ______ indicate that local crimes such as burglaries, (12) ______, car thefts and (13) ______ from cars can be reduced when (14) ______ of the community take an (15) ______ role in crime prevention.



1. community 2. crime 3. prevent 4. schemes 5. coordinator 6. responsible 7. police 8. neighbourhood 9. notice 10. contact 11. operation 12. vandalism 13. thefts 14. members 15. active

下面方框中的单词或短语都出现在Text 1中,请把它们找出来,并根据上下文猜猜它们的意思。接下来,依据自己猜测的意思,把这些单词或短语填入方框下方的句子中。


shrug... off  become involved in  deter from  hang around  circulate  tackle  loiter  approach  congregate  contribute to / towards

1 You can easily _____ keeping your own building tidy by taking care of your own rubbish.

2 Many communities have their own newspapers and these newspapers generally sell well, because they are one of the chief ways to _____ local news, good or bad.

3 People generally _____ in this main square on Sundays and public holidays—to chat to each other, have a drink together and to watch what's going on!

4 If you are lost, it is wise to _____ a policeman and ask for directions.

5 Though people understand the problems of water shortage, when the government calls on them to economise on water, most of them simply _____ it _____.

6 There is so much crime in the area that teenagers are advised not to _____ chatting to their friends in public places after dark.

7 A good way of getting to know your community is to _____ all kinds of local activities by joining clubs, the community centre and so on.

8 It's unwise to _____ in public places. It makes people suspicious.

9 The local police sometimes find it difficult to _____ the problem of domestic arguments and family problems.

10 Big dogs in houses often _____ burglars from breaking in.



1 contribute to / towards  2 circulate  3 congregate  4 approach  5 shrug... off  6 hang around  7 become involved in  8 loiter  9 tackle  10 deter

“loiter”和“hang around”的意思非常相近,都表示“在某处闲逛”,但差别是:“loiter”指的是漫无目的地在某处闲逛,令人觉得很可疑,会让人猜测他到底在这里做什么。而“hang around”指的同样是在某处闲逛,但不会令人觉得可疑。此外,还有个特别的单词“congregate”,“congregate”是“集合”的意思,但并不是毫无目的地集合,而是“有目的”地集合。


高斌收集了许多单子,上面提供了不少关于这一带的信息,种类繁多。这些单子通常都是免费领取的,很实用。他在图书馆拿到一张单子,上面提供了关于小区中心的信息,而且小区中心正好就在高斌的新家旁边。Text 2列出了这张单子上提供的信息,如果看到不认识的单词,可以先根据上下文猜测意思,如果猜不出来,可以翻开词典查查看。

高斌喜欢各种不同的运动,他也喜欢集邮,但不喜欢玩牌及棋盘游戏。阅读Text 2,结合上述信息,回答下列问题。

阅读Text 2 中提供的信息,回答以下问题。

1 Does the Laurel Tempest Centre provide any special sports facilities?

If "Yes" , write down the special facilities provided:


If "No" , where should Gao Bin go?

He should go to ____________________________.

2 Is there a club or society in the Centre that Gao Bin could join in to satisfy his interest in stamp collecting? ____________________________

If "Yes" , write the name of the club or society here: ____________________________

If "No" , where can he seek information from? He can phone or go to ____________________________.

3 How much would Gao Bin have to pay to join the community centre? ____

4 Does the membership fee include the costs of all clubs and classes? ____

5 Who is Dave Hamilton? _________________________

6 We can be certain that some of the clubs or societies will be of no interest to Gao Bin. Which are they? (You need not write the reasons but you should think about them!)


7 Which clubs or societies may be of interest to Gao Bin?


8 Are refreshments provided free of charge? ____________________________

9 What does GDCS stand for? ______________________

10 What do you think the warden's job is?


11 If Gao Bin wants to find out the time of the clubs or societies that he's interested in, what should he do?


12 If Gao Bin decides to join the community centre, what does he need to do?


Text 2

Laurel Road, Gilmore
Tel. 3077831

The Laurel Tempest Centre is a division of Gilmore District Community Services. The main special sports facilities are located in the Gilmore Sports Centre. The Laurel Tempest Centre offers a range of facilities for YOU and your community. A year's membership to the centre entitles you to make use of these facilities and gives you the opportunity to mix with other members of the community.


standard: £12

unwaged, over 60's, students: £6

Membership forms can be obtained from the Gilmore Sports Centre or the Laurel Tempest Centre. Completed forms, together with the membership fee should be handed to Dave Hamilton, at the centre, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays.

Please note: individual clubs / groups at the centre may also charge a small fee to cover running costs, etc.


Toddler Group  Over Sixties Club  Chess Club  Bridge Club  Karate Classes  Dog Training Classes  Local History Society  Bowling Club  Philatelist Society  Photography Club  Under Fives Ballet Classes  Women's Self-defense Classes

Details of all the above activities or other information can be obtained, by phone or in person, from the Laurel Tempest office.

The Refreshment Room serves mid-priced tea, coffee and home-made snacks between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. every day (except Sunday) and between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Saturdays.

The rooms in the centre can be booked for regular meetings or occasional functions. For details, please contact the warden, Dave Hamilton, or telephone 3077831.




1 No. He should go to the Gilmore Sports Centre.

2 Yes. The Philatelist Society. (“集邮”的英文专业说法是“philately”。)

3 £12. (高斌不是学生,有工作,也不超过60岁。)

4 No.(有些俱乐部会收一点费用)

5 The warden.

6 Toddler Group, Over Sixties Club, Chess Club, Bridge Club, Dog Training Classes, Under Fives Ballet Classes and Women's Self-defense Classes.

7 As well as the Philatelist Society, he may be interested in the Photography Club, the Local History Society and, perhaps, the Karate Classes.

8 No.(它们比较便宜,即mid-priced)

9 Gilmore District Community Services.

10 The warden's job includes collecting completed membership forms, taking care of the building and the administration of the centre.

11 He should telephone the office of the centre.

12 He should collect an application form from the Laurel Tempest Centre or the Gilmore Sports Centre, fill it in, and take it to the warden between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on a weekday, together with the £12 membership fee.


你知道为什么这里用了“unwaged”(无薪)这个单词吗?为什么不用比较常见的“unemployed”(无业)呢?原来,“unwaged”是个相对礼貌的说法,也就是说,不会冒犯他人。有些人虽然没有领薪水,但他们一样还是在工作,例如做慈善事业、在教会或小区工作,再比如说,家庭主妇也是一种工作,但她们没有薪水可拿。正因为如此,这张传单上才会使用“unwaged”这个比较不会冒犯他人的说法。 cuJVEczZLsojzYcFsOy9/aNA+fKteif0pCyysM5V+MoNKnjj3mID3La1+3TKi4b1
