


be different from 与……不同;不同于

Their tastes are different from mine. 他们的品位与我的不同。

be different in 在……方面不同 differ from 与……不同


be equal to 等于;胜任

Not that I dislike the task, but that I am not equal to it. 并非我不喜欢这份工作,而是我无法胜任。


be faced with 面临,面对

We are faced with a lot of problems but we ' ll win through in the end. 我们面临许多问题,但我们终将会获得成功。


be familiar to 对……来说是熟悉的

French is as familiar to him as English. 他对法语和英语一样通晓。

be familiar with 意为“对……熟悉”,如:

I am not really familiar with the local laws. 实际上,我对当地的法规并不熟悉。


be famous as 作为……而出名

Brighton is famous as a bathing place. 布来顿以海滨浴场驰名。

be famous for 因……而出名


be fit for 适合于;胜任

The old man is not fit for the position. 那位老人不胜任这一职位。

be fit for :表示具有天然的特点而适合于某一目的。

be suitable for :指适合某人的身份、年龄、地位等。


be fond of 喜欢

He was fond of drawing when he was a child. 他小时候喜欢画画。


be frightened to death 吓得要死

This movie is so scary. I ' m frightened to death! 这部电影真恐怖。我吓得要死!

be scared to death 吓得要死


be full of 充满

The past year was full of trouble. 过去的一年麻烦重重。


be good at 擅长

The writer is not very good at writing dialogs. 那位作家不太擅长写对白。


be interested in 对……感兴趣

He is very interested in pop songs. 他对流行歌曲很感兴趣。


be known as 作为……而出名

He is known as a successful architect. 他作为一名成功的建筑师而闻名。

be known for 因……而出名


be likely to 有可能

I ' m likely to be very busy tomorrow. 明天我可能很忙。


be lost in 沉迷于

The girls were lost in the music. 那些女孩子完全沉浸在音乐中了。

be lost in thought 陷入沉思


be opposed to 反对;与……相反

He is strongly opposed to the plan. 他强烈反对这一计划。


be particular about 对……挑剔

She is particular about what she eats. 她过分讲究吃。

She has already tried her best. Please don ' t be too ______ about her job. (江西高考)

A. special

B. responsible

C. unusual

D. particular

D 。句意:她已经尽力了。请不要对她的工作太挑剔。 be particular about 是固定搭配,意为“对……挑剔”,符合题意。


be pleased at/about/with 对……满意

I ' m not pleased with your sales record this month. 我对你这个月的销售业绩不满。


be popular with 受……欢迎

She ' s a lively child and popular with everyone. 她是个活泼的孩子,大家都喜欢她。


be proud of 为……自豪、骄傲

He was proud of what he had done. 他为自己的所作所为感到骄傲。

take pride in 为……感到骄傲


be ready for 为……做好准备

Your order is ready for delivery. 您订购的货物可随时交付。

be ready to do sth. 意为“准备做某事”,如:

He packed up and was ready to go. 他整理好行装准备出发。


be related to 与……有联系

These two events were related to each other. 这两个事件相互关联。


be relevant to 与……有关的

These facts are relevant to the case. 这些事实和此案有关。


be responsible for 对……负责

All pilots are responsible for their passengers safety. 所有飞行员都应对乘客的安全负责。


be sensitive to 对……敏感

If you are sensitive to caffeine, avoid it in the afternoon and evening. 如果你对咖啡因敏感的话,在中午和晚上就避免饮用。


be short for 是……的缩写

WTO is short for World Trade Organization. WTO 是世界贸易组织的缩写。

be short of 意为“缺乏,缺少”; for short 意为“简称,缩写”,如:

His name ' s Maximilian, but we just call him Max for short. 他的名字是马克西米兰,但我们只是简称他为马克斯。


be similar to 与……类似

Her dress is very similar to mine in color. 她裙子的颜色和我的很相似。


be strict in 对……要求严格

We should be strict in all our work. 我们应当对所有的工作严格要求。

be strict in 一般表示对“某事”要求严格,而 be strict with 则表示对“某人”要求严格。


be supposed to 应该

to 是不定式符号,后接动词原形。

What time are we supposed to arrive there? 我们应该什么时候到达那里?

What are you doing out of bed, Tom? You ' re ______ to be asleep. (辽宁高考)

A. supposed

B. known

C. thought

D. considered

A 。句意:汤姆,你还在床下干什么?你应该在睡觉。 be supposed to do sth. 意为“应该做某事”, A 项符合题意。


be sure about/of 对……有把握

You ' re sure of a warm welcome. 你一定会受到热烈欢迎的。

be sure to do sth. 意为“一定会做某事,一定要做某事”,如:

Be sure to clear off the rubbish. 一定要清理垃圾。

How did your interview with the manager go?

______ He seemed interested in my experience, but he didn ' t ask for references. (安徽高考)

A. Perfect!

B. I ' m not sure.

C. That ' s right.

D. Couldn ' t be better.

B 。句意:——你和经理的会谈如何?—— ______ 他看起来好像对我的经历感兴趣,但他并没有要推荐信。由最后一句可知我对此次面试的结果不是很确定。故选 B


be tired of 对……厌烦

I was tired of all her negative remarks. 我厌倦了她所有的负面言论。

be tired from 意为“因……而劳累”,如:

I was tired from having stayed up all night. 我因熬夜而感到疲倦。


be true of 对……适用;符合于

The same is true of all clubs. 所有俱乐部都是如此。


be unique to 是……独有的

The koala is unique to Australia. 树袋熊是澳大利亚独有的。


be willing to do sth. 乐意做某事

I told them I was perfectly willing to help. 我告诉他们我非常愿意帮忙。


because of 因为

We spent three hours waiting in the rain because of you! 因为你,我们在雨中等了三个小时!

because of 后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语; because 是连词,后面接从句。


become of 发生,遭遇

She thought constantly about her family; she might never know what had become of them. 她经常想着她的家人;她也许永远都不知道他们怎么样了。


before long 不久以后

It looks as if it will rain before long. 看起来一会儿就要下雨了。

long before 很久以前


begin with 以……开始

The concert began with a piano solo. 音乐会以钢琴独奏曲拉开了序幕。

to begin with 首先,第一


believe in 相信,信任;信仰

Many people believe in Buddhism. 许多人信仰佛教。

believe in :表示“信任,信仰”之意,即 to have faith in somebody or something ,后面常接有关宗教、理论、原则、概念及可信任之人的词汇。如: We do not believe in ghosts. 我们不信鬼神。

believe :表示“相信,信以为真”之意,即 to accept as true ,它是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语,多指相信某人的话或某件具体的事情。如: Do you believe his reports? 你相信他的报告吗?


believe it or not 信不信由你

He enjoys knitting, believe it or not. 信不信由你,他喜欢编织。

According to my grandma, it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold.

______, scientists agree with her. (浙江高考)

A. Sooner or later

B. Once in a while

C. To be exact

D. Believe it or not

D 。句意:——从奶奶那儿得知,当感冒的时候喝鸡汤是个好主意。——信不信由你,科学家也这样认为。 sooner or later 意为“迟早”; once in a while 意为“偶尔,有时”; to be exact 意为“确切地说”; believe it or not 意为“信不信由你”,根据句意可知, D 项符合题意,为答案。


belong to 属于

belong to 没有被动形式,也不用于进行时态。

The house belonged to my grandfather. 这所房子是我爷爷的。


benefit from 从……受益

Did you benefit from the new way of doing business? 你是否从经营业务的新方法中获益?

for the benefit of 为了……的利益


beyond control 失控

The increase in prices is beyond control. 物价上涨已失去了控制。

out of control 失控 in/under control 在控制中


blame sb. for sth. 因某事责怪某人

Don ' t blame him for the mistake, and he is not the only one who is in charge of the work. 别因这个失误而责怪他,并且他也不是监管这项工作唯一的人。

blame sth. on sb. 意为“把某事归咎于某人”; be to blame (for sth.) 意为“(为某事)该受责备”,如:

He blamed his failure on himself. 他把失败归咎于自己。 /He was to blame for the traffic accident. 他应该对这一交通事故负责任。


blow away 吹走;刮走

The wind blew away the clothes on the line. 风把晾在绳子上的衣服吹走了。

blow up 充气;爆炸;大怒;放大


break away (from) 挣脱;脱离;改掉;打破

Some southern states once attempted to break away from the USA. 一些南方的州曾试图脱离美国。

break down 出故障;身体(精神)垮了;分解;坍塌

break in 闯入;插话

break into 破门而入;突然(大哭、大笑等)

break off 脱落;突然停止;终止

break out (战争、灾难、疾病等)爆发

break up 打碎;分解;关系破裂

Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks ______ in disasters. (福建高考)

A. turn down

B. turn out

C. break down

D. break out

C turn down 意为“调小;拒绝”; turn out 意为“结果证明……”; break down 意为“出故障;分解”; break out 意为“爆发”。根据句意:当发生灾难,无线网络无法用的时候,老式电话就有用了。故答案为 C


bring about 造成,导致,引起

Science has brought about many changes in our lives. 科学为我们的生活带来了很多变化。

bring back 归还;使想起 bring down 降低;减少

bring in 引进;吸收;挣得 bring on 导致,引起

bring out 使显现 bring up 抚养;教育;提出

Born into a family with three brothers, David was ______ to value the sense of sharing. (福建高考)

A. brought up

B. turned down

C. looked after

D. held back

A 。句意:生在一个弟兄三人的家庭,戴维被教育要重视分享意识。 bring up 意为“抚养,教育”,符合题意。 hold back 意为“抑制,克制;阻止”。


build up (使)逐渐变大;使增强体质,变得健壮

He tried to build up his strength. 他试图增强体力。

Bears ______ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep. (浙江高考)

A. pack up

B. build up

C. bring up

D. take up

B 。句意:熊在夏季和秋季逐渐增加其脂肪的储存以保证其有足够的能量确保其度过冬眠。 pack up 意为“整理行装”; build up 意为“逐渐增加;增强”; bring up 意为“养育;呕吐”; take up 意为“占;开始从事”。由此可知, B 项符合题意。


burn down 烧毁,烧坏

They threatened to burn our house down. 他们威胁要烧毁我们的房子。

burn up 烧起来;烧尽;发怒


burst into 闯入;突然爆发

On hearing his words, we burst into laughter. 听了他的话,我们爆笑起来。

burst into :后接名词。

burst out :意为“突然开始(做某事)”,后接动名词。


but for 要不是,如果没有

but for 用来表示虚拟的条件,常用在虚拟语气的句子中。

But for the rain we would have had a nice holiday. 要不是因为下雨,我们的假日一定过得很惬意。

We ______ John ' s name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury. (江西高考)

A. will put

B. will have put

C. would put

D. would have put

D 。句意:要不是因为约翰最近受伤,我们昨天就会把他的名字列到比赛名单上。由句中的 but for his recent injury 可知,约翰受伤是事实,我们实际上也没有把他的名字列到名单上,因此这是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,谓语动词要用 would have done 的形式,故本题选 D


by accident 偶然,无意中

The little girl knocked the glass off the table by accident. 小女孩不小心把玻璃杯从桌子上碰掉了。

同义的短语还有: by chance


by air 乘飞机

用“ by+ 交通工具”表示交通方式时,名词前不用任何冠词。

I shall travel to New York by air this weekend. 这个周末我将要乘飞机去纽约。

by plane 乘飞机 by bus 乘公共汽车

by bike 骑自行车 by sea 乘船


by all means 尽一切办法,一定,务必

We have to finish our task by all means. 我们必须竭力完成任务。

by this means 用这种方法 by no means 绝不

by means of 用……方法

Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?

______. Ours is much stronger than theirs. (江苏高考)

A. Of course

B. It depends

C. Don ' t mention it

D. By no means

D of course 意为“当然”; it depends 意为“视情况而定”; don ' t mention it 意为“不客气”; by no means 意为“绝不”。由答语中的 Ours is much stronger than theirs. 可知,后者不认为对手能在亚运会上夺冠,故 D 项为答案。


by chance 偶尔,碰巧

We met each other quite by chance. 我们彼此相遇纯属偶然。

An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered ______ a long lost antique Greek vase. (湖北高考)

A. at random

B. by chance

C. in turn

D. on occasion

B 。句意:近来一位坐船去南部岛屿的艺术家偶然发现了一个遗失多年的希腊古董花瓶。 at random 意为“随意地”; by chance 意为“偶然”; in turn 意为“依次”; on occasion 意为“偶尔”。根据句意可知 by chance 符合题意,故选 B


by name 名叫,名为

She met a handsome boy, John by name. 她遇到了一位名叫约翰的英俊少年。

by the name of 名叫……;以……名义


by nature 天生,生就

He is simple and honest by nature. 他秉性纯朴。


call attention to 引起某人的注意

to 是介词,后接名词或动名词作宾语。

The purpose of the article was to draw attention to the problems faced by migrant workers. 写这篇文章的目的在于引发人们对民工所面临的问题的关注。

bring sth. to one ' s attention 使某人注意某事

draw/catch/attract one ' s attention to 引起某人的注意

fix one ' s attention on sth. 集中注意力于某事物

pay attention to 注意


call at 走访;拜访

后接表示地点的名词,表示访问某地,且停留的时间很短,相当于 visit call at 还可表示“(车辆等)停靠”的意思。

I shall call at his home tomorrow. 我明天要到他家里拜访。

call for 提倡;需要;接某人;取某物

call in 请来;来访;召回

call off 取消;把……叫开

call on 拜访;(短暂的)访问;号召

call out 大声叫喊;召唤出动;下令罢工

call up 打电话;使想起;征召入伍


calm down (使)镇定下来;(使)平息下来

Moved by what she said, he could hardly calm down. 由于被她的那些话所感动,他几乎难以平静下来。


can ' t (help) but 不得不


He couldn ' t help but admit that he was wrong. 他不得不承认自己错了。

have (got) to 不得不,必须


can ' t help doing sth. 忍不住做某事;情不自禁做某事

She couldn ' t help crying when she saw her mother. 当她看到母亲的时候,禁不住哭了起来。

can ' t help to do sth. 不能帮助做某事


can ' t wait to 迫不及待

to 是动词不定式符号,后接动词原形。

The old man can ' t wait to build a new house. 这位老人迫不及待要建造一座新房子。

can hardly wait to do sth. 迫不及待想做某事


care about 担忧;关心;对……感兴趣;在乎

常用于疑问句和否定句中,注意, care 后接从句时要省略 about

Don ' t you care about this country ' s future? 难道你不为国家前途担忧吗 ?/ She does not care about her husband at all. 她根本不关心她的丈夫。

care for 照顾;照料;喜欢;想要


carry away 带走;冲走

Several houses were carried away during the flood. 几所房子在洪水中被冲走了。

carry off 夺走;使丧命;成功地处理

carry on 继续;坚持;开展

carry out 开展;执行;落实


cast about for 思索;想方设法;设法得到

He has been casting about for a new job for some time. 一段时间以来,他一直在寻找一份新工作。

cast around for 到处寻求;多方考虑;设法得到


cast aside 抛弃;废除

We need to cast aside outdated policies. 我们要废除不合时宜的政策。

throw away 扔掉,丢弃;错过(机会、好处等)


catch a glimpse of 一眼瞥见

He caught a glimpse of me when I passed by. 当我走过时,他瞥了我一眼。

have/get sight of 看见 catch sight of 看见;发现;感觉到


catch fire 着火

The tower building caught fire on the night of the Lantern Festival. 这座塔楼于元宵夜失火。

catch fire :意为“着火,失火”,强调动作。

be on fire :意为“失火”,强调一种状态。


catch hold of 抓住;拥有;理解

You must catch hold of this rope. 你必须抓紧这条绳子。


catch on 理解;熟悉情况;流行起来

The song caught on and was sung everywhere. 这首歌曲流行起来,各地都在演唱。


catch up (with) 赶上;追上

At the moment our technology is more advanced, but other countries are catching up with us. 目前我们的技术更先进,但是其他的国家正在迎头赶上。


cater for 满足……的要求;承办宴席

Those TV programs cater for children. 那些电视节目是为孩子们服务的。 /We also cater for weddings and parties. 我们也承办婚礼及宴会酒席。

cater to 迎合;满足需要


center on/upon 以……为中心

Her novels center on the problems of adolescence. 她的小说以青少年问题为中心。

be centerd on 集中于

center one ' s attention on... 将某人的注意力集中到……


change for …用……换……;更换

Let me change the one-dollar bill for coins. 让我把这张一美元的纸钞换成硬币。


change into 变成;改穿(衣服)

Do all caterpillars change into butterflies or moths? 所有的毛毛虫都会变成蝴蝶或蛾子吗?

change... into... 把……变成……


change one ' s mind 改变主意;改变想法

She changed her mind at the last moment. 在最后时刻,她改变了主意。


charge sb. with 控告某人犯有……罪行;以……指控某人

He charged me with neglecting my duty. 他指控我玩忽职守。


check in 办理登记手续;托运(行李)

He has just checked in at the hotel. 他刚刚在旅馆办好入住手续。

check on 检查;查看

check out 结账后离开;调查

check up on 监督;督促;检查;查证


cheer on 为……鼓气;向……喝彩

He did his best to cheer her on when she was about to give up. 当她快要放弃时,他竭尽全力鼓励她。


cheer up (使)振作起来

The coach tried to cheer them up after they lost their first match. 在他们输掉第一场比赛后,教练努力使他们振作起来。


chew over 斟酌,仔细考虑

He chewed over the problem for several days before making his decision. 他对这个问题仔细考虑了好几天才做出决定。

think over 仔细考虑


chip in 插话;凑份子

作“插话”讲时,后面接宾语需使用介词 with ,即 chip in with sth.

She chipped in with some interesting remarks. 她插进一些话,说得很有趣。 /We all chipped in for the benefit of the orphan. 我们大家凑钱帮助了那个孤儿。


choke off 阻止;终止;抑制

A sudden confusion choked off our debate. 突然一阵骚乱结束了我们的辩论。


clean up 整理;清理

You should always clean up your room. 你应该时时清理房间。

clean down 擦净,刷干净 clean out 全面清理


clear away 清除;收拾;消散

Please clear away the dishes when you finish eating. 你吃完后请把盘碟收拾好。


clear up (天气)放晴;整理;解决

It ' s very likely to clear up tomorrow. 明天很可能要放晴了。 /Maybe he can clear up your problem. 或许他可以解决你的问题。


click on 点击

Please click on the link if you want to know more about the message. 如果你想了解更多信息,请点击这个链接。

click here 点击这里,单击此处


close down 停业;关闭

Many businesses have closed down because of the recession. 因为经济衰退,许多企业倒闭了。


collect oneself 使自己镇定

collect oneself 相当于 collect one ' s thoughts ,即“集中思绪,定神”之意。

He collected himself before getting up onto the platform. 上台之前他先让自己镇定下来。


come about 发生;造成;产生

How did it come about that he knew where we were? 他是怎么知道我们在什么地方的呢?

come about :多指事情已经发生,在疑问句中一般与 how 连用,不用于被动语态。

happen :一般用于偶然或突发事件。

take place :一般指非偶然事件的发生,有按计划或安排发生之意。

come back 回来;再度流行

come down to 主要涉及;可以归结为

come forward 站出来;被提出来讨论

come from 来自;源自;出生于

come in 进来;上市;流行起来

come into view 看得见;进入视野

come off 成功;奏效

come on 加油;进展;开始运转

come over 短暂造访;突然感到

come straight to the point 谈正题;开门见山

come through 度过;(感情或消息)传出

come to 总计;得出;达到;苏醒;涉及,说起

come up 走近;提出;生长;发芽

come up to 达到(标准);达到(某点)


come across 讲明白;偶然发现

He came across the fossil of a dinosaur egg. 他偶然发现了这块恐龙蛋化石。

If you ______ faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price. (安徽高考)

A. come across

B. care about

C. look for

D. focus upon

A 。句意:如果你发现自行车有瑕疵但还想买,可以要求店员降价。 come across 意为“偶然发现”; care about 意为“在意,介意”; look for 意为“寻找”; focus upon 意为“集中于”。根据句意本题应选 A


come along 一起来;在进展;偶然出现,不期而至

How ' s your work coming along? 你的工作进展如何?

Would you like to ______ with us to the film tonight? (新课标全国卷Ⅱ)

A. come along

B. come off

C. come across

D. come through

A 。考查 come 动词短语。句意:今晚你愿意和我们一起去看电影吗? come along 意为“一起来”; come off 意为“成功,奏效”; come across 意为“被理解;偶然发现”; come through 意为“度过;传出”。根据句意,本题应选 A


come into being 形成;产生

When did the Earth come into being? 地球是何时开始存在的 ?


come out 出版;出现;开花;公开宣布

His book came out last week. 他的书上周出版了。


come to terms with 接受(不愉快的事);与……达成一致

Jack had to come to terms with the loss of his sight. 杰克不得不接受他失明的事实。 / I finally came to terms with my lawyer about his fee. 最终,我和我的律师就他的律师费达成了一致。


come true 实现;成为现实

Today his dream has come true he has been admitted to Harvard University. 今天他的梦想实现了——他被哈佛大学录取了。


come up with 提出;想出;追上

We ' ve been asked to come up with some new ideas. 我们被要求想出一些新点子。


compare to …把……比作……


They all started to compare him to Lei Feng. 他们都开始把他比作雷锋。

compare... with... 把……与……相比较

compared with/to 与……相比

Film has a much shorter history, especially when ______ such art forms as music and painting. (全国卷Ⅰ)

A. having compared to

B. comparing to

C. compare to

D. compared to

D 。句意:和音乐、绘画这样的艺术相比,电影的历史是较短的。此处 film compare 之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词。 when compared to such art forms as music and painting 相当于 when it is compared to such art forms as music and painting


compensate for 补偿;弥补

Nothing can compensate for the loss of one ' s health. 什么都无法弥补健康的丧失。

compensate sb. for sth. 赔偿某人某物 make up for 弥补;补偿


complain about/of 抱怨;诉苦

You ' ve got nothing to complain about. 你没什么可抱怨的。

complain to 向……抱怨;向……投诉


concentrate on/upon 专心;集中

I can ' t concentrate on my work when I ' m tired. 我劳累的时候,无法集中精力工作。

concentrate one ' s effort on 致力于


congratulate on/upon …祝贺;庆贺

congratulate 后面接祝贺的对象, on/upon 后面接祝贺的事情。

I congratulate you on your great discovery. 我祝贺你的伟大发现。


connect with 与……相连,连接

The high-speed railway connects Dalian with Beijing. 这条高铁线路连接大连与北京。

be connected with 与……有联系 connect to 连接到


consider as …把……看作;认为

At first, they considered me as a doctor. 起初,他们以为我是一名医生。

view... as... 把……看作 regard... as... 把……看作;认为……是


consist in 在于;存在于

consist in 不用于被动语态。

Happiness consists in contentment. 知足常乐。

consist in :用于说明事物的性质,大多数是抽象的。

consist of :多指某一事物的部分,多指具体的、物质的。

consist of 由……组成;由……构成

consist with 和……一致;符合


contrary to 与……相反

The result is contrary to expectation. 结果与预料的情况恰好相反。

on the contrary 与此相反;正相反 to the contrary 相反的(地)

Brown said he was by no means annoyed; ______, he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood. (浙江高考)

A. all in all

B. for one thing

C. on the contrary

D. by the way

C 。句意:布朗说他绝不生气;相反,他很高兴能使别人清楚地了解他自己。 all in all 意为“总而言之”; for one thing 意为“一则,首先”; on the contrary 意为“正相反,相反地”; by the way 意为“顺便说,顺便提一下”,根据句意,本题应选 C


contribute to 有助于,促成;为……作出贡献

Smoking contributes to lung cancer. 吸烟会导致肺癌。

make contribution to 为……作出贡献


convince of …使……确信

He tried to convince me of his innocence. 他试图使我相信他是清白的。

convince sb. to do sth. 劝说某人做某事

I don ' t believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to ______ me. (江西高考)

A. convince

B. inform

C. guarantee

D. refuse

A 。句意:我不相信你所说的,但是如果你能证明,你也许能够说服我。 convince 意为“说服”; inform 意为“通知”; guarantee 意为“保证”; refuse 意为“拒绝”。


1.The well-known professor had to retire last month ______ his poor health.

A. as a result

B. based on

C. because of

D. in order to

2.Sadly, the two good friends had a quarrel, and afterwards they ______.

A. broke up

B. cheered up

C. came up

D. showed up

3.______ is known to us all, America is a developed country ______ the First World.

A. As; belongs to

B. As; belonging to

C. What; belonging to

D. It; belongs to

4.I simply couldn ' t understand how it ______ that you did so much work in such a short time.

A. came up

B. came along

C. came back

D. came about

5.______ other good students, Jack is ______.

A. Compared with; most satisfied

B. Compared to; the most satisfied

C. Comparing to; more satisfying

D. Compared with; more satisfying

6.Hangzhou ______ the beautiful scenery of the West Lake.

A. is known for

B. is known to

C. is known as

D. is known of

7.Scientists are convinced ______ the positive effect of laughter ______ physical and mental health.

A. of; at

B. by; in

C. of; on

D. on; at

8.She ______ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.

A. turned down

B. came across

C. took after

D. dealt with

9.The women in South Africa ______ equality and safety.

A. call on

B. call for

C. call at

D. call up

10.Joe is not good at sports, but when it ______ mathematics, he is the best in the class.

A. comes to

B. comes up to

C. comes on to

D. comes around to

11.She decided to ______ with the boy, even though it meant giving up for the time being a rich and comfortable life.

A. break up

B. break down

C. put up

D. put down

12.In order to ______ with the advanced countries, we must keep learning.

A. get along

B. put up

C. catch up

D. go on

13.You ' ve ______ such a good idea, thank you. We ' ll try it at once.

A. come up with

B. ended up with

C. caught up with

D. followed up with

14.All flights ______ because of fog. I ' m afraid you will have to stay here for another day.

A. had been put off

B. called off

C. have been called off

D. have put off

15.It is so nice to hear from her. ______, we last met more than thirty years ago.

A. What ' s more

B. That is to say

C. In other words

D. Believe it or not

16.His aunt ' s letters ______ memories of those beautiful days when they used to live together in his hometown.

A. called up

B. called for

C. called on

D. called at

17.Difficulties and hardships have ______ the best character of the young geologist.

A. brought in

B. brought up

C. brought out

D. brought about

18.Eating too much fat can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. result from

B. contribute to

C. attend to

D. devote to

19.I was telling him about my travels when he ______ with a story of his own.

A. broke in

B. broke into

C. broke away

D. broke through

20. It ' s a good idea. But who ' s going to ______ the plan?

I think Tom and Greg will.

A. set aside

B. carry out

C. take in

D. get through


01-05 CABDD

06-10 ACBBA

11-15 ACACD

16-20 ACBAB Kpp9JLeUQ9pmV9OIUndzBFNXb1nqdEJrWWEudoLtdKMTjvzePftHtXIdRoUj2LJN
