



1.The book will be pre-dated.


The book will be published in advance.

The book will come out ahead of time.

2.As an editor, you should give some opinion on topical issues.


As an editor, you should air your opinion on topical issues.

As an editor, you should declare yourself on topical issues.

As an editor, you should express your opinion on topical issues.

3.You should normalize the author's rather unusual spelling.


You should correct the author's rather unusual spelling.

You should amend the author's rather unusual spelling.

You should rectify the author's rather unusual spelling.

4.The whole paragraph has been struck out.


The whole paragraph has been deleted.

The whole paragraph has been removed.

The whole paragraph has been cut out.

5.I think we should delete the last paragraph from the article.


In my opinion, we should cut out the last paragraph from the article.

I consider we should delete the last paragraph from the article.

6.Added possibility to find text in the Text Editor.


7.You shouldn't pick the manuscript to pieces.


You ought not to pick the manuscript to pieces.

8.This control supports editing of a number of numeric fields.


9.The editorial policies haven't changed a bit over the years.


Nothing has changed in the editorial policies over the years.

The editorial policies haven't changed a thing over the years.

10.There isn't any edit sub-system in the application.


Any edit sub-system doesn't exist in the application.

11.These books are ready for publication.


These books get ready for publication.

These books make ready for publication.

These books are prepared to publication.

12.The publishing house infringed our copyright.


The publishing house violated our copyright.

13.The publisher pays his hacks low.


The hacks are paid very low by the publisher.

14.The atlas is published by our company.


Our company publishes the atlas.

15.The annals of the society haven't been published.


16.The newly published novel is sold like hot cakes.


The newly published novel is salable goods.

The newly published novel is a best seller.

The newly published novel is sold very well.

The newly published novel is a best selling line.

17.This book will be published in a month.


This book will be published within one month.

18.It is published by People's Literature Publishing House.


It is put out by People's Literature Publishing House.

It's printed by People's Literature Publishing House.

19.The dictionary will be printed next month.


The dictionary is going to be published next month.

The dictionary will be put out next month.

20.Once printed, this book will be very popular.


Once published, this book will sell very well.

Once printed, this book will sell very quickly.

Once printed, this book will very much saleable.

Once printed, this book will enjoy fast sales.

21.Publications should be censored.


Publications should be reviewed.

Publications should be examined.

Publications should be investigated.

22.This book is published in remembrance of the incident.


This book is published in honor of the incident.

This book is published in memory of the incident.

This book is published to honor the incident.

This book is published in order to memorize the incident.

23.The book brings great credit to the publisher.


The book reflects honor on the publisher.

24.A greater number of English books will be published this year.


More English books will be published this year.

There are more English books published this year.

25.We have to take the readability of the novel into consideration.


We must consider the readability of the novel.

We have to think of the readability of the novel.

We have to think about the readability of the novel.

26.That novel is warmly welcomed by the masses.


That novel is very popular with readers.

That novel is well received.

27.That company has put forth another new book.


That company has brought out another new book.

That company has published another new book.

28.The publisher has printed 5000 copies of the book.


The publisher has pressed 5000 copies of the book.

The publisher has published 5000 copies of the book.

29.The novel will be published by People's Literature Publishing House.


The novel will be brought out by People's Literature Publishing House.

The novel will be put forth by People's Literature Publishing House.

30.How did the publisher pay us for our new book?


31.Which is the press publisher of the book?


32.The publishers want us to crank out another book as soon as possible.


The publishers require us finish another book as quickly as possible.

The publishers expect us complete another book as quickly as possible.

The publishers request us accomplish another book as quickly as possible.

33.The press has come out with a new dictionary.


The publisher has published a new dictionary.

The publishing house has brought out a new dictionary.

34.They are planning to set up a new publishing house.


They are intending to establish a new publishing house.

They are programming to create a new publishing house.

They are projecting to set up a new publishing house.

35.The publishing house has promised to publish all our books.


The publishing house has agreed to publish all our books.

The publishing house has consented to publish all our books.

36.Issuer needs to assume the market to turn over a weather danger.


Issuer needs to undertake the market to turn over a weather danger.

37.This book has a large circulation.


This book has an enormous circulation.

38.This book is putting on circulation in leaps and bounds.


This book is rising rapidly on circulation.

39.Our book outstripped our rivals in circulation.


Our book surpassed our rivals in circulation.

Our book exceeded our rivals in circulation.

Our book was in excess of our rivals in circulation.

40.What's the total circulation of that book?


What's the combined circulation of that book?

41.The circulation of this book has reached one million.


The circulation of this book has achieved one million.

The circulation of this book has run into one million.

42.The magazine has a circulation of only 8000.


43.These newspapers have been withdrawn from circulation.


These newspapers have been extracted from circulation.

These newspapers have been pulled out from circulation.

These newspapers have been drawn off from circulation.

44.Local magazines have a monthly circulation of 10,000.


Local magazines issue 10,000 volumes every month.

45.We need a large circulation to support such a staff.


We require a large circulation to pay such a staff.

We want a large circulation to support such a staff.

We call for a large circulation to support such a staff.

46.This is the largest first printing ever.


This is the maximal first printing ever.

This is the supreme first printing ever.

This is the ultimate first printing ever.

47.So many literary classics are reissued in a new format.


A lot of literary classics are reprinted in a new format.

Many a literary classics are republished in a new format.

Lots of literary classics are reissued in a new format.

A number of literary classics are reissued in a new format.

48.The novel is still in print so many years later.


After many years, the novel is still in print.

Years later, the novel is still in print.

49.We hope it will be many editions.


We wish it will reprint many times.

We expect it will be many editions.

50.This novel is now being reprinted.


This novel is being reissued.

This novel is being republished.

51.That article has been reprinted in the magazine.


That article has been republished in the magazine.

That article has been reissued in the magazine.

52.The writer will get a 20% royalty on each copy of his novel.


The writer will obtain a 20% royalty on each copy of his novel.

The writer will receive a 20% royalty on each copy of his novel.

The writer will acquire a 20% royalty on each copy of his novel.

53.Most of the world's great books are in reprint editions.


The overwhelming number of good books is in reprint editions.

Most good books are in reprint editions.

Some of good books are in reprint editions.

54.The book has gone to a second printing before it hit the shelves.


The book has had a second printing before it hit the shelves.

55.That novel has just appeared in hardback.


The splendid edition of that novel has just appeared.

The hardcover of that novel has just appeared.

56.We don't have the paperback.


We don't have the paperback edition.

57.The paperback is much cheaper.


The paperback is much less expensive.

The paperback costs much less.

The paperback is a lot cheaper.

58.The novel sold 2 million in paperback.


59.This is a paperback copy of The Wasteland.


60.A pocket edition of the Chinese dictionary will come out soon.


The miniature edition of the Chinese dictionary will soon be on the market.

A pocket edition of the Chinese dictionary is on the way.

61.Copyright will expire 50 years after the death of the author.


Copyright will terminate 50 years after the death of the author.

Copyright will stop 50 years after the death of the author.

Copyright will suspend 50 years after the death of the author.

62.This novel is still under copyright.


This novel still has a copyright.

This novel is copyrighted.

63.We have to pay to quote it.


We must pay to quote it.

We can not but pay to quote it.

We can not avoid paying to quote it.

We have no choice to pay to quote it.

64.We will get the benefit of an extended copyright term.


We will obtain benefits from an extended copyright term.

We will make profit from an extended copyright term.

We will gain profit from an extended copyright term.

65.It is against the law to take copies of a copyright work.


It's illegal to take copies of a copyright work.

It is unlawful to take copies of a copyright work.

It is breaking the law to take copies of a copyright work.

66.The scope of copyright has changed dramatically.


The scope of copyright has changed rapidly.

The scope of copyright has changed greatly.

The scope of copyright has undergone a profound change.

67.He owns the copyright of all content in this site.


He holds the copyright of all content in this site.

He has the copyright of all content in this site.

68.Copyright of English lyrics is owned by its authors.


Copyright of English lyrics belongs to its authors.

Copyright of English lyrics is held by its authors.

69.Generally speaking, free software does have a copyright.


Free software usually does have a copyright.

In general, free software does have a copyright.

At large, free software does have a copyright.

70.The publisher lets authors retain copyright.


The publisher lets authors reserve copyright.

The publisher lets authors keep copyright.

The publisher lets authors hold copyright.

71.The author gets a 20% royalty on each copy sold of his book.


The author obtains a 20% royalty on each copy sold of his book.

The author receives a 20% royalty on each copy sold of his book.

72.Our income is mainly from royalty.


Our revenue comes mainly from royalty.

73.We should advance him $50000 against future royalties.


We ought to advance him $50000 against future royalties.

74.We haven't received all the royalties from the new book.


We haven't gotten all the royalties from the new book.

75.The pictures' pricing will be higher than royalty free but less than rights managed.


76.Playwrights usually draw royalties on work published in book form.


Playwrights usually receive royalties on work published in book form.

77.This is similar to royalty free.


78.Royalty payments are made only once a year.


Royalty payments are settled only once a year.

79.We should be sure he is getting a royalty for it.


We should assure he is getting a royalty for it.

80.Any formats properly aren't presented.


81.The content mayn't contain typographical errors.


82.We should calculate the cost of composition.


We should count the cost of composition.

83.May I take a look at layout?


Can I have a look at layout?

84.Several typographic conventions are used in main text.


Several typographic conventions are adopted in main text.

85.We should carefully check to eliminate typographical errors.


We should carefully examine to eliminate typographical errors.

86.It can cause some changes to the text layouts.


It can bring some changes to the text layouts.

87.I have proofread 40 pages.


88.It's your duty to proofread.


It's your responsibility to proofread.

89.The proof-reader changed a sentence.


90.A lot of proof-reading can be put out to freelancers.


Lots of proof-reading can be put out to freelancers.

91.He supervised these books in production.


He controlled these books in production.

He inspected these books in production.

92.Would you mind proofreading it?


Can you proofread it?

93.This book needs to be checked again.


This book wants to be checked again.

94.Who is the reader of this article?


95.Please check over the speech draft.


Please proofread the speech draft.

96.He's quite familiar with editing.


He knows editing well.

97.Editing is a kind of complex work.


Editing is a sort of complex work.

98.This book can be printed in Gothic.


99.Who accounts for the misprints in the book?


Who is responsible for the misprints in the book?

100.I found three misprints in the dictionary.


I discovered three misprints in the dictionary.


出版在我国有着十分悠久的历史,公元2世纪我国就发明了纸,为出版业的发展提供了非常重要的条件。公元7世纪发明了雕版印刷书,正式开始了出版印刷业。11世纪毕升有发明了活字印刷术,出版业又出现了一次新的飞跃。不过,“出版”一词直到近代才在我国出现。 yFdWx077S+v0jzROCg6kUreqSuOdY1fGjldeToJa2TpIjURinP7pHXgUQ5cm9a+G
