

Thanks to Mr. Incredible, the train was stopped and no one was seriously hurt. Mr. Incredible had Buddy by the back of the neck. "Take this one home," he said to a police officer, "and make sure his mom knows what he's been doing."

"You're making a mistake," Buddy protested. "I could help you!"

Mr. Incredible told the police about the injured jumper and the bank robbery. "The blast in that building was caused by Bomb Voyage. We might be able to nab him if we set up a perimeter."

"You mean he got away?" an officer asked.

"Well, yeah," Mr. Incredible answered, nodding at Buddy. "Skippy here made sure of that."

"Incrediboy!" Buddy said again.

Mr. Incredible turned to Buddy. "You're not affiliated with me!"

A tiny alarm sounded. Mr. Incredible checked his watch. "Holy smokes! I'm late!" he said. "Listen, I have to be somewhere." He signaled the Incredibile, and the futuristic vehicle came roaring around the corner and up to its owner.

"But what about Bomb Voyage?" asked one of the officers.

"Any other night I'd go after him myself," Mr. Incredible answered as he climbed into the car. "But I've really gotta go. Don't worry, we'll get him eventually!"

Mr. Incredible fired the afterburners and sped off.

"You're very late," Frozone said flatly. Mr. Incredible fumbled with his bow tie. "How do I look?" he asked.

"The mask!" Frozone said, stopping him. "You've still got the mask on!"

Frozone pulled the mask off Mr. Incredible. Mr. Incredible took a deep breath and pushed open the chapel doors. Smartly dressed in a black tuxedo again, he took a step down the aisle of the large cathedral.

Frozone, his best man, followed him.

They walked to the altar, where Mr. Incredible's beautiful bride was waiting. The ceremony began. "Bob Parr, will you have this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

His wife-to-be, Elastigirl, also known as Helen, whispered, "Cutting it kind of close, don't you think?"

Mr. Incredible smiled. "You need to be more ... flexible," he replied with a wink.

The ceremony concluded, "As long as you both shall live?"

"I do," answered Mr. Incredible, taking Elastigirl in his arms. The crowd of Supers in the cathedral stood up and cheered.

"As long as we both shall live," Elastigirl promised. "No matter what happens."

"We're Supers," Mr. Incredible said confidently. "What could happen?"

"This flash from the news desk: In a stunning turn of events, a Super is being sued for saving someone who, apparently, did not want to be saved. The plaintiff, who was foiled in his attempted suicide by Mr. Incredible, has filed a suit against the famed hero in Superior Court."

On the crowded steps of the courthouse, a lawyer spoke to the media. "My client didn't ask to be saved. He didn't want to be saved," he said drily.

A masked Mr. Incredible appeared on the courthouse steps in a blue business suit and tie.

"I saved your life!" he said, pointing at his accuser.

"You ruined my death!" the man shouted back.

Five days later, the injured victims of the train accident also filed a suit. Mr. Incredible's court losses cost the government millions.

Suddenly, it seemed to be open season on Supers everywhere. The newspapers were filled with headlines accusing the Supers of harming, not helping, people. The lawsuits began to pile up.

Even the government turned against them. "It is time for their secret identities to become their only identities," one congresswoman demanded. "Time for them to join us, or go away."

There was some protest in favor of the Supers, but finally, under tremendous pressure and a mountain of lawsuits, the government quietly initiated the Super Relocation Program (otherwise known as the SRP). Supers promised never to use their Super powers again, in exchange for anonymity.

The Supers found themselves with new names and identities. From now on, they would live average lives, quietly blending in with the rest of society.

And just like that, the golden age of Supers was over. 9zLa/XAJrMfJqvomGogBTB3CPQtLzO83OMmaMfE8M+Mabd/BYJ6tuHP6trgXfWPO
