
2014 全国新课标 2

Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains. They reached the top(41)_________, but on their way back conditions were very(42)__________. Joe fell and broke his leg. They both knew that if Simon(43)_________ alone, he would probably get back(44)__________. But Simon decided to risk his(45)_________ and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope (绳) .

As they(46)_________ down, the weather got worse. Then another(47)_________ occurred. They couldn't see or hear each other and,(48)_________, Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice (峭壁) . It was(49)_________ for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up. Joe's(50)_________ was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice.(51)_________, after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold, Simon had to(52)_________. In tears, he cut the rope. Joe(53)_________ into a large crevasse (裂缝) in the ice below. He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain. He couldn't walk, but he(54)_________ to get out of the crevasse and started to(55)_________ towards their camp, nearly ten kilometers(56)_________.

Simon had(57)_________ the camp at the foot of the mountain. He thought that Joe must be(58)_________, but he didn't want to leave(59)_________. Three days later, in the middle of the night, he heard Joe's voice. He couldn't(60)_________ it. Joe was there, a few meters from their tent, still alive.

41. A. hurriedly B. carefully C. successfully D. early

42. A. difficult B. similar C. special D. normal

43. A. climbed B. worked C. rested D. continued

44. A. unwillingly B. safely C. slowly D. regretfully

45. A. fortune B. time C. health D. life

46. A. lay B. settled C. went D. looked

47. A. damage B. storm C. change D. trouble

48. A. by mistake B. by chance C. by choice D. by luck

49. A. unnecessary B. practical C. important D. impossible

50. A. height B. weight C. strength D. equipment

51. A. Finally B. Patiently C. Surely D. Quickly

52. A. stand back B. take a rest C. make a decision D. hold on

53. A. jumped B. fell C. escaped D. backed

54. A. managed B. planned C. waited D. hoped

55. A. run B. skate C. move D. march

56. A. around B. away C. above D. along

57. A. headed for B. travelled C. left for D. returned to

58. A. dead B. hurt C. weak D. late

59. A. secretly B. tiredly C. immediately D. anxiously

60. A. find B. believe C. make D. accept


1 normal adj. 正常的

2 unwillingly adv. 不愿意地

3 regretfully adv. 懊悔地

4 risk n. 风险 v. 冒…的风险

例句 When children start smoking, they don't realize that they're risking their health.


5 fortune n. 运气

6 lower v. 降低

例句 Kayla lowered her voice as they approached.


7 practical adj. 实用的

8 march v. 行军


1 lay down 放下

例句 She laid down her knife and fork and pushed her plate away.


2 settle down 定居

例句 One day I'll want to settle down and have a family.


3 go down 减弱

例句 If we don't stop them, our country is going to go down, said James.


4 by mistake 错误地

例句 They got on the No.86 bus by mistake yesterday.

他们昨天误上了 86 路公共汽车。

5 by chance 偶然地

例句 I met him by chance out walking yesterday.


6 hold on 继续

例句 You helped me to hold on at times when I didn't think I could even go on trying.


7 head for 前往

例句 It's amazing how fifteen minor frustrations at the office can add up to one big, bad attitude by the time you head for home.

令很多人惊讶的是,在办公室遇到的 15 次小小的挫败最后会演变得如此之大,以至于回家的时候你的态度变得极为恶劣。


乔·辛普森和西蒙·叶芝是最先登上安第斯山脉拉格兰德峰西面的人。他们( 41 成功 到达山顶,但是在他们回程的路上,情况却很( 42 艰难 。乔摔倒了,并摔断了腿。他们都知道如果西蒙自己一个人( 43 继续 的话,他可能会( 44 安全 返回。但是西蒙决定冒着( 45 生命 危险,努力把乔顺着绳索往下放。

在他们( 46 往下 的同时,天气变得更糟了。然后另外一个( 47 问题 出现了。他们看不到也听不到彼此。西蒙( 48 失误 把他的朋友放低到了峭壁的边缘。乔要爬回来或者西蒙把他拉回来都是( 49 不可能的 。乔的( 50 重量 正在慢慢地将西蒙拖向悬崖。( 51 最终 ,在黑暗和冰冻中度过了一个多小时之后,西蒙不得不( 52 做出决定 。他含泪剪断了绳索。乔( 53 掉到了 (悬崖下面)一个大的冰缝中。他没有食物和水并且处于极度的痛苦之中。他走不了,但他依然( 54 设法 从裂缝中脱了身,开始朝他们的营地( 55 移动 。营地大概有 10 公里( 56

西蒙已经( 57 回到了 山脚下的营地。他以为乔肯定( 58 死了 ,但是他并不想( 59 马上 离开。三天后,午夜,他听到了乔的声音。他无法( 60 相信 。乔就在那儿,离帐篷几米开外,他还活着。 lkbCbtVpLPwwQtxoBA7Nw0YHCICj33y3S8bfUnjOvw8Lq7n8CCcK4j7gmmxAUe4n

