
2013 全国新课标 2

Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker. He is not famous in sports or the arts. But people in the streets(16)__________ him, especially those who are(17)__________.

For those people, he is Gloves Greenberg. How did he get that(18)__________? He looks like any other businessman, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱) . But he's(19)__________. His briefcase always has some gloves.

In winter, Mr. Greenberg does not(20)__________ like other New Yorkers, who look at the sidewalk and(21)__________ the street. He looks around at(22)__________. He stops when he(23)__________ someone with no gloves. He gives them a pair and then he(24)__________, looking for more people with cold(25)__________.

On winter days, Mr. Greenberg(26)__________ gloves. During the rest of the year, he(27)__________ gloves. People who have heard about him(28)__________ him gloves, and he has many in his apartment.

Mr. Greenberg(29)__________ doing this 21 years ago. Now, many poor New Yorkers know him and(30)__________ his behavior. But people who don't know him are sometimes(31)__________ him. They don't realize that he just wants to make them(32)__________.

It runs in the(33)__________. Michael's father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the(34)__________. A pair of gloves may be a(35)__________ thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.

16. A. know about B. learn from C. cheer for D. look after

17. A. old B. busy C. kind D. poor

18. A. job B. name C. chance D. message

19. A. calm B. different C. crazy D. curious

20. A. act B. sound C. feel D. dress

21. A. cross over B. drive along C. hurry down D. keep off

22. A. cars B. people C. street numbers D. traffic lights

23. A. helps B. chooses C. greets D. sees

24. A. holds up B. hangs out C. moves on D. turns around

25. A. hands B. ears C. faces D. eyes

26. A. searches for B. stores up C. gives away D. puts on

27. A. borrows B. sells C. returns D. buys

28. A. call B. send C. lend D. show

29. A. delayed B. remembered C. began D. enjoyed

30. A. understand B. dislike C. study D. excuse

31. A. sorry for B. satisfied with C. proud of D. surprised by

32. A. smart B. rich C. special D. happy

33. A. city B. family C. neighborhood D. company

34. A. honor B. pain C. same D. cold

35. A. small B. useful C. delightful D. comforting


1 sidewalk n. 人行道

2 down adv. 向下 prep. 沿着,顺着,朝着…

例句 She looked down the road to see if anyone was coming.


3 apartment n. 公寓

4 delay v. 耽搁

5 run v. 跑步; 运行,运转

例句 The software will run on any PC.


6 delightful adj. 讨人喜欢的

7 comforting adj. 令人宽慰的


1 keep off sb./sth. 使…不接近,使…远离

例句 He decided to keep off alcohol after the accident.


2 hold up 支撑;承受;延迟;阻碍

例句 Mills have iron pillars all over the place holding up the roof.


3 hang out 泡在某处,与…经常在一起

例句 I often used to hang out in supermarkets.


4 move on 前进,进步,进展

例句 [2011 全国 2] I've learned to get over bad life's experiences and learned how to move on because of her.


5 turn around(round) 翻转,转身

例句 [2011 北京 ] All he has to do is to turn around, cross the bridge and walk to the tree.


6 search A( 范围 )for B( 目标 ) 搜寻,搜索

例句 Detectives are searching the yard for clues.


7 store(sth.)up 把(强烈的感情或问题)郁积,憋在心里

例句 It's no good for you to store up complaints.


8 make a difference 有作用,关系,影响

例句 [2008 全国 2] You made me feel important and showed me that I could make a difference.



It runs in the(33)family. Michael's father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier.

困惑: 长难句

分析: 这句话属于难句,理解这句话的关键在于对 run 这个词的理解,其次是对整个句意的理解。本句中, run 表示“运行,运转”, it 指代上文 Greenberg 赠送手套这件事,字面意思是“这件事情在他们家一直是这样运转的”。此处为了更好地理解,我们稍微转化下翻译,译为“这样的品行在他们家都一直流传”。


迈克尔·格林伯格是一个非常受欢迎的纽约人。他不是在运动或艺术领域有名,而是街道上的人们都( 16 知道 他,尤其是那些( 17 贫穷的 人。

对于这些人来说,他是“手套”格林伯格。他是如何获得那个( 18 名字 的呢?他看起来和任何其他的商人都一样,穿着一套西装并且提着公文包。但是他却( 19 不同 。他的公文包里总是装着手套。

在冬天,格林伯格先生( 20 表现 得不像其他纽约人那样,那些人总是看着人行道,( 21 沿着 街道 匆匆赶路 。他打量着周围的( 22 人们 。当他( 23 看到 有人没戴手套的时候就会停下来。他会给他们一副手套然后( 24 继续前行 ,寻找更多的( 25 手冷 的人。

在冬日里,格林伯格先生( 26 赠送 手套。在一年剩下的日子里,他会( 27 很多手套。那些听说过他事迹的人会( 28 手套给他,于是他的公寓里有很多手套。

格林伯格先生在 21 年前就( 29 开始 做这件事了。现在,很多贫穷的纽约人都了解他并且( 30 理解 他的行为。但是那些不了解他的人有时候还是会被他( 31 惊讶到 。他们不了解,他只是想让他们( 32 开心 而已。

这样的品行在( 33 他们家 都一直流传。迈克尔的父亲以前也经常帮助穷人,因为他觉得这样可以让每个人都更开心。迈克尔·格林伯格也( 34 同样 觉得如此。一副手套也许是件( 35 小事 ,但它却能在冬天发挥很大的作用。 2q1WDYUxgdItheJFiSS7ThcAWXyu6LbZCjXSOvWkyjnLo7wb1/89dyyVBHr7bTTC
