
Reading Guide

I. Word Lists

abundance noun large amount

advocate verb to ask for

allied adjective friends

ancestor noun someone who was your family member before you were born

assimilate verb to join together with

attribute verb said to have done something

blemished adjective not perfect

boom verb to grow very fast

circumnavigate verb to travel around

colonies noun territory owned by the government of a foreign country

colonize verb to take land in a foreign country

comprise verb made up

convict noun a person who has broken the law and is in jail

creation noun the beginning of something (the world)

debate verb people with different opinions talking

defeat noun loss

defence noun safety

demand noun want

descendent noun someone who is your family member after you are born

discipline verb train someone to do as you say

discriminate verb dislike someone because they are different to you

endured noun continued

ensuing adjective happening immediately

exclude verb to keep out

expose verb to show

foundation noun the first or the botto

generation noun the time between your birth and the birth of your children

harmoniously adjective happily without problems

indigenous adjective native, the first

indignity noun something that makes someone feel bad

influx noun a flow

invasion noun take over by using large numbers or by fighting

negotiate verb to bargain with

oral adjective spoken

outskirts adjective at the edges of a place

penal colony noun place where bad people are sent to live together

perish verb to die

portray verb the way something is written, drawn or said to be

punishment noun someone bad is made to do something they don't like or has something taken away from them

racist noun someone who does not like people from other nationalities

reflect verb look back at

resentment noun feel angry about what has happened

reserves noun land where only certain groups are made to live

resistance noun try to stop something

rivalry noun friendly fighting

sentiment noun feelings

starvation noun die because of hunger

successive adjective one after another

termite noun an insect like an ant that eats wood

tradition noun the way things are always done

uncivilized adjective like an animal

welfare noun money given by the government to poor citizens

wipe out verb none left

II. Comprehension Questions Use your new vocabulary to fill in the gaps with the correct word.

E.G. Mungo Man's __________________________ cannot be traced back to Africa.

descendants/ancestors/colonies answer = ancestors

1. Aborigines are ________________________ Australians.

( indigenous/urbanized/allied )

2. The British began to ________________________ Australia in 1778.

( discipline/wipe out/colonize )

3. There was an _________________________ of food on land.

( endured/abundance/exposed )

4. Aboriginal society is _____________________ rather than written.

( oral/welfare/uncivilized )

5. Aboriginal people are able to live _______________________________ with nature.

( excluded/harmoniously/successively )

6. Aborigines had no __________________________ to European illnesses.

( resistance/tradition/sentiment )

7. Half the indigenous population of Sydney was _______________________ from smallpox.

( portrayed/ boomed/wiped out )

8. Poor people often live on the ___________________________ of towns and cities.

( punishment/outskirts/urbanized )

9. Black people have often been ___________________________________ against in Australia.

( punished/discriminated/circumnavigated )

10. When Aborigines __________________________ for land rights, they won.

( advocated/resisted/comprised )

11. White Australians __________________________ suffering on black Australians.

( demanded/inflicted/resente )

12. The First Fleet carried 778 _____________________.

( penal/convicts/termites )

13. Prison guards ____________________________ people living in penal colonies.

( disciplined/created/discriminated )

14. The First Fleet was _________________________ of sailors, prisoners,guards and free settlers.

( comprised/advocated/oral )

15. The ___________________ of gold diggers improved the convict colonies.

( welfare/blemish/influx )

16. The Australian economy _________________________ before the drought of 1890.

( exposed/boomed/assimilated )

17. Australians felt __________________________ when foreigners took away their jobs.

( resentment/exposed/endured )

18. Non - Europeans were mostly ______________________ from immigrating to Australia.

( reserves/excluded/tradition )

19. The Royal Australian Navy was used as local ______________________.

( welfare/defence/foundation )

20. The ANZACs were ____________________________ at Gallipoli.

( defeated/generations/successive )

21. After the war, Australians thought they would ____________________ without immigrants.

( starve/perish/demand )

22. Australians _____________________________ on how their history was portrayed during the bi - centennial.

( reflected/demanded/negotiate )

23. Sometimes British colonisation is seen as an _____________________.

( allied/attribute/invasion )

24. Mary McKillop set up _______________________ institutions to help the poor.

( penal/welfare/punishment )

III. Answers to Comprehension Questions

1. indigenous

2. colonize

3. abundance

4. oral

5. harmoniously

6. resistance

7. wiped out

8. outskirts

9. discriminated

10. advocated

11. inflicte

12. convicts

13. disciplined

14. comprised

15. influ

16. boomed

17. resentment

18. excluded

19. defence

20. defeated

21. perish

22. reflecte

23. invasion

24. welfare BATf9fMMjr8Z2PI0tGwMIB96NKZQIJDJZfqartkzoki6FMk8sLFp0I1lblbzpMsa
