
Reading Guide

I. Word Lists

aggravated noun angry

bacteria noun small living beings

continent noun one of seven large landmasses with countries

defend verb to fight in order to keep something

detect verb to notice

digest verb to pass food through the body

distinctive adjective different from all others

enhance adjective to make better

hemisphere noun half of the planet Earth

intriguing adjective very interesting

performance noun a show that people watch for entertainment

poisonous adjective something that kills when it enters the body

predator noun an animal that kills and eats other animals

progress verb to move forward

recognized verb known by sight

reinforce verb to make strong

reversed adjective to change to the opposite

rivets noun metal objects used to hold two pieces of metal together

rusting verb metal turning orange when wet

sacred adjective belonging to God

sling verb to throw

suffocate verb to die from not having enough air to breathe

swoop verb to fly quickly downwards

territory noun a large area of land in a country

tropical verb a hot place

uninhabitable adjective not safe for people to live there

unique adjective different from all others

urbanized adjective a place with cities

venom noun the poison that kills

II. Answers to the quiz

1. Australia is the largest island in the world. True

2. It never snows in Australia. False

3. The island of Tasmania is part of Australia. True

4. Australians call the toilet the loo . True

5. The Harbour Bridge is in Melbourne. False

6. Wild Australian dogs are called desert foxes. False

7. Christmas in Australia is in summer. True

III. Comprehension Questions Each of the sentences below is incorrect. Can you detect the problems? Find the information in your reading and change the sentence so it is correct.

E.G. Australians who don't know you will kiss you on your cheek to greet you. ( X )

Australians who do know you will kiss you on your cheek to greet you. ( )

1. Australians are serious and they work hard.


2. Australians will say Fair Dinkum when they are thanking you.


3. Australia is one of the most densely populated countries in the world so it is overpopulated.


4. Australia, like China, has only one time zone.


5. Winter in Australia is from March to May.


6. Because Australia is so dry, 10% of the land is uninhabitable.


7. The Australian Alps are found in the tropical northern part of the country.


8. Kangaroos and koalas cannot walk backwards.


9. Koalas have water in their stomachs to help them digest poisonous eucalyptus leaves.


10. Sharks need to sleep so they don't suffocate.


11. Platypus venom can kill a small child.


12. The Dingo is a wild dog that is native to Australia.


13. Kookaburras laugh whenever it is about to rain.


14. The roof of the Sydney Opera House looks like a flower opening up


15. A Swagman is a traveller from another country who sleeps outside.

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