

Day and Night

Earth spins in a complete circle once every day. The Sun and Moon look like they are moving across the sky, but they are not moving. Earth is moving!

As the Earth spins around, the side we live on turns toward the Sun. When we see the Sun, it is daytime.

Earth continues to rotate all day. The side we live on turns away from the Sun and it becomes dark. It is nighttime and we can see stars.

We always have day and night because the Earth never stops rotating.

Word List

rotate : to move around in a circle

You Practice

I. Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No for each one.

____ 1) At night, our side of Earth is away from the Sun.

____ 2) At night, it is dark all over Earth.

____ 3) At night, Earth stops rotating.

II. Complete the sentences with words from the reading.

1) The Earth r _ _ _ _ _ _ like a spinning top.

2) When light from the Sun hits the Earth, it is d _ _ _ _ _ _.

3) During the n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, we are on the other side. This is what causes day and night!

III. Answer the following questions.

1) If it is daytime where you live, what do you think it is like on the other side of the Earth? Why?

2) How long does it take for Earth to spin around once?

3) What causes nighttime to happen?

IV. What's the word? Using the clues, write the correct words from the reading.

1) to spin, move around in a circle: r _ _ _ _ _

2) to not be light: d _ _ _

3) we see these at night: s _ _ _ _

4) It is very bright: S _ _

5) The Earth and Moon are this shape: c _ _ _ _ _

6) doesn't stop, keeps going: c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZKCYeoCKVDpGr/89daiQt0KAlmbNj2sJF7++aH/o7udPdfZKDYk0nHvq27AExXxV
