

Many Kinds of Leaves

Every kind of tree has leaves, but the leaves have many different shapes.

The leaves of some trees are flat. These trees are found in places that are warm in summer and cold in winter. In the spring and summer, these leaves are green. However, in the fall these leaves turn to colours such as orange, red, and yellow.

Evergreen trees grow in cold places. The leaves of the evergreen are thin and pointy. They look like needles and stay green all year.

Evergreen leaves are very strong. They do not blow off or fall off. On the other hand, trees with flat leaves lose their leaves in fall. The leaves dry up and fall off.

Word List

needles : things that are long, thin, and sharp

blow off : come off because of strong wind

You Practice

I. Complete the sentences with words from the reading.

1) There are many different kinds of l _ _ _ _ _.

2) All leaves are g _ _ _ _ in the summer.

3) Some leaves turn o _ _ _ _ _ in the fall.

4) The leaves of evergreen trees look like n _ _ _ _ _ _.

5) Flat leaves fall off in f _ _ _.

II. Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No.

____ 1) Evergreen trees lose their leaves in fall.

____ 2) Trees with flat leaves are green in winter

____ 3) Trees with flat leaves are always the same colour

____ 4) Evergreen trees grow in hot places.

____ 5) Pointy leaves look like needles.

III. What's the word? Using the clues, write the correct words from the story.

1) the coldest season of the year: w _ _ _ _ _

2) all trees have these: l _ _ _ _ _

3) we can find many trees here: f _ _ _ _

4) the warmest season of the year: s _ _ _ _ _

5) in the fall, flat leaves do this: d _ _ u _ 8EPAlRA/JVN42vLxcaAASllt68oGU1XjF2tErQiwqWjrt4E6huB55mumpu0LMD6T
