

Where do Whales Live?

The ocean is very large and full of salty water. Whales and many other animals live here. Whales are very big, so they need to live in a big area. There are many different kinds of whales. Many of them eat a very small animal called krill. These animals look like shrimp.

Lakes are very different from oceans. They are much smaller and the water is not salty. Plants and animals live in lakes, but they are not the same as plants and animals that live in the ocean.

Some whales visit lakes, but they can't live there because lakes are too small. Lakes also don't have krill for whales to eat.

Word List

shrimp : small animals that have ten legs and live in the ocean

You Practice

I. How are oceans and lakes the same? How are they different? Write your answers in the chart.

Oceans and Lakes

Same   Different

1)    1)

2)    2)

3)    3)

II. Fill in the blanks—Complete the sentences with words from the reading.

1) ______________ and ________________ are two small animalsthat live in the ocean.

2) ______________ are smaller than oceans and have fresh water.

3) Lakes are too _______________ for whales to live in.

4) Oceans have _______________ water.

5) Oceans are much _____________ than lakes.

III. Short answers—Find the correct words in the reading.

1) different kinds of water: s _ _ _ _, f _ _ _ _

2) small animals in the ocean: k _ _ _ _, s _ _ _ _ _

3) places that have water: l _ _ _ _, o _ _ _ _ _

4) not small: l _ _ _ _, b _ _

5) they live in lakes and oceans: p _ _ _ _ _, a _ _ _ _ _ _

6) they have ten legs: s _ _ _ _ _ oI0ETZl0pbxf2aKLJug/+rt+rfqhdaow/CvZ7nT8613mYDNSiokoBZvrNlkjjqdK
