

Why do Camels have Humps?

Camels live in the desert. It is hot and dry and there is not much food or water.

It does not rain much in the desert. Not many plants grow and animals must look hard for food and water. Sometimes it is very far away.

A camel stores fat in its hump. The fat helps the camel go without food for a long time.

A camel also has other body parts that help it live in the desert. For example, a camel has big feet to help it walk in sand. It also has long eyelashes to keep sand out of its eyes.

Word List

stores : keeps or saves for later

hump : a round thing that looks like a hill on a camel's back

You Practice

I. Complete each sentence. Write the word.

Some camels have one h _ _ _.

Some camels have two h _ _ _ _.

Camels must look for f _ _ _ and w _ _ _ _.

Camels have big f _ _ _.

Camels have long e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

II. Read about camels. Write Yes or No.

____ 1) A camel's big feet help it swim.

____ 2) Long eyelashes keep sand out of a camel's eyes.

____ 3) Some camels live in the ocean.

____ 4) Food is easy to find in the desert

____ 5) All camels have just one hump.

III. What's the word? Write the correct words from the reading.

1) These are usually green: p _ _ _ _ _

2) If something is not close, it is: f _ _ a _ _ _

3) A lot of this is found in the desert: s _ _ _

4) This means to get bigger or taller: g _ _ _

5) This falls from the sky: r _ _ _

IV. Word groups—Write words from the reading that are similar to each other.

1) They are alive: p _ _ _ _ _, a _ _ _ _ _ _

2) We put these into our bodies: f _ _ _, w _ _ _ _

3) These are body parts: h _ _ _, f _ _ _, e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, e _ _ _ VOgkkFQVMl9DLwK+25bNfqjXEBjUzgfeyIi6KZj1G0foTBX8fyMhyELyvV4ylNDP
