
The King Penguin

The king penguin is the world's second largest penguin, reaching over a metre in height and weighing up to 16 kilograms.These large penguins are very strong swimmers and can easily reach depths of over 200 metres!The king penguin looks quite similar to the emperor penguin, except it is a little smaller.Its head, neck, tail, and wings are all black.And like all penguins, it has bright orange patches on its ears as well as several layers of waterproof, down feathers that act as insulation.Additionally, it has a special gland for filtering salt so that it can drink salt water.

The diet of the king penguin consists mostly of small fish, squid, krill, and shellfish.They breed in November or December.After the egg is laid, the male takes care of it, while the female goes hunting in the sea to fatten up.She returns to the egg after about 3 weeks, and takes care of it while the male ventures out to sea.When the baby penguin hatches out of the egg, both parents take turns taking care of it.King penguin chicks rely on their parents to give them regurgitated food for about a year.

King penguins are common and their population is increasing.Scientists estimate their population to be about 2.25 million.

Word List

insulation: material that is used for keeping warm

breed: to have babies

regurgitated: eaten and then brought up for babies to eat

You Practice

I.Answer the following questions.

1)What do king penguins look like?

2)What do king penguins eat?

3)What is special about king penguins?

4)What happens after king penguin eggs are laid?

5)What happens after king penguin chicks are born?

II.Word power—Use these words from the reading in sentences of your own.

1)feathers ____________________

2)insulation ____________________

3)waterproof ____________________

4)shellfish ____________________

5)regurgitated ____________________

III.True / False / Not Given—Write T if the sentence is true, F if it is not true, or NG if there is no information about the sentence.

____ 1)King penguins are the largest kind of penguin.

____ 2)Only female penguins take care of their chicks.

____ 3)King penguins are endangered.

____ 4)King penguin chicks feed themselves.

____ 5)King penguins have black wings. nXO1P3xm9ubnyyAtUfLr5YvpRAkCQxWfKeydbHhd5OoT3mtYXmu0eKOTVZmNuQfq
