

Animal and Plants Structures

Different animals have various features that help them to move, eat, hide, and hunt. For example, rattlesnakes have long, thin bodies that can bend and curve. This allows them to fit into holes and small spaces. Their teeth can inject venom into their prey. This helps keep the prey from escaping. Rattlesnakes' tails make a rattling sound that warns predators to stay away.

The grasshopper is another animal that has special features. Their green colour keeps them from being seen by predators. They also have long back legs, allowing them to jump.

Owls have a very good sense of hearing. This allows them to hear the creatures they are hunting. They are also able to fly very quietly so they can sneak up on their prey.

Word List

features : special things that an animal can do

inject : to put inside an animal's body with something sharp

venom : poison that can hurt or kill other animals

prey : animals that are being hunted

You Practice

I. Answer the following questions.

1) What are some special features that grasshoppers have?

2) Why are owls good at catching prey?

3) What special feature do rattlesnakes' teeth have?

4) What colour are grasshoppers?

5) If you could be a rattlesnake, grasshopper, or owl, which would you choose? Why?

II. What's the word? Choose the correct words from the reading.

1) to move very quietly: s _ _ _ _ u _

2) to not go straight: c _ _ _ _

3) a poisonous material: v _ _ _ _

4) to not allow other animals to find you: h _ _

III. Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No for each.

____ 1) Owls are a kind of insect.

____ 2) The tail of a rattlesnake makes a sound.

____ 3) Rattlesnakes can fit into small spaces.

____ 4) Owls fly very noisily.

____ 5) Grasshoppers are very good at hiding. bBK+Bi3Q7HU/rPzoUagOiRDZ88AE+6Rg2Re2mnFcne/goZ04cLHce2U2tXOWeY0X

