There are over 250 species of monkeys. Most types of monkeys eat fruit and leaves, but some monkeys eat insects, other plant parts, and even some rodents. Like every animal, a monkey's diet depends on where it lives. Monkeys that live in a place that grows bananas will eat bananas. However, if a monkey doesn't live near a banana tree, it will find other things to eat. Monkeys are intelligent and like to try new things, especially if their usual food cannot be found.
Word List
rodent: a small animal (such as a mouse, rat, squirrel, or beaver) that has sharp front teeth
intelligent: clever, smart
You Practice
Living things eat food to get energy. We all need energy to move, think, play, work, and stay alive.
1) Complete each sentence. Write the word.
Monkeys eat to get___________.
We also eat to get____________.
2) Draw a line from each animal to a food it eats for energy.
cat | bananas |
monkey | grass |
bird | fis |
cow | worms |
3) People eat many kinds of food to get energy. Circle the things people eat.
apples shoes bread leaves bananas worms
4) Animals need food to get energy. They eat food that grows where they live. Draw lines to match the animals with where they get their food.
monkey | fiel |
cow | South Pole |
penguin | jungle |
5) Read each sentence. Write Yes or No.
____ 1) A monkey eats fish
____ 2) A penguin eats bananas
____ 3) A cow eats grass.
6) Draw a picture of what you eat to get energy. Then write a sentence about it.
I eat ___________________________ to get energy.
Through the process of photosynthesis, plants make food by taking in light through their leaves. The leaves contain a chemical called chlorophyll, which is what makes the leaves green. Plants use their roots to bring in water that is full of nutrients from the soil. They absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide through their leaves. These leaves use the water and nutrients from the roots, along with the sunlight and carbon dioxide, to make a special sugar that the plant uses for energy.
Word List
root : the part of a plant below the ground, attaching it to the earth
absorb : to take in or suck up
carbon dioxide : a colourless gas that has no smell
You Practice
I. Plants make their own food. They need air, light, and water to make food. Complete the sentence. Write the word.
1) A plant uses air, light, and water to make _________________.
2) Draw a picture of a plant. Where are the leaves and roots ?
II. Plants do not have mouths, but plants eat. Plants use their leaves to make food. Plants use their roots to get water.
3) Read each sentence. Write Yes or No.
____ 1) A leaf gets water.
____ 2) A leaf gets sun.
____ 3) Roots get water.
III. Plants use their stems to move food and water. Water moves from the roots up the stem. Food moves from the leaves down the stem.
4) Answer the following questions. Circle the correct answer.
a. What do plants need to make food? (sunlight an oven a mouth)
b. What part of the plant makes food? (sun leaves a hat)
c. What part of the plant gets water? ( a stem roots a rock)
d. Do plants have mouths? (Yes No)