
More than any other.

We all know that China has the longest wall in the world.The Great Wall of China is more than 3,400 kilometres long. However, China has another longest record. Xie Qiuping has the longest hair in the world. Today, it is more than six metres long.

China holds other world records too. It is no surprise that China has the highest population. There are more than 1.4 billion people living there. Did you know that China also has the tallest elevator in the world? The amazing Bailong Elevator in Hunan, China is more than 300 metres tall. It is the world's tallest outdoor elevator.

One very interesting discovery in China was the world's oldest tea leaves. When Emperor Liu Qi's tomb was opened, the tea leaves were found inside. They are more than 2,000 years old. The tomb is in Xi’an which was the start of the Silk Road trade route. Tea was very important in this part of China at that time.

The widest mouth in the world belongs to Francisco Domingo Joaquim of Italy. His mouth is 17 cm wide. That's more than twice as wide as most people's.

It is not likely that a Chinese person will ever have a mouth that is wider than Francisco's, but an 81 year old, Chinese man named Zheng Shusen has the longest eyebrow hair at more than 19 centimetres!

Have a record breaking party! Ask your friends to come to your house and bring a ruler. See who holds the records below. Write your answers.

1. _____has the longest hair. It is more than _____ long.

2. _____has the widest head. It is more than _____ wide.

3. _____has the biggest foot. It is more than _____ long.

4. _____has the tallest neck. It is more than _____ tall.

5. _____is the oldest. (S)he is more than _____ years and _____ months old.

6. _____has the highest knees. They are more than _____ above the floor

Now you and your friends write five of your own records 6d/2Qu4fA/BmowXgeW2k3wMwoMi9BsyYDLRQBmlEulhmY5sizmdlsUiDEdYyRFcW
