
Around the world in 80 days.

See if you can match the city, with the famous site and the information about that site. Beside each city, write the name of the famous site from the word box that you can see there. Beside the name of the famous site, write the number that matches the information about it.

A. London______________

1. This beautiful building sits on the water. The roof of the building is white and looks like the sails of a boat. People listen to music and theatre shows inside.

B. New York____________

2. Here you can see all kinds of animals that live in the ocean. There are more than 50,000 animals living here in the water.

C. Sydney______________

3. This is the name for the great bell that is inside the clock tower. Every hour of the day it rings to tell people the time.

D. Shanghai____________

4. This was a gift from France. It is made from copper, but it now looks green. It looks like a woman and people can go inside it and look out of her head.

E. Vancouver___________

5. This is now a very big hotel. When it was built, it was one of the tallest buildings in the eastern part of the world. It was the first building in this city to have an elevator.

Around the World in Eighty Days is a book about a British man named Phileas who reads in the newspaper about a new train in India. The newspaper says that the train makes travel faster and it is now possible to travel around the world in just 80 days. Of course, we could do that today in less than 80 days, but this story is about the year 1872 when there were no airplanes. Phileas says he can do it and he sets off to try.

If we were to fly around the world in 80 days now, we would have time to stop in many cities and visit the famous sites there. We would fly first to Vancouver and g to the Aquarium. There we would learn about sea lions and how they love to sit in the sun on the rocks in the ocean.

North America is very big so next, we would fly to New York. There we would see the Statue of Liberty which is the first thing people see who arrive in the USA by ship. We might first visit the museum and then walk up the 377 stairs to look out of the inside of the statue's head.

After New York, we would fly to London. There are so many favourite sites there it would be hard to pick just one. Maybe we would walk across London Bridge or take a ride on the London Eye. Certainly we would hear Big Ben ring while we were there.

There are many other places to visit in Europe, but we also need to see Asia on our world tour. We could visit Shanghai and stay at the Bund Palace. Oh, it would be wonderful to spend a night in this hotel before we continued south.

After many hours in the airplane, we would arrive in Sydney where we would want to walk around the outside of the Opera House. Phileas did not make it here. Of course, if he had visited Sydney in 1872, he would not have found the Opera House or listened to music inside.

In the story, Phileas does make it around the world in 80 days. Would you like to try to do that too one day?

1 Sydney: Opera House, 2 Vancouver: Aquarium and sea lion show, 3 London: Big Ben, 4 New York: Statue of Liberty, 5 Shanghai: Bund Palace, GTg/8M7tcjbTQcMHZHCJ34Y5XQkUVEYLmC/cABjFkUate9v0eyBlESIvwNTa0d1m
