

Are you my sister?

Clarissa and Elaine are twins, but for the first seventeen years of their lives, they were complete strangers.

The first time Clarissa heard that there was someone who looked just like her she thought it was a joke. Her friends said they saw her eating with a boy at a restaurant. Clarissa said it was not her and checked her calendar. She had been at her dance lesson that night.

Clarissa thought her friends were joking at first because she really is a twin, but she is a fraternal one which means she does not look like her twin sister Nina. When her friends said they saw her double, Clarissa thought they were being funny.

The second time Clarissa heard that she had a double, was when her neighbour asked when she had started working at the supermarket across town. Clarissa did not work there, but her neighbour said she saw her baking in the back of the store.

The third time Clarissa was told a stranger looked just like her was when Elaine's friend gave Clarissa a phone number and told Clarissa to phone the stranger that looked like her.

The first time Clarissa and Elaine met they knew they were related. They looked the same and their bodies were the same. They both loved to paint and they liked the same foods. Nina, the girl Clarissa had grown up with, liked to stay home and play with dolls. Elaine and Clarissa both loves sports and being outside.

After some time, Elaine and Clarissa found out that they had been separated at the hospital by a nurse who mixed up Elaine and Nina's names and their birth dates on their name bracelets. Elaine was given a new birthday and was sent home to live with Nina's parents. Nina was said to be Clarissa's twin and sent home to live with Elaine's parents.

Clarissa had lived as someone else's twin her whole life. Nina who was a single born child had lived her whole life as a twin.

Oh no! The nurse has dropped the baby's bracelets and mixed their names and birthdays up. Can you help her put them all back on the correct babies?

The blue bracelet belongs to a boy and the pink bracelet belongs to a girl.

The first baby born in November was a girl.

The baby born on November fifth was given a green bracelet.

The purple bracelet was put on the second girl born in November.

Peter is younger than Edward.

The second baby born in November was a boy.

The third oldest baby was given a purple bracelet.

John was not given a green or yellow bracelet.

Anna is older than Mary.

John is younger than Peter.

November 1: Anna, pink  November 2: John, blue  November 3: Mary, purple  November 4: Peter, yellow  November 5: Edward, green OGpiFi2tzkQnzurffvixb2xMMSzwaiKcIwr/4iZBE4FSGc/WbMfL12ShfijwCR6G
