

Is he lucky or unlucky?

Frane Selak from Croatia is either a very lucky or a very unlucky man. He has lived through bad accidents not once, not twice, but seven times. In every accident that Frane has been in, he has usually not been hurt very badly. He has been in bad accidents that have killed others three times, but he has only once broken a bone.

Frane has twice fallen into a river. Once, when Frane was on a train it came off the tracks and fell into a river of ice. Seventeen people died in that accident, but Frane only had a broken arm.

Although Frane often flies in an airplane, he has only been in a plane crash once. Once he was flying when a door fell off the plane. Frane was blown out of the plane. The plane crashed and killed nineteen people. Frane landed on a stack of hay and did not hurt himself very much.

Frane was also in a bus accident twice. Once his bus crashed and fell into a river. Four people died in that accident, but as often happens to Frane, he was not hurt. In his second bus accident, Frane was hit by a bus as he walked across the street, but he was not badly hurt.

Twice Frane's cars have caught on fire. Once as he was driving, Frane saw the fir start in his car. He jumped out of the car before the fuel tank exploded and, as usual, was not hurt. Three years later, another of Frane's cars caught on fire, blowing fir through the air vents. Frane lost most of his hair, but was not badly hurt.

The following year, while driving through a mountain road, a truck drove at Frane. He turned the car out of the way of the truck, but it fell over the side of the mountain. Frane was thrown out of the car and landed on a tree. He watched as his car fall 300 feet and exploded into fire.

Often people called Frane unlucky until in 2003 he won the million-dollar Croatian lottery. Now sometimes people call Frane lucky because he lived thorough all those accidents and won so much money.

1. How many times has Frane had a bad accident? _______________

2. How many times has Frane been in an accident that has killed others? _______________

3. How often has Frane broken a bone in an accident? _______________

4. How often has Frane fallen into a river in an accident? _______________

5. How often has Frane been in a train accident? _______________

6. How often has Frane been in an airplane accident? _______________

7. How often has Frane been in a bus accident? _______________

8. How many times has Frane been hit by a bus? _______________

9. How many times have Frane's cars caught on fire? ______________

10. How many times did Frane lose his hair in an accident? _______________

11. How often have Frane's cars exploded? _______________

12. How often has Frane won the lottery? _______________

1. seven times 2. three times 3. once 4. twice 5. once 6. once 7. twice 8. once 9. twice 10. once 11. twice 12. once f2y2606cQ3D7foDMfmi0/8jIxT/AAuVNwkBFpfOU4u69KJFCkenDc9WByN4ZVsHl
